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Reports that don't link

Hello Community! I have a simple question (at least I think so). Is there a way to make a report that does only show certain columns and DOES NOT link to the details? I have a business delegation process and would like to allow everyone to check who's delegated and when. I do not want everyone to be able to check details of delegation, costs, etc. And clicking on a report row allows me to go to the details - which is what I do not want. Only basic info that I set up in the report should be available. Is there a way to do that? I guess it has a lot to do with user rights, but now I can give a user either a full read access to all the data from the process or no access - regarding data created by an other user.

It would be awesome to be able to create a report from a data source, this would solve the problem, since I could create a data source containing only data I want the users to see.


Nie ma takiej możliwości, jak sam zauważyłeś raporty biorą pod uwagę uprawnienia użytkownika do samego elementu obiegu.
Rozwiązaniem mogłoby być ograniczenie widoczności pól na formularzu, ale nadal wymagane są uprawnienia odczytu do takiego elementu dla wszystkich, co nie wydaje się być dobrym pomysłem.
Sugerowałbym utworzenie dodatkowego obiegu, który przechowywał będzie tylko te podstawowe informacje o delegacji a następnie na jego podstawie utworzenie takiego raportu :)


Hi Michał,

I agree with Sebastian, the safest and probably most maintainable option is to create a "shadow" workflow. At least if you are looking for an "out of the box" solution.

Another alternative would be to use an external tool which displays the necessary data and is embedded on the portal in an iframe. One option would be SQL Server Reporting Services. I'm not sure about PowerBI because I don't have experience with it.

Best regards,

Hello Michal,

the solution with 'shadow workflow' looks pretty good.
there is also additional solutio - that will display basica data, I mean - each of the form field has limitation of Visibility - So i f you are able to prepare univesrsal rule - you may apply it on forms that you want to hide.

Then you may display instances on the report:
1) when user will enter form - business rule should work and it would show / hide specific fields
2) there is no need to take care of additional workflow
3) data in the history of an instance applies the same business rules - so they wont be visible (unless you are in admin mode) or break visibility rules

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Michał,

I agree with Sebastian, the safest and probably most maintainable option is to create a "shadow" workflow. At least if you are looking for an "out of the box" solution.

Another alternative would be to use an external tool which displays the necessary data and is embedded on the portal in an iframe. One option would be SQL Server Reporting Services. I'm not sure about PowerBI because I don't have experience with it.

Best regards,

there is no 'big differnce" between {Reporting Services and Power BI - at least at the level of providing data - in both cases, you need to take care of user contect (I mean - answering question which instances you should display on the report for specific user, and which not) - there is no easy way to get all of the instances with simple SQL query.

Here you may get data (...) where WFD_createdby like '[and here somehow provide current user in Power BI Service]'