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Attachment Meta-Information are not displayed

Hello everyone,

I have an issue where the meta-information (creator and date) of attachments are no longer being displayed.
In the HTML, they are present but the CSS class is set to "display:none" (see image attached).
Where can I change this setting or how can I display the meta-information again?

This has been the case since the update to version 2023.1.2.123.

Thanks in advance.



Hi Martin,

I don't think this is an update issue, as I tested this behavior on 2023.1.2.124 and the attachment metadata is displayed correctly.
Looking at your screenshot, I think .attachment-last-modification CSS selector must've been overwritten, as it is not present in default configuration. I attached a screenshot of my console.
I suppose you may have custom global CSS configured that sets this class to display: none;
Please go to Designer Studio -> System settings -> Appearance and see if you have some custom Global CSS styles configured. See attached screenshot as a reference.

If you don't find the cause of the issue, maybe you could try just overwriting the style with:
div.attachment-last-modification {
display: block;

Kind regards