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Update permissions for separate processes

Hi All

I need to ask for your help :)
This time I need to update permissions for tasks on separate processes/applications, not linked together.
Let's say I want to give permission to read a document for some domain user or user group.
The problem is that I can't modify these processes.
I cannot modify data from the database side because the manufacturer forbids it :/
My idea is to create a new process and use it to update permissions on other processes/tasks,
but I don't know if it is possible.
Can I use action Add privileges (screen) to touch another process, for example, I indicates custom task ID and person/ad group to whom the permissions are to be added? ID not related to the current process.
I am looking for a solution to be used for several thousand tasks.
Or maybe you have any idea that I could use?

I will be grateful for your help


Hi Michał,

I can confirm that it works with the Add Privilegs action. Also I haven't used it with thousands of workflow instances.

My use case:
There are three workflow instances which determine the current Privilegs of the first workflow. Under specific circumstances a 'privilege maintenance' workflow is started.
This maintainance workflow consists of the following steps :
Get current privileges
Get target privileges
Determine actions
Apply actions

Actions can be: undefined, none, add, update, remove

If you need more specific feel free to ask. :)

Best regards,


In reply to: Michał

Thx Daniel, I was very curious about what You wrote. It would be very useful.
Can you describe it to me and throw some screenshot?

Hi Michał,

I added the item lists definitions and a sample of the action which grants "Read-only" privilieges.

If you are wondering, why I used three item lists. I struggled till I came up with a working version which I can also "debug". :)

Best regards,