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for GET

External content by Daniel Krüger; March 11, 2024; WEBCON BPS 2023.1.3.76 The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de This post provides a solution to extracting the latest comments in the standard "Comment" field on the form. The issue with this Last comment text variable is, that’s always the latest added comment, regardless of how old it may be. He

(...) CT UCL_BpsID FROM WFElements JOIN CacheOrganizationStructure as G ON {WFCONCOL:1858} = G.COS_BpsID JOIN UsersCal as A ON G.COS_BpsID = A.UCL_BpsID where WFD_ID = '{WFD_ID}' I actually want to GET the UCL_LicenseType (Integer denoted license type) associated with the user, I've changed the form field to ID, Database ID/ Name and it retrieves an error all the time. Does anyone tried this b (...)

Maybe this is simple and I'm just overthinking it. I'm creating new proposals, each new proposal has an automatically generated # associated with it (PFY2021-xxxx). I have the form rule built to create the string, but I need the number portion to append. The xxxx number needs to increment for each new record entered. I can't seem to create an "application wide" variable that I can reference, c

Hello, Is there any way to collect feedback from mail and send it to Webcon, like 1 to 5 starts rating? I need a solution where the client doesn't need to have an account for WEBCON.

(...) .136. Today i was evaluating the new version with our existing processes, and stumbled upon something that didn't occur to me in the past. I have a crucial picker field in an item list, that has tarGET fields from some of the columns in that same item list. It works in our current PROD version (2020.1.3.411). In 2021 it throws: "Sequence contains no matching element" - Error, and the value is (...)

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone have a good solution for retrieving names/translations of objects within a SDK action? Example: We have the step id: args.Context.CurrentDocument.StepID How do I GET the (translated) step name? Is there some option inside the SDK? I haven't found one, so I'm thinking about passing ids/translations via the PluginConfiguration. I just thought about querying a data source. Ma (...)

Hi everyone, does anyone have an idea whether it's possible to retrieve the users to whom a task will be assigned in the next step? What I've tested so far: - Verified that the variable 'System fields\Assigned persons' contains the current persons during path transition, exit and entry. - Created an SQL statement which returned the latest row from WFElementTasks, and executed this in an action d

(...) Hello everyone, After updating to 2021.1.3.205, I noticed that setting values from available columns to tarGET fields, stopped working when the field is initialized with a default value. Setting the value only works when I manually change the value in the field. I have not noticed such change in changelog (but maybe it is), so I wonder if maybe it is a bug? Maybe some of you have noticed such a chang (...)

(...) s in it: type, subtype, value, start-date, finish-date. My configuration is set to automaticly take value from database and place it on 'value' when I pick 'subtype' from dropdown. I am using the tarGET field option, because 'subtype' is a picker. Everything works fine until I delete some element from the list and then i try to add new one. The value from the new chosen 'subtype' isnt placed in the (...)

We would like to show the link of a generated attachment (from Word-AddIn) instead of showing the whole attachment element. Implementing the link into a HTML element is no problem, but is there a option to "grab" the link to the attachment file? Thanks in advance :)

(...) How to use the mentioned function (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/function-dictionary-for-business-rules-and-form-rules/237) without sql to GET the date value for the last and the first day of the current month in the default value field of datetime type attribute?

(...) the item list. The questions and answers come from a dictionary. Since it's a questionnaire I would have liked to have a drop down for the answers but since this doesn't have an option to define tarGET fields. I moved to the autocomplete alternative. This in turn has the drawback that the it takes 2-3 seconds to load the answers. Using the same data source and filters for the drop down choice fiel (...)

(...) I am looking example of GET ting attributes from Polish GUS to GET information about client (name, address, etc) ?

(...) Hi there, this is regarding Microsoft Graph. I'm trying to GET a Bearer token but I always GET an error message when loading stating: "error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS900144: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'grant_type' I attached a couple of screenshots of the configuraiton. And here's the full error message: Request Start Request-Url: https (...)

(...) Hi, does anyone know how to GET via JavaScript whether the page "is dirty". So I can do a similar check to "You are leaving the form with unsaved data"? Best regards, Daniel

(...) te RS Report' action on 'Generate Contract' path, on exit and also on the second entry but every time the report show empty because I believe the 'Generate RS Report' action being run before the data GET saved in the webcon DB. Is there a way to force the action to run after the form save? Thanks

(...) Hi, I would like to programmatically GET the ID of the form field that triggered a function. How can I do this? The end goal is to set the form field back to its default value in case javascript validation fails. Thanks! Mark

(...) Hello How to GET license for Freemium version of WEBCON? On https://starter.webcon.com/sign-up/ there is no place for login as before (1 year ago) PS. CONTACT US TO GET STARTED > No response

(...) Hi, How can I use JavaScript to GET the ID of a field that triggered a function? The goal is - if JavaScript validation fails on field value change, I would like to revert the value of the changed field back to the default value )or previous value). I was researching the uxContext input parameter, but I was unable to find a function or value in the uxContext structure that would contain inform (...)

(...) Good evening everyone, I'm looking for a way to GET the name of an ItemList within a SELECT statement. I'm planning to build a way to move an ItemList row to another ItemList in the same instance. Therefore I need an autocomplete field with ID=ItemListID(DET_WFCONID) and Name=? . I'm kind of stuck. At the moment I can't even find it under (https://developer.webcon.com/2022/resources/db/). (...)