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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Let me write how I understand it: 1. A field is changed 2. Something running in the background watches a bunch of fields. 3. If a field in this list of field is changed, 2 will run an action Why can't the field itself run such an action? If it's always the same action, you could create a for

Hi, here's an example which executes the the "hide field" action if another field is set. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/conditional-display-of-form-fields/192/3 Best regards, Daniel

Here's an overview of the things we changed: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/updating-to-bps-2023#jquery-replacement-by-cash

I added a chapter which can help you identify potential problems. https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/updating-to-bps-2023#checks-before-upgrading-to-bps-2023

Hi Andreia, you are using the Rate to identify a row (unique value mapping) and assigning this value to the same field? So you are saying Update the row where the Rate is 10 and then set Rate to 10? You mentioned that you want to update the rate for employees, so the employee should be used

On timeout
07.06.2023 21:34

Hi, the "final" is only a term, it doesn't have any influence regarding edit options. What you noticed can happen on any step and as far as I noticed, the timeout will be tested again and again until it was successful or another reason caused the error. Best regards, Daniel

Item list and HTML control
05.06.2023 22:46

It also works with buttons, but they look strange. I will stick with a elements. :) select case when {S:DET_ID} < 0 then 'Save assessment to add a measure' else ( select 'Add measure' as Link ) end as Link

I didn't found any way to "merge" a column yet. If your external data source doesn't use a GUID as id, than you can make use of the fact, that values not part of the database use a GUID as an id. At least this was the case when I last checked it. So you could check, whether the id is like a GUI

Hi Marcin, the behavior /configuration itself wouldn't be changed but you could add a condition to the data source like where IsExternal = 0 This way the data source would not return any values if "is external" is checked. Best regards, Daniel

Item list and HTML control
05.06.2023 12:09

Hi Nik, I'm not sure whether I have tested it with buttons, but data rows with links work just fine in item lists. Best regards, Daniel

Item list bulk update
31.05.2023 08:17

Hi Andreia, I'm sorry I currently have no time to reply. BPS 2023 keeps me really busy testing/changing/documenting stuff. I hope someone else can help out. Best regards, Daniel

Some notes regarding the new field: 1. This is only used for single value fields. In case of multi value fields the old logic is used. 2. In case of multi value fields only the first id is stored. 3. If you have currently, version

Hi Michał, I haven't encountered such an issue. Maybe you can take a look at the event log and see whether there is any hint. Instead of deleting all workflow instances you could also try this approach. It helps me a lot, without deleting all data. https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2022/delete-s

Item list bulk update
29.05.2023 17:53

Hi Andreia, to me this seems similar to my post here. In my case I have a subworkflows which make up steps. During an active step the user can decide , that some steps need to be repeated. For this a dummy subworkflow starts, in a dialog. The user selects the steps to repeat in an item list and

Hi Nik, did you use a proxy to verify, what kind of headers are sent? For example you could make use of httptoolkit: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2022/debug-web-service-datasource I haven't used the REST web service with a dynamic body. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Konrad, you can restore a production database as a test database. We have done so multiple times at least without SharePoint integration. I don't have any experience in regards to this. For the standalone version it would be: 1. Backup of Content, Attachment, Archive databases 2. Deactiva

Attachment access recording
23.05.2023 19:25

Hi Michał, that's always the problem with the forum. If one has a problem there's seldom time to wait on a reply. At least any interested reader has now three different approaches to handle this. :) I doubt that the custom table inside the content database* will cause any issues during an up

Hi Nik, Have you enabled the diagnostic mode to check which sql statement is executed? I don’t have the version but I didn’t have any issues with cascading drop down in a while. Best regards, Daniel

Attachment access recording
23.05.2023 15:24

I have a slightly different idea, which I haven’t tested: Instead of starting the technical workflow from the menu button, which triggers the reload, the button could create an invisible iFrame. The source of the iFrame will be the URL to start the technical workflow. Just loading the page won’t

Hi everyone, I think any changes to JavaScript is worth a dedicated thread, since these won't effect everyone and can be quite technical. As everyone has read the change log, it should be no surprise that we need to apply some changes to any JavaScript based modifications. The cash-dom lib