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SOLR indexing failed

After upgrading WEBCON BPS to latest public version (2021.1.3.163) we started to have issues with SOLR indexing.
Here is some part of the error:

Exception at ID: 4572
Error occurred: SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException: {
"msg":"ERROR: [doc=1_4572] multiple values encountered for non multiValued field Attachment_pl_5522_txt_pl: [doc020311_001.pdf , doc020311_001.pdf ]",
---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at HttpWebAdapters.Adapters.HttpWebRequestAdapter.GetResponse()
at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.GetResponse(IHttpWebRequest request)
at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.PostStream(String relativeUrl, String contentType, Stream content, IEnumerable`1 parameters)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Do you get same error in your installations? On previous versions we didn't have this problem. No changes were made in the process it refers to.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


To process problematic workflow elements, please execute query in BPS content databasese:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[SolrIndexerQueueItems](SIQ_WFDID,SIQ_Operation,SIQ_Priority) select distinct SIQ_WFDID,0 SIQ_Operation,1 SIQ_Priority from SolrIndexerQueueItems where SIQ_LastError like '%multiple values encountered for non multiValued%'

Solr indexing queue will be processed, then elements will be stored in Solr correctly.