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for history

(...) al workflows in WEBCON BPS is it good to know how data is stored in the table, what relationships are and how particular information is displayed on the form. The following article describes the WFhistory Elements and WFhistory ElementDetails tables. Table description The tables store data o the edition of the instances and changes of the values when going through the path. The WFhistory Elements t (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2022.1.4 and above, author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction Instance history is an area where the user can check what actions were performed in the Workflow. history details the steps taken by the user and the paths they took to complete the assigned task and finish the workflow. This article summarizes the most important information on the Instance history in WEBCON (...)

(...) Hi all, i thought it might be a good idea to share useful queries that should be reusable for any of us as they are. Although I personally find the built in Workflow-history very useful and really like it for admin-purposes, it might be some kind of an detail-overkill for common users. In order to give users a more simple look of what happened so far in the workflow, I created a datasource that shoul (...)

(...) Dear Community, is there any method to hide history of an element/task from a specific group of users? KR, InnFlow Team

(...) can I change the appearance of the history button on the form? Just add the inscription history next to the icon?

(...) Is it possible to create at the finish stage word file using data from WFhistory Elements table? Where should I store data regarding stages, time of the stages and person details assign to this stage to be able to used them in document template?

(...) Hello, How can I see the run history of a workflow? How to check on which step it failed or if something run? For example, on a step i have a workflow to run a soap service... how to check response and how to get response and use that data to invoke another soap service action? Thanks

(...) ra information/column - we can call it "Remarks", "Others" or .... COMMENT... WebCon BPS has extraordinary feature available out-of-the box without even single line of code...VERSIONING and detailed history . Such feature is really needed for admins/troubleshooting and for business analysis for single "cases" of the flow. Business (and sometimes IT) also needs a brief overview, visible at glance about (...)

(...) Hi! Earlier there was a feature in BPS Studio to search in changes history of processes. It's not available anymore in BPS 2022.1.4. We miss it much. Is there any plan to make it available again?: Thanks!

(...) The history of items sometimes contains from several to several hundred or several thousand items. A proposal to add the possibility of presenting the last 5-10 history elements, because with hundreds of history elements a timeout error is received.

Hi, it would be great to have the UTC time in a hover effect of a time. In the attached screenshot you see the same element but with different times. One browser is running on a server with a different time zone. Even so it's explain it can cause confusion. Therefore some way of displaying the UTC+0 time would be great. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi, as always when a new feature is provided, new requests will follow immediately. :) It would be great to see in the workflow history whether path authorization was used and which method was used. At the moment, it's not at all visible if path authorization was used at all. If the authorization is activated for existing workflows, we can't distinguish which instances have been using it. (...)

(...) In template configuration of vacation template generated process we have 2 important data sources - vacation history and vacation plans. Their display on vacation chart is different - history has legend and colors for different types of absences, whereas plans are displayed just in one color and there are no types. Another difference is that history items do not point to the original item, whereas plans (...)

(...) Can I search for historical information using report search? I mean retrieving information from previous versions of forms (with WFhistory Elements)

(...) 02 (from 2023.1.3.169) I noticed that there are errors in mail sending report. E-mails are delivered but log is filling up with error. Error: "Failed to save information in the workflow instance history about the successful email sending execution" Error details: "Unrecognized Guid format." Attached screenshot with it. In history there is only information about adding e-mail notification to q (...)

WEBCON: Business Process Automation and Management as its best WEBCON develops the Low-Code Business Process Automation Platform, WEBCON BPS (Business Process Suite). This enterprise-grade system allows organizations to embrace digital transformation by digitalizing their workflows and building comprehensive, scalable, process-centric and future-proof applications applying t

(...) ate processes. During each stage, some parameters of the process can change which may cause inconsistencies in the subsequent stages of work. To avoid them, you can create a process that contains the history of changes of the important project parameters. Therefore, whenever a key parameter changes, we want to have a mechanism that will archive them in an instance showing the history of changes in the pa (...)

(...) step, regardless of their number.   Check if the task has been finished in the administration mode To check if the task has been finished in the administration mode, go to the instance history .   Fig. 7. The instance history   At this step you can check who has a task assigned at a given step. Next to the user’s data there is a symbol that informs you if th (...)

(...) tances) are narrowed down to  those from this application.   Fig. 1. The quick search window on the main page of WEBCON BPS Portal   The list of hints is related to the history of WEBCON BPS Portal usage. It is created and updated based on the most frequently selected system instances by the user. The results in the quick search window are presented in order (starting from (...)

(...) matically move you to the step configuration.   Fig. 8. A step configuration window   Shortcuts available in the selected part of Designer Studio Ctrl + H – history of changes. A history allows you to see who, when and on which configuration part has made changes. In the “Application” section the history is available for the applications and selected (...)