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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Hi everyone, does anyone has an idea /have a hack to move the attachments / comments option to a tab? I'm currently trying to create a form, which should: - look good or at least ok - be usable with a big multi line text box - while using the task "view" and displayed info panel - has to

Hi Serpa, if you referenced Azure.Core yourself, instead of it being used inside a package, I would suggest, to use the version which is actually used by WEBCON BPS. If it's the same version, you don't need to put it inside the .zip. If it's part of some package there may be a similar problem

Hi Nik, I have in mind, that moving the action to the OnEntry trigger of the step would help instead of executing it on the path. Of course, this may cause other issues, so you may need to have an option to "toggle" this with a technical field which is set during the path. If not, the only o

Just created a new item list and four new fields instead of columns. This alone would be worth an update to a new version. :)

Split PDF based on barcode
04.03.2023 20:00

Hi Tomasz, I was told that we could use any library in an SDK which is already used by WEBCON BPS. Do you have any information which contradict this? Best regards, Daniel

Hi Przemysław, can't you just use the WFD_Signature from WFElements? Regarding the "Select permission was denied". In some version the "BPS_User" or so was added to the database, which is used for executing the sql statements. It has limited permissions by default. For example in one install

Hi everyone, for data sources you can define a common data source and add child sources for the parent "Superior source". These child sources can then be associated to business entities, which allow you to target different backend system for each business entity. If I haven't missed anything I

Input fields alignment
24.02.2023 15:56

Hi Martin, I personally prefer this layout as it is used in our culture in most cases. If you want you could add a styling to the global css to overwrite the default allignment using the global css. .floating-point { text-align: left !important; } Best regards, Daniel

Hi Bartek, let me quote a response I got from a support request for this: " ZGL/4299/2021: Hello, Due to some security restrictions, there is no possibility to execute specific functions directly in the Designer Studio. As a workaround, please create a SQL view in SQL Management Studio

Thanks, I wasn’t aware of this either. This is one of the reasons why I’m browsing the forum. :) Regards, Daniel

Workflow element not opening
17.02.2023 20:53

Hi Mark, I don’t have any experience with the SharePoint version in a productive environment and I’m glad about it. So some of the next ideas may not be feasible. Do you have the opportunity to create a diagnostic log like in BPS Portal? Maybe you could start it, navigate to the element and

Hi Tomasz, thanks for the explanation. :) This seems also to be true for DocuSign 6.2. I'm really glad that most of the time there's no need to work / create plugins. :) For anyone else who searches the forum: The cyclical action shows the last error, in my case this was The type ini

Hi everyone, there's something I really don't understand. I'm currently using BPSExt-Signing-DocuSign extension https://github.com/WEBCON-BPS/BPSExt-Signing-DocuSign/releases/tag/2022.1 When I clone the branch and build it, the build folder contains another (older) "System.ComponentModel.An

Hi Björn, instead of only opening the hyperlink, you could create a little JavaScript which would be executed instead. javascript: sessionStorage.setItem("WebconBPS_FormIsDirty",sessionStorage.getItem("WebconBPS_FormIsDirty").replace(":true}",":false}"));document.location.href="/db/1/app/14";

Unable to delete step
12.02.2023 16:53

Hi Florian, only the Express Edition doesn’t have this option. The other editions have one action "Database retention\Archive workflow instances". One option of archiving is to delete workflow instances. One exception is WEBCONAPPS in a multi tenant / not dedicated environment. The archivin

Hi Damian, I'm sorry, I really did not understand your request correctly and I have to admit I still aren't sure whether I understood your use case correctly this time. If the users enters 5 words you want to return any product which matches at least one word? If this is the case you could

Hi Mark if I'm in a strange situation, I reset the cache, close the designer studio and open it again. In most cases this helps. If it didn't help for some reason I do an IIS reset after resetting the cache. If it's still not solved .... :) Best regards, Daniel

Hi Radosław, do you have the same issue, when "Single row editing" is enabled? I haven't tested and I'm not sure whether it would make a difference. if you have narrowed it down to the requiredness, I would test how the form behave when the form rule "Item list\mark required" is used to set t

Hi Damian, what would be more interesting would be the configuration of the field. :) I just tested it to make sure and it did work as it should. At least after configuring the search mode in the 'Picker' tab of the advanced configuration. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Przemysław, I somehow doubt that you will get a definite answer for the second one. That's also true for my reply. I have only a little experience in this area and known related to WEBCON BPS. In the end you will probably have to test it. Nevertheless here are my thoughts about this topic: