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for e-mail notifications

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Agnieszka Burda   Introduction  e-mail notifications are one of the most frequently used methods of informing employees about new tasks in WEBCON BPS system. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from which process they were sent because they have the same sender address. In addition, they often contain all form fields from the form – even t (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Jarosława Markopolska   Introduction WEBCON BPS is used to send e-mail notifications to system users. This allows for communication and the efficient performance of tasks. This functionality is often used in different processes. During configuration, you can block e-mail notifications to the end recipients by using the deployment mode functi (...)

(...) user is saved in the database when the users perform the action (going through the transition path) in any application. If the configuration does not allow users to change the interface language, the e-mail notifications will be sent in the language in which the application is presented. When the e-mail notification is sent to more than one person (including DW recipients), the e-mail will be sent separately to al (...)

(...) f electronic mail accompanies us both at work and in private contacts. Very often it facilitates problem solving and speeds up decision making. There are several actions in WEBCON BPS used to send e-mail notifications : Send a standard e-mail – a standard e-mail, a notification is defined as an action or on a given path, without the ability of individual configuration Send a custom e-mail – an a (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction The processes designed in WEBCON BPS use the e-mail sending actions in their workflows – e.g. e-mails about active tasks waiting for the user or e-mails containing various reports. The configuration of sending e-mails was described on the technical blog -> E-mails and templates in BPS.

 PDF version   1. Prerequisites (SharePoint platform)   1.1.Software   Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 or Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013/2016/2019 MS SQL Server 2012 or higher (full text search mode required) Active Directory (or Azure Active Directory) environment 1.2

(...) o;).   Fig. 1. Configuration of the system language in WEBCON BPS   The language selection allows you to define a language in which the application content is displayed and e-mail notifications are sent if "According to global settings" is selected as the Application language. There are two main modes for defining the global language - Suggest language and Force language.  (...)

(...) sses. For more information about global and local templates see E-mails and templates in WEBCON BPS.   Global e-mail template The global e-mail template is used in all standard e-mail notifications in a given environment. In the case of custom notifications, the global template is used by default, unless a dedicated template was used in the process.   You can configure the global templa (...)

Applies to version: 2017.1.x and above; author: Jacek Język Introduction The BPS users list contains all information about users in the system. The AD cache was replaced with the BPS user list, but the AD and AAD are still the preferred methods for managing user data. The BPS users list will now combine users synchronized from the AD or AAD with those from external authentica

  PDF version   1. Prerequisites (SharePoint platform) 2. Prerequisites (no SharePoint platform) 3. High availability 4. WEBCON BPS databases 5. Disaster-recovery scenario (SharePoint platform) 6. Disaster-recovery scenario (no SharePoint platform) 7. Good practices in WEBCON BPS platform maintenance 8. WEBCON BPS Farm internat/external communication diagr

(...) is dictated by circumstances occurred (e.g. form field value, currently logged in user) Actions List of actions executed by the system when going through the path  (validations, e-mail notifications , recalculating form field values) Report Information required to add a new report. Tab. 5 Information about reports Reports Required:   (...)

(...) ve; author: Anna Sobota Introduction The new version of WEBCON BPS mass e-mail notification system presents a great array of possibilities to adjust the contents and graphical solutions of mass e-mail notifications to the user’s current needs. Similar to the previous WEBCON BPS version the system administrator can define the day and time of the e-mail notification taking into account of the nature and wor (...)

Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz Introduction WEBCON BPS uses services to run special operations that generally do not require user interaction. Unlike Portal, which acts as a host for a website, the service can have multiple roles performing calculations and executing long operations defined previously by a user. This article describes the roles the

(...) Introduction This article aims to compile a list of minimum permissions for Microsoft Graph applications that will be used for handling four mailbox-related features available in WEBCON BPS. e-mail notifications Administrative notifications HotMailBoxes MailApproval   Each of these features can be configured to use Server type: Exchange Online - Microsoft Graph which allows them to work (a (...)

(...) Server type, additional configuration will be required on Graph’s end, which will be covered later in the article.   Enabling the option Toggle the option in System settings -> e-mail notifications -> Configuration of sending E-mails -> Allow "Send as"   With this now enabled, it will now be possible to use a sender address different than the default one in the config (...)

(...) rmation email - message” field. The message is sent to the e-mail address entered previously along with a link to the shared instance and sent in accordance with the global template for sending e-mail notifications (the “System settings” button → the “e-mail notifications ” node → “Configuration of sending e-mails). To determine the level of privileges of an individual (...)

(...) eturn to them.   E-mail contents We can strictly control what is sent in e-mails (standard and custom). There is an interesting option in the configuration of form fields: Never show in e-mail notifications . It’s worth noting that technical fields also won’t be included in e-mails. In the template configuration on a process, and in the action that sends a custom e-mail, you can contro (...)

(...) Currently there's no option to manage e-mail notifications in Webcon BPS. It would be a nice feature for users to be able to manage from which process / step they want to receive notifications and from which not. Just like they can personalize portal main page. Now if user are assigned to a lot of applications, it usually create mail rule in it's mail client which move all notifications to one place, which provides (...)

(...) Dear Community, just a general question about e-mail notification with Microsoft 365 accounts. On 01.10.2022 Microsoft will disable Basic authentication. How do you plan to keep working e-mail notifications with SMTP from M365?

(...) is not related with "Action templates" then there is no prefix if action is saved as "Action templates" and template is using "default" Template - no prefix but if any Action template is using "e-mail notifications " template then prefix appears like: "[PROBPS#21293]" I don't know where I can configure it to remove or change prefix ... P.S. I have on " Deployment mode for e-mail notifications " ...