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Exact copy of app - how to do it in Webcon?

Hi all,

I am starting my adventure with Webcon.

And as a beginner I sometimes find that Webcon is not what I think is.

Example - I have application named A.

I would like to get an exact copy of this application named B (or maybe almost exact becase of data sources and keywords list).

I want to have all workflows and forms working exactly the same in A and B. The only differnce will be two separate sets of users.

I don't like to use tenant mechanism. It must be another application.

How to obtain this result ? Currently the only way I can think is recreate evething from scrach. But it's crazy.

Any ideas, tools, hints?

I am seasoned Lotus Notes developer and in this world it was just simple as make a new app using a template.


Hi rafal,

you already used the correct term. :)

When you export an application you can export it as a template, this is a check box in the right part of the wizard. Importing this package will result in a copy of the application. Everything und the application node will be copied. Processes, field, configurations etc. Internally this objects will get new Ids. What's not duplicated are darasources. The fields, rules etc. will refer to the old ones. At least this was the case the last time I used this approach.

You can also import the application in another content database, but this needs to be allowed in a configuration setting.

Official documentation:

When you press "Save" and confirm where you want to export the file, the Export window will pop up. Here, you can describe the export package (in the "Description" field) and tick the box next to "Export as a template." If you do so, the process will be exported as a template.

Every time you import a template to the target environment, a new (separate) process definition is created. It happens even if this process was previously imported and already existed in the environment.

If you do not check the box "Export as a template," exporting the application and then re-importing it to the same environment will overwrite the existing process definition.

Best regards,
