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Different BpsID formats between environments

I'm looking for help in changing the format of values ​​stored in COS_BpsID, on my test server the user IDs are stored as UPN (user@domain) but on the production server the format corresponds to samAcoutName (domain\name). How can i change my production configuration to match UPN format?

Thanks in advance


Hi Richard,

is this an old environment? I haven't seen this format as a default settings since years.

Unfortunately I don't have an environment with which I can fiddle, but there is a setting in the GlobalParameters table of the config or content database which defines this.
I forgot the name of it. My best bet is to compare the parameters which have an integer value with 0, 1 or 2.

Best regards,

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Richard,

is this an old environment? I haven't seen this format as a default settings since years.

Unfortunately I don't have an environment with which I can fiddle, but there is a setting in the GlobalParameters table of the config or content database which defines this.
I forgot the name of it. My best bet is to compare the parameters which have an integer value with 0, 1 or 2.

Best regards,

I'll add to this, that changing the config might not be enough (i'm not aware of that one though).

There are already entries in database which have that domain\name format, and changing now to name@doman might break any filters, comparsion and other business rules which depend on fields containing users.
This might require updates on WFElements. I've been using Domain Users as data source for pickers and after one of latest updates those are reaaaaly slow (like 3 seconds to open a form) and I'm migrating to Users and Groups.

Facing same challange - updating WFElements from doman\name into name@domain.