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for UI

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Jarosława Markopolska   Introduction One of the crucial parts of digital transformation is being able to find anything you need qUI ckly. Because of that, WEBCON BPS Portal contains a bUI lt-in SOLR search engine. For more information about SOLR see -> Portal search engine - how does it work?.   Hint window (...)

(...)  PDF version   1. PrereqUI sites (SharePoint platform)   1.1.Software   Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 or Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013/2016/2019 MS SQL Server 2012 or higher (full text search mode reqUI red) Active Directory (or Azure Active Directory) environment 1.2.H (...)

(...) ocess can be seen below:     Summary The concepts presented in this article allow for improved user adoption rates of WEBCON BPS applications. It also allows for a more intUI tive work for users who are already familiar with workflows, but are frequently need help. The tooltips and information will show them the way. It is always worth it to spend some additional time on a (...)

(...)   PDF version   1. PrereqUI sites (SharePoint platform) 2. PrereqUI sites (no SharePoint platform) 3. High availability 4. WEBCON BPS databases 5. Disaster-recovery scenario (SharePoint platform) 6. Disaster-recovery scenario (no SharePoint platform) 7. Good practices in WEBCON BPS platform maintenance 8. WEBCON BPS Farm internat/external communication diagram (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Adrian Baszak “QUI ck paths” is a standard functionality allowing for the use of a transition path without editing the form as well as several instances at the same time. “QUI ck paths” can be found useful wherever a task is repeatable and it does not reqUI re completing any form fields by the user or verifying a large amount (...)

(...)    PDF version Introduction ReqUI rements towards the Customer and the Integrator General information solution reqUI rements Initial data import into WEBCON BPS Exemplary description of integration message   Introduction Document description The document sets out design and technological WEBCON BPS reqUI rements for integration o (...)

(...) This document contains:   Enterprise (Standalone) installation prereqUI sites, diagrams, and scaling SharePoint-hosted installation prereqUI sites, diagrams, and scaling Planning for High Availability WEBCON BPS Databases overview and size estimation Disaster recovery for Enterprise and SharePoint Good practices for system upkeep WEBCON BPS Farm communication diagram List o (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka Introduction From version 2021.1.4.36, new bUI lt-in functions have been introduced to WEBCON BPS. These functions are used to set the reqUI redness of fields on the form. They allow you to configure the form in terms of dynamic setting reqUI red fields to be completed. Business case The ability to set the reqUI red form fields (...)

(...) nctionalities, including HTML templates that allow you to generate PDF or HTML files and send custom e-mails. This article explains how to identify the item list and data table form fields using the GUI D identifier in HTML templates used in the “Generate a PDF file”, “Generate an HTML printout”, and “Send a custom e-mail” actions.   GUI D The GUI D num (...)

(...) This document contains:   Enterprise (Standalone) installation prereqUI sites, diagrams, and scaling SharePoint-hosted installation prereqUI sites, diagrams, and scaling Planning for High Availability WEBCON BPS Databases overview and size estimation Disaster recovery for Enterprise and SharePoint Good practices for system upkeep WEBCON BPS Farm communication diagram List o (...)

(...) art and will give you how Playwright could be useful. Changes: Tab support Collapsed group support Provide step id instead of the title to verify it Define whether a field should be reqUI red Check field values without setting them If you are interested in this or other things you could ask me them during my next Ask Me Anything YouTube live event on 14th May. If you want to kn (...)

(...) p;; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.118 The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de A colleague introduced me to Playwright from Microsoft. This is a tool you can use for automating UI testing.  If you have no idea, what this means, imagine the following: You have an approval workflow. Person one provides some information and submits it. The second one reviews and (...)

External content by Daniel Krüger; May 5, 2024 ; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.118 The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de I've finished a new post about using Playwright with WEBCON BPS. As I needed to add support for more field types, I didn't want to define the test data for each step and field type on my own.  Therefore, I focused this time on

(...) e full writeup for this feature can be found here: Path authorization. SMS – a one-time authorization code will be sent to the phone number of the end user performing the activity that reqUI res additional authorization. The phone number to receive the code via SMS is specified in the user’s profile. The user must enter the authorization code in the form window to confirm their iden (...)

1.) Delegated tasks or tasks received because of substitution rules are always shown as "Substitution". This confuses people sometimes, because they then might think they will receive all of the delegators tasks. It would be better to show delegated tasks as Delegated. 2.) Since we updated to Version 2019 and 2020 we lost the functionality for users to create substitutions for other colleagues. T

(...) In new versions o WebCon BPS using Word templates are now using GUI D identifier witch enables using it's in all environments. But the functionality o Word templates are very simple. It's now enough flexible for control conditions for hide, show etc. information's. For example: You can not show header of table, but empty row is always. In HTML you can control this. Adding using GUI D in HTML template (...)

(...) Hi, I'm wondering if I missed something or there's another/bezter way to add a reqUI red boolean field. My current approach is to define a choice field with true/false options, set a label "select an option" and mark this field as reqUI red. I'm using global constants for the IDs so that I can check the value of necessary. I don't use the boolean field itself because an unchecked boolean field w (...)

(...) QUI ck Manual should be entry point, to see qUI ck manual right now user must enter form to start process first. The order shall be the other way: first read manual, later start process.

I try to implement a ConfigEditableItemList in a custom action in C#-code. When I go over the ConfigEditableItemList I get the message: "The class with the item list configuration must implement: IConfigEditableItemList". I implemented an example but when I upload the SDK into Webcon I get an error that there is the implementations missing and I can see nothing from the SDK. Has someone expe

Hi, I have noticed that you can create multiple content databases on one Webcon installation. Why and how would you actually use that? It would be great if you could segregate the instances of different business entities in different databases, but I am not sure that is possible. What else do you know about this subject of multiple content databases on the same Webcon portal. Thanks, Razvan