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Michał Ludwiczak


Exactly, I need an Excel file with no headers because this is only accepted by the app I want my users to import this file to. If I only hide them thay will still be there, as you said. Too bad, as this would be easy to program in the designer studio.

Hi all, Is there any way to export data from Webcon to Excel WITHOUT column headings? Can't see such an option neither in export from data table attribute nor from the report. Can this be done in any way?

Hello, I've upgraded my Webcon only yesterday and today it seems that there is a problem when sending configurable e-mail through action. The action is simple and it worked until now (previous version 2023.1.1.89). When the action runs it returns an error "Can't send e-mail: Column 'mail' does not

No Marcin, unfortunately not. :(

Thanks Karol for your answer. Anyway the change in actions concerning attachments was either not mentioned in the change log or I missed it while reading. Anyway, if such a change was made and the action does not accept temporary category names, the action should scream an error while executing inst

Delete attachements action seems to be buggy after upgrading from version 2022 to 2023. In my workflow I'm creating an attachement based on word template and assign it category "plik_word". After that I'm converting it to PDF, assingning the PDF a new category "plik_pdf". In the third step I dalete

Calendar report coloring
28.07.2023 10:54

Hi everyone, I've been working on a "to do" app and I thought that a calendar report view showing the tasks to be dane with their date would be perfect. In the calculated columns of my standard table report I have a calculated column with a red square for an overdue task and green for all the "to b

Attachment access recording
23.05.2023 20:30

You are definitly right Daniel, I will create a new database tomorrow dedicated to extra tables for Webcon and move this table there. More elegant and orderly way I guess. Thanks for the assist today!

Attachment access recording
23.05.2023 16:03

Thanks Daniel for your suggestion, but while you were writing the reply, I've been trying a different approach and it worked. I've created a dedicated table in the Webcon database (I wonder how it will behave when upgrading the server?) for storing the necessary data (who, when and what was accessed

Attachment access recording
23.05.2023 14:09

Well...I've just tried a different approach. I've made a technical workflow that records access (signature of the repository element, person, date and time) and created a menu item wchich invokes an action which runs this new technical workflow with the given data. While whis would seem ideal, it's

Attachment access recording
22.05.2023 20:15

Hi everyone! I am developing a document repository. Has anyone come to a solution on how to record each attachment access by a user? Users will access documents that are already in the archive (finish step) and will not be assigned to anyone. In some cases I would like to know who read a document i

Get attrs from GUS
06.04.2023 16:03

Well, I've been woring on it too with no success. Today I finally managed to figure out why invocation of SOAP action trying to log into the GUSREGON API fails. It seems even though the requests to REGON API needs "charset=utf-8" (so the manual sais) the error shows up, saying that "text/xml; charse

Thanks guys, I got the logs and now I know why the action is not working... it's an outside of webcon issue.

Searching all the mentioned tables and there is either no error message or the message is the same (not saying what the problem is). Even after turning on the debug mode in Designer Studio, no error explanation showed in the appropriate table. Maybe someone has configured connection to Polish GUS t

Hi everyone, I've been trying to establish a connection to a SOAP API, action seems to be configured the right way (it only tries to connect and log in). When I run path with the action, the error is displayed in Polish "Wystąpił wewnętrzny problem wywołania webserwisu. Szczegóły błędu zostały zapi

Thanks Daniel, that's what I was looking for. I must have missed it when browsing through changelog...

Hi all, Is there a way to edit MS Word attachments online and save the result as updated version of the attachment?

Thanks Daniel, Even though your solution will not work for me (it would require some changes in the form), your reply guided me in the right direction. I now use the sql based action and the key to success is to have the query return one substitutor per row. Works well. My query is: SELECT '[

Hi, In my "Leave of absence" process I allow users to select more than one person who will be the substitute during the leave. Action "Add substitution" (not sure it's name is exactly like this, I have Polish version) in current version, provided with the form field containing more than one person,

Well, I have 4 machines on Windows 10 with new Outlook from Microsoft 365 (x64) apps installed - the same happens. Even though the workaround made the addin appear as working, webcon-specific elements did not appear in the Outlook windows.