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Nick Troegel


Task assignment bugged?
05.10.2022 11:00

The wait for subworkflow step seems to have nothing to do with it. I exchanged the subworkflow step with a system step and the same problem occured. Thank you regardless Nick

Task assignment bugged?
05.10.2022 10:26

Hi Daniel, Im using a 2022 version. Do you know any workarounds or do I just have to deal with it? Thanks in advance Nick Trögel

Task assignment bugged?
05.10.2022 09:32

Hi, I've got the following problem. I'm currently working on an workflow and the task assignment is not reseting it self after clicking on a path. Meaning that all previously assigned people still have the task and even when I let all fields of the task assignment empty the task will still be giv

Hi Daniel, that was the case here. I fixed it with a system step in between that waits a minute before calling the action. Thank you all for the great help With kind regards, Nick

Hi Sebastian, thanks for your help, that solved it. But I still got an issue. The action is started when any child instance is moved to the finish(positiv) step and then all other child instances should be canceled. Now I get an Concurrency Error, whilst trying to move a child instance in the

Hi, I am trying to move multiple related child instances through an action. I tried doing that with the “Move workflow (SQL)” action. The query I used can be found in the Attachments. The table I get also looks fine, but I still get the Error "Incorrect column PATH_ID format". I already checked a

Trouble with timeouts
17.12.2021 11:18

Hi, I am currently having Trouble with timeouts in my system. I made an easy timeout that should only do a path transition every minute, to test if the timeouts would work. Currently no action is called during the trigger of the timeout, but even when adding a simple action the timeout doesn’t work