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Cannot find 'On entry' action

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Hi everyone,

I am quite embarrassed to have to ask this question because the answer is probably quite simple.

Currently, I am reviewing a Webcon process that I created some time ago. In doing so, I started to implement some things (e.g. sending emails) in a better way.
Now I have noticed that I have an "on entry" action in the step actions in some paths (which was previously responsible for sending emails).

Where can I find this "on entry" automation? The automation is obviously not available in the step under "on entry" (see screenshot) - I have to delete this automation, otherwise mails will be sent twice.
I also noticed that in all steps where the "on entry" action is present, the automation always has the ID 175.
Can anyone help me find out where I can find this "on entry" action so that I can delete the automation.

Many thanks in advance.


Hi Roman,

The automations that you can see in middle pane on your screenshot (On exit/On path/On entry) is a preview of automations that will be executed on selected path transition ("Reject").
The "On entry" automation you're asking about is in fact configured in a destined step, to which the path transits.

My guess would be that you have many paths that transit to that one step, that's why you can see automation ID=175 on many paths.

Let us know if that was the case.
Best regards