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Jarosław Dziekan


Hi! So I have this Item List in "Orders app". Lets say it has 10 columns. 6 Of those columns can be editable depending on subprocesses or other proceses. So there is a query, that if returns 1 it means that column can be edited by a user, if 0 then the column in this row is blocked. For that I am

Hi, As for now you have 3 options in Item List: add rows, update rows, and replace rows. But there is no option to delete row. It would be really handy especially if there are some flaws in process and some rows on item list that shouldn't be there. Now if you want to delete them by action you have

SQL Server - indexes
05.04.2022 17:18

Hello, Lately I was thinking about SQL optimization. So I did this query on production environments of our 4 random clients. The query shows where probably we should be thinking about putting index, because of high usage of those columns. Of course we all know that putting index on WFElements with

Hello Agnieszka, 2 things to check. Firstly you have to check if you have any Calculated Collumns. If Calculated colums have whole SELECT Query it may have huge impact on performancje, becouse it's nested query. Secondly if your workflow works on custom priiliges added by action it may lower your p

Office Add-Ins instalation
25.02.2021 21:53

I ment it's only way to install Add-In form Webcon Portal - if user wants to install it but we don't need everyone to use it. Of course we use auto distribution method if we can. That's great news!

Office Add-Ins instalation
25.02.2021 17:45

Curently there is only one option to install Office Add-Ins from Webcon Portal - use Internet Explorer. As we know IE is realy old web browser and Microsoft is going to finish support for this browser at 21th of August 2021. We should add support for this feature for modern web browsers.