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Markus Jenni


Hi As Raluca mentioned, there is no possibility to create a Word document with rich text fields apart from creating a PDF. I had been looking at different options and came to the conclusion that the only way is to create an SDK action. In other projects, we used SyncFusion's DocIo to add ri

Had time to find a solution for this problem https://github.com/nexplore/WEBCON-BPS-Tips-and-Tricks/tree/main/MissingCommentDialog

Hi Björn Based on https://codepen.io/zsolt555/pen/rpPXOB I managed to change the color of the handwritten signature field. Add the following script into a html field (don't forget the script tags...): var signature = document.querySelector('.editable-canvas__canvas'); var context = signature

Hi We had a similar use case and ended up in writing an SDK Action to copy/move attachments to the target element. However, needs someone with a bit of coding skills, whilst the methods suggested be Karol are available.

In addition to the parameters mentioned by Daniel, we are using the -admin parameter to access the customer environment with our partner account, so that they can use the Designer Studio licences by themselves. Best regards Markus

Hi Roman Daniel is right, you can find this parameter in the embed section when embedding an application. In order to start a workflow without the portal menu, I'm using the embed url. e.g. /embed/form/db/1/start/wf/9/dt/6/form

Support of automated builds
26.04.2023 14:07

Functionalities like import/export applications, update plugin-packages and the generation of process documentations are only available within Designer Studio. Doing things manually tend to end up in inconsistencies. E.g. when packaging a new release, we might forget to update the documentation.

21.04.2023 10:59

Hi Björn Not sure when the function "CONTENT AS BASE64" had been introduced. If not available in version 2021.1.4.154, then you can use SQL-Server to convert binary content to base64 https://medium.com/falafel-software/t-sql-easy-base64-encoding-and-decoding-872ad184bd7e I checked some of m

Hi Tom I've created some actions handling attachments. Adding an attachment should be quite easy by accessing the attachment via the context. E.g. args.Context.CurrentDocument.Attachments.AddNew(this.Configuration.AttachmentName, filledPdf); The variable filledPdf is of type byt

Good to hear that other have the same challenges. I raised a user voice a while ago that points in a similar direction (it is under review). https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/228?page=1#m1694 In my opinion, when the comment check-box is selected on the path and comment field ist empt

Hi Piotr Thank you for sharing your idea. Using images is an interesting approach i didn't thought about. At the moment im talking to the requirements team to go for a template without checkboxes. If they want to stick to the checkboxes, your approach is at the moment the easiest way to solve

We are having a document template with check boxes which should be checked/unchecked based on form field values. Does anyone have experience how to achieve this? I've been trying the approach of using wingdings 2 which basically worked but failed during the conversion to pdf.

Hi Dean At the partner day, dashboard wide filters were announced for WEBCON BPS 2023. Check out the documents in the partner portal. Very likely the reason, why your post is marked as added to the backlog. Best regards Markus

attachment as required
23.12.2022 14:31

You can use the builtin functions "Attachments Count" or "Attachment Exists" on either a validation rule or as an additional path validation.

Massactions in reports are quite usefull, but they only support path transitions. There are cases, where you would like to apply changes to workflow elements which are in different steps. For those cases i would be great having the option to just update the element rather than moving to anothe

When adding or removing a user from a group, you can choose the synchronization mode. Synchronously or asychronously. I prefer using asynch otherwise to action can consume a too long time. So you don't have to worry about synchronization, WEBCON does it for you ;)

Local BPS groups you can compare with SharePoint Groups WEBCON BPS used ages ago. We are using BPS groups in all of our projects because we are more flexible during developing/testing phase. For example, with AD groups it is almost impossible to test whether users have access to the right workflo

Did you consider the creation of BPS groups for each customer rather than users? For each customer you could have a group for modifying and one for read only permissions and use those on all your workflow elements you need to secure. It would be easier to maintain the members of the groups, tha

Change tab in the View
22.11.2022 10:24

Thank you Pawel :)

Change tab in the View
22.11.2022 10:10

Which WEBCON BPS Version are you using? I don't know when this feature had been introduced.