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(...) tive to the classical “On-Premises” installations that guarantee high availability of the service. This article will cover the Standalone installation of WEBCON BPS without a local Active Direct ory domain. Logging into the system and BPS user list synchronization will be handled via Azure Active Direct ory.   This article assumes the following installation parameters: WEBCON (...)

(...) Environments without a Windows domain can still work with WEBCON BPS as long as it is configured to use Google authentication. However, such a configuration will not allow attachments to be edited Direct ly from the form viewed in WEBCON BPS Portal and using the desktop version of Microsoft Office. To edit files on the form, WEBCON BPS uses WebDav protocols. Microsoft does not support using WebDav (...)

(...) Hello, Currently it always just creates the new subworkflow instance and the user has to manually click on that instance to view it. Is it possible to reDirect immediatle upon creation to this new instance of the subworkflow? Preferrably in the same tab.

(...) Hi everyone, Does anyone has an idea on how to retrieve all "objectClass=contact" from Active Direct ory and use the result as a Data Source? Thank you.

(...) to find Net Bios Name for domain. With synchronization of another domain there is not problem. The permissions have been added. Have any of you had a similar problem? Log below: Download Active Direct ory data: - An error occurred while preparing Direct ory path for domain: 'partners.somesite.pl'. Exception: System.Direct oryServices.ActiveDirect ory.ActiveDirect oryOperationException: Cannot find N (...)

(...) Hi, I want to create attribute where I can see company from Active Direct ory for a current user. In screenshot you can see which attribute do I need to see on the form for the current user.

(...) Hi all! We have a tricky problem, so it seems. We want to reDirect to edit form of another workflow (ID is known). This should be triggered with button click on current form. Button is implemented as Html field and invokes a global menu action which has the correct hyperlink action and also returnUrl to current element. After save of the other workflow element, user should be reDirect ed to c (...)

Hello, Is there a way to check a specific user AD group membership? I want to type a user in a field and then I want to see on which groups this user is(based on AD). It would also be great if the list of groups would be loaded into a list items. I read this: https://alterpaths.com/webcon-admin-process-checking-users-groups/ but it didn't work on me. Can you help?

(...) Hi. Is there a way to query the Active Direct ory only for the department column and add this as a datasource. What I'm seaking is a list of all departments we have in the company. Kind regards Klaus

Hi, what is the proper way to handle AD login name changes in Webcon? I have this problem: I am synchronized with Windows AD. For instance I have a user in AD with login username: test.webcon and domain @webcon.com So the UPN for this particular user is test.webcon@webcon.com. And let's say the user changed his name to Test NewWebcon. So the AD administrator changed the user AD login n

(...) Hi, i've updated to 2022.1.4.155 and now I can't use the Active Direct ory actions. Same error on add group/user and delete group/user. Where I can register this service? There is no comment in last release notes or install guide. My last working version is 2022.1.4.84. BTW: The new feature to add error codes to interrupt user synchronization isn't visible... Thanks and best regards Daniel

(...) After upgrading WebCon to version 2022_1_4_204, a problem arose with synchronizing BPS users lists with Azure Active Direct ory. When synchronizing, the Event Viewer displays the following error. System.Memory Category: Exception Role: UserSynchronization System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Numerics.Vectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f (...)

(...) Hi, Is there a set of rules, an instruction on how to Direct ly (using insert-sql) import data into the database (into the WFelements table)? Which field values should we generate so that there are no problems with the operation of the application. Of course, WFF_STPID - step ID, WFD_DTYPEDID - form ID depends on the process, and the rest, e.g. RowVersion (some hexadecimal value) ? And other?

(...) Hi. Usually, when a user completes his task he will be reDirect ed to the applications dashboard. In a particular use case I have revoked access to the dashboard for certain users. Therefore, upon completion the system attempts to reDirect but since there's no permission it will throw an error. Is this possible to prevent/circumvent? Thanks.

(...) W designer studio chcę włączyć 'Obsługę modyfikowania obiektów w Active Direct ory'. Czy serwer, na którym jest zainstalowany designer studio musi być w mojej domenie? Przy próbie zapisu otrzymuje błąd dotyczący loginu i hasła, pomimo tego że są one poprawne.

(...) Hi everyone I started using Webcon in May, so I'm pretty new to everything. I'm trying to setup an internal process to move and lock Active Direct ory users. This involves moving the user to a different OU, but I can't seem to find this option in Webcon (other than executing Powershell which I'm trying to avoid for security reasons). Does anyone have experience in this? Greetings from Switzerland (...)

(...) e employee list, generate an Excel file and prepare demand in the Word file.   Fig. 1. The workflow diagram   On the workflow there are three intermediate steps – they Direct the form to each department from which the employees are needed. The table describes the form fields used in the process:   Form field Type of form field Pro (...)

(...) aying your table and list:   Fig. 15. Configured tables   The last element is to inform the system from which list and table data should be loaded. To do this, add tags that Direct the system to the specified values:   Fig. 16. Tables after adding tags   In Fig. 8 next to the tags are GRIDID and FIELDID (in our case 5400 and 4754) – they are tabl (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction Nesting business rules in the form rules allow you to refer to data contained in Active Direct ory or external data sources. This extends the functionality of form rules and allows you to use data outside the form when defining the process logic.   Execution of a form rule for a specific group of us (...)

(...) -top-right-radius border-top-style border-top-width border-top border-width border bottom box-decoration-break box-shadow box-sizing caption-side clear clip color cursor Direct ion display empty-cells fill float font-family font-size-adjust font-size font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight font hanging-punctuation height justify-content (...)