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Update Form field Values

I am populating 'WorkflowID population' form field based on the 'Select Marketing support' selection.
Select Marketing support is basically the the type of the request. upon Marketing support selection, populating it's Workflow ID in the 'WorkflowID population' form field.
Once that is populated, I need to set a default value 'Workflow name - test' form field.
I have created a business rule with below If else condition and set as Default value on the 'Workflow name - test' form field but not working. It is setting Test 2 by default.
Let me know if I am missing anything.

If WorkflowID population = 2, then set 'Test 1'
Else Test2.


Hi kaluser,

default values are only set when they are empty. Since the default value is executed when the Form is opened it automatically assigns value 2. At least if the workflow population I'd hasn't been set in a previous step.
You could change the business rule and some other properties to achieve the wanted effect. But it would be easier to use a form rule in the value changed tab of the workflow population Id field. This can set the other field on any value change. You can even execute a business rule from within the forum rule to retrieve the value for the second field.

Another alternative would be to set the second field when you set the workflow population Id. I'm assuming that you set this field using the target field column from the choice field configuration. So you could also add the value of the second field to the source of the query.

Best regards,