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Karol Częczek


Hi, It's best to add a screenshot with a query in the attribute, then we will be able to say something more. Regards.

Hi, I have created a template and the image is generated in PDF I am attaching the template file. Regards ---HTML PDF PDF TEST Image async function generatePDF() { const { jsPDF } = window.jspdf;

BPS Groups
17.05.2024 09:44

Hi, We currently have 36.5K BPS groups. Difficult to say. You have to look at performance as a whole, groups, and the number of groups should probably not have a big impact on performance, but it also depends. Because if there are operations all the time and a very large number of them, it is pos

Hi, Try PublicApiSearch Path (GET) /api/data/v5.0/db/{dbId}/applications/{idguid}/search I have created a query with the filter: AttText9:testSearch and in the response I got the data of the element that contained this string. Regards.

Hi, From an administrator's point of view, it would be very helpful to add the ability to add global automation error handling. By this I mean the ability to enable such an option in the global configuration and, for example, add an email notification action about automation errors in the conte

Hi, Currently we have 'Error occured' in the header of the validation message. This often results in unnecessary logging of error reports from users who do not read the content, but only suggest that there is an error. Perhaps it would be a good idea to change the content of the header to somet

Hi, The change consists of changing the default configuration that is created when the timeout action is added to a step. Default settings are interval 1 minute, number of repetitions: infinite number. If we forget to change this setting, it causes unnecessary and large number of versions, cal

HI, I made simple JS it should help you. Regards

SOLVED - Importing XML files
26.04.2024 10:09

Hi, if you don't want to convert it to PDF, but just register a workflow based on the file, it should work for any file type. Regards.

Hi, The idea is to always default to connections to the current database. Now if we have defined others, some others are often substituted by default, which is irritating :) Regards.

Run SQL procedure action
10.04.2024 12:56

Hi, This approach is not recommended. Additionally, the attached data is stored in the [dbo].[WFAttachmentFiles] table within the attachment database linked to the process. If you occasionally need to restore a deleted attachment, it's advisable to download its latest version from the history i

Hi, In my opinion, the biggest advantage of BPS data sources is the ability to link to a selected element. However, the disadvantage is much lower performance in advanced conditions, inability to join data, use union, and combine data from different content databases. By changing the source

Usage of data connections
12.02.2024 12:55

Hi, First, I would try to restart the studio and check if it shows the binding correctly . If you switch between environments, it may lose context. Regards.

Hi, We reported a similar error related to a button that had a link action attached to it. Same error with item permissions. The fix is ​​released in version 2023.1.2.123 I don't know if this fix also covers your case. Regards.

Hi, You can extract this data from table WFD_EnterToCurrentStepDate SELECT WFD_EnterToCurrentStepDate, DATEDIFF(DAY, WFD_EnterToCurrentStepDate, GETDATE()) AS DaysElapsed FROM wfelements WHERE wfd_id = 102711 Regards.

Hi A useful option would be to add the ability to set the horizontal layout of attributes directly in the tab. The same as now it is possible in the group of form fields. Regards.

Hi, You probably don't have a free license anymore, check in Studio > Reports > licenses > license usage. The only quick option is to deactivate the license service in bps studio and activate it again (you must have authorization data for activation). Then assign a new user to the license when

Hi, WFD_Att Choose columns have size nvarchar(1000). When using the 'allow multiple values' mode and having translations in the source into 3-4 languages, additionally if the ID is e.g. guid, this value is exceeded very quickly. Is it possible to increase the database size of this type of colu

Start tile without popup
08.01.2024 11:45

Hi. In version 2023, the method of handling company selection when starting from a tile has been changed. Previously, if the remaining parameters were defined in the button configuration, a form was immediately displayed and the company could be changed directly there. Currently, a popup always

Format DATE
04.01.2024 15:07

HI DECLARE @TodayDate AS DATE = GETDATE(); SELECT UPPER(FORMAT(@TodayDate, 'MMM')) + '.' + FORMAT(@TodayDate, 'dd') + '.' + FORMAT(@TodayDate, 'yyyy') AS FormattedDate; --Another format DECLARE @TodayDate AS DATE = GETDATE(); SELECT CONCAT( FORMAT(@TodayDat