In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)
I have a slightly different idea, which I haven’t tested:
Instead of starting the technical workflow from the menu button, which triggers the reload, the button could create an invisible iFrame. The source of the iFrame will be the URL to start the technical workflow. Just loading the page won’t do anything but you could add the url parameter PATH_Id to start the registering path. You only need to enable the path as a quick path. This way the technical workflow should be executed and completed without effecting the parent window.
I hope I didn’t misspelled the parameter. :)
Best regards,
Thanks Daniel for your suggestion, but while you were writing the reply, I've been trying a different approach and it worked. I've created a dedicated table in the Webcon database (I wonder how it will behave when upgrading the server?) for storing the necessary data (who, when and what was accessed). Then I've put an insert statement in "SQL COMMAND" in a business rule. And last - on loading the form I execute a Form rule which invokes the mentioned business rule. The info is stored on loading the form, form reload is not being invoked, all works as desired!
I'm nearly certain that creating a table in the Content database is not a good practise... what do you advise? Another DB? If not, how will the Webcon upgrading engine behave when it finds a table, that should not be there?