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AndreeLl B


Grant privilege on instance
09.11.2023 14:45

Hello, I am trying to call this API so i can grant "readonly" privilege to a group on a instance. /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/elements/{id}/admin/privileges I have added App.Elements.Admin.All permission. But i get error: Invoke REST Web service - Request Url: https://domain/api/data/v4.0/d

Privileges to app
03.11.2023 13:55

Hello, Is there a possibility to implement an automation mechanism for granting application privileges, such as the "Metadata access", "Access all workflow instances" permissions etc? I have created a Global action - On start (cyclical) that is creating a group and adding a user to that group, b

Dictionary duplicates
27.09.2023 14:13

Hi, Could you please help by providing some guidance / documentation regarding on how to avoid duplicates in a Dictionary process? (adding from New button and import from excel) Thanks.

14.09.2023 09:57

Hello, Can someone help with some guidelines of how i can see assigned licenses for users and designer studio? I just see the total number of licenses and the remaining licenses, but i would like to see also to whom is that licenses is assigned. Is that possible? Thank you

Thank you!!

Hello, Is it possible to input two different values into the 'Update Related Workflow Instance' action in Webcon BPS Designer, but have them appear on separate lines within the same field? Specifically, I would like to know if there's a way to use a newline character or any other method to achiev

Dictionary unique items
02.08.2023 12:16

Hello, Is there a way to ensure uniqueness of items in Webcon's dictionary when importing data from Excel, to avoid duplication? Thanks.

Sharepoint connection error
28.07.2023 10:25

Hello, I am experiencing a problem with my SharePoint connection, which had been working properly until today. I've tried with multiple users and it is not working, same error. Webcon version 2022.1.4.174 If there is MFA enabled, is there a problem? Because it worked with MFA enabled. An

Parallel Appprovals
18.07.2023 13:03

Thank you for help.

Parallel Appprovals
18.07.2023 08:35

Hello, I would like to build an app based on a parallel approval. (2 different tasks) 1. Approval for Manager 2. Approval for Economics The process must wait for those 2 approvals responses and then decide on condition. (continue process or stop process) Do you have any ideas / suggestion

Generate reports - scheduled
12.07.2023 15:31

Hello. I can;t understand that well and it seems it doesn't work. Can you help with some screenshots of yours?

Generate reports - scheduled
16.06.2023 14:22

Hello, I would like to create some daily or weekly reports based on the requests made that day/week. Is there a scheduled process that can do that? Or Is it possible to achieve this in Webcon? For example, in Power automate there is a scheduled flow that can be set to run whenever you want.

Create new process - Absence
16.06.2023 14:13

Hello, Can someone help me with some information about "Absence" process? Where can i find some documentation? Thank you.

On timeout
07.06.2023 13:09

I think i solved it. It was all about user priviliges..so being an Admin you still have option to edit the step.

On timeout
07.06.2023 09:51

Hello, I have a workflow and a final step where i execute "On a timeout" automation. But sometimes, it is not executing because it says it is checked out by the user. WEBCON BPS Timeout ID (TIM_ID): 2 Message: The element has been checked out by user: Is there a way to prevent this thing?

Can you help giving an example of yours? thanks

Hi, I want to use the action - Send a custom email and get email addresses from a Dictionary. I checked "Selecting addresses by SQL/CAML query" and as Data source: i chose my Dictionary When i write a SQL query it doesn't filter. It shows all columns and rows. In my workflow i have a choice

This user logged into portal multiple times. When i create an action to send a custom email, this is how he receives the email. "To" field is not displayed. Why? And the person who is in "To", receives the email without "Cc" being displayed.

Hello, I configured the action "Send a custom email" to send email: - Direct -> Dynamic: field - Author - CC -> Dynamic: field - choose substitute When i send email, i receive the email without CC: person showing, and the person in CC receives the email, but there is not showing the person i