(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x; updated for 2025.1.x; author: Tomasz Słuszniak Introduction From version 2020.1.3.321 there is the ability to define additional HTTP headers returned in responses from the web server. This functionality can be used e.g. to increase the level of security of WEBCON BPS Portal. This is especially important when BPS Portal is publicly available on the Internet (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I'm not sure with which release the application group headers are transformed to lower case, but could we get rid of it again? I can live with all upper case, but transforming all characters to lower case after the first one is simply not acceptable. - Abbreviations look like word - The corporate design may define how some words are written - It looks like a spelling error. This is even m (...)
(...) Hi, Do you know how to change style of the column headers ? (Webcon 2021) I want to change only headers .
Hi, in my latest post I wanted to link to a header of an knowledge base post. Unfortunately, there's no option to create a link pointing to a header like this one: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2024/translations#bps-portal Therefore I had to write: Search for the term "Using the application and Edit mode" in the linked post, to see how it is done. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/
(...) contents and the borders Cellpadding: the distance in pixels between the cell content and their borders Then create the table content with the tag and put the first row in their, which the column headers will be stored: Fig. 11. The column headers In the tag define the row style: Font-weight: the font weight color: the font color background-color: the background col (...)
(...) uo; tab The “Request body” tab contains data about the file: Body type – multipart allows you to send both metadata and binary data within one request JSON part headers – “Content-Type:application/json” header JSON part value – metadata that contains the file name in the “name” parameter Binary part header – contains &ld (...)
(...) preadsheet and paste the copied data in the first column under the title. Fig. 7. Copying data Remember to use the “Copy” option instead of “Copy with headers ” option - otherwise, the first row in the Excel file will be duplicated. Save the file as a template in Designer Studio.
(...) e are five HTTP methods: GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE The POST, PUT, and PATCH methods additionally require completing the content of the request on the next tab. In the “Custom headers ” tab, you can add additional request headers such as host or API key data. Fig. 6. The Request data tab In the “Response” tab, you can define the mapp (...)
(...) L). The suffix can be parametrized if the API requires it (or allows it). Next, select the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE). In this case, we use the GET method. In the “Custom headers ” tab, you can add additional header parameters according to the requirements included in the documentation of the selected API (in this case – host and API key). In the “Filter (...)
(...) rShell script, to create the collection use the Solr account with the previously set password: $Cred = Get-Credential $Url = "http://solr:8983/solr/admin/authentication" $headers = @{ 'Content-type' = 'application/json' } $Body = "{'set-user' : {'WEBCON_BPS' : 'HASŁO'}}" Invoke-RestMethod -Method (...)
(...) ned. Fig. 8. The selected PUT method and service URL defined In the “Body type” field, select the “Binary” value. In the “Binary part headers ”, the previously created “Content-Type_Share” business rule has been used and in the “Binary part value”, the attachment’s ID from the attachment table using the S (...)
(...) itial row – a column/row from which the data import will start b) Criterion for selection of columns – define the method of assigning columns from the file to columns in the item list (headers or column’s letter) c) Import type: Stop importing on validation error - stops all import when an error is found Skip invalid rows - skips rows with errors Import invalid (...)
(...) curly brace of the Otlp object): "HoneyComb": { "Enabled": false, "Endpoint": "https://api.eu1.honeycomb.io/v1/traces", "headers ": "x-honeycomb-team=[your-api-key]", "Protocol": "http" } Next, replace the [your-api-key] text (provided in the headers section) with the API (...)
(...) lt;div class="text" style="padding: 0 2.5em; text-align: center;"> <h2>[|HeaderMain|]</h2> <h3>[|headers ub|]</h3> <p>[|TaskDetails|]</p> <p>[|TaskDetails|]</p> (...)
(...) icrosoft Outlook, add the following domains to the trusted domain list: https://*.office365.com https://*.office.com https://*.microsoft.com Note: If Content-Security-Policy headers are configured and added to the frame-ancestors section set, the list of trusted domains will be added to domains defined in this header. The exception is the “*” entry, which is ignored. (...)
(...) ard Reports and their views In the case of table reports, users will find it simple to select Menu buttons, icons directly related to report configuration and filtering, report column headers , rows, Instance numbers leading to workflow instances, action menus, as well as elements of all related context menus. Similarly, users will be able to freely navigate through the reports views such (...)
(...) p; "Endpoint": "[metricsAddress]", "headers ": "Authorization=[apikey]" }, "Az (...)
(...) hentication options. I made use of this to add support for accessing SharePoint using client id/certificate instead of client secret. A few features I implemented: Providing custom body and headers Reusing the access token Reusing the proxy You can find the link to the repository and and explanation im my blog post: SharePoint Online certificate authen (...)
(...) c01c4fb-9b82-4912-b410-5e54ef352e2b','clientSecret':'*','impersonation': { 'login': '*' } }", Token_Response = Json.Document(Web.Contents(api_url, [ RelativePath = token_path, headers =[#"Accept"="application/plain", #"Content-Type"="application/json-patch+json;charset=UTF-8"], Content=Text.ToBinary(Content) ] ) ), access_token = Token_Response[token], AccessTokenH (...)
(...) Hi, I want used the global business rule in a rest web services. I try use de business rule in Customer headers , but when I run the action the value it's empty. I added an image with the configuration. (config_restWebServices.png) Is it possible using the business rule in Data sources Rest Web Services? Thank you, Raluca