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Paweł Tołoczko


I was following: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/copy-attachment-to-other-workflow and https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/3240 [quote="Daniel"] you using the function would be one option. Other are: - Set the local parameter using an SQL command - Use the for each function to i

Thx, I will check ... in meanwhile I try different angle ... BTW: I don't know JS or SQL but I try ... I was play with SQL request (from Data source created which I use in Item list ..) and more less I have in second Item List filtered to [code] SELECT WFD_ID, WFD_Signature, DEF_ID,

I have got: 1. proces with Item list where: a) I set person (from AD) b) in item list in that proces I add competitions final I have got step finish - Person - Item list what he/she can do. From that I created data sorce with columns, so i have multi rows: Person 1 = can do 1 Person 1 =

I checked on PROD / TEST / DEV environment and: - IT was changing something and the result was no access to attachment ... so is not my fault but SQL Server configuration ... Thank you for help.

hmmm... I did on https://portal.webconbps.com/db/1/app/452/element/6756/form and here is worming ... but flows are in the same app I will try between other apps as I have in my work environment ... [maybe using tech field was mistake and i should take from original drop down list ... but i

I try to add attachments from other flow using standard Action add attachment ... in theory is working: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-add-attachment-action/156/18 or https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Attachments/Action_AddAttachment but not in my case :/ and I

Thank you. I learn something new about initialization (I was wrong) it work like a charm ...

Maybe I was not clear .. 1) I would like to start from button (see attachment) (no problem) 2) then open in new window (no problem) 3) save flow to receive Signature of Flow [OK, I can press Save button or go by Save path but I would like to automate it ... but other way I need change option

I would like to start Flow and save it on start .. why? 1. I have got drop down list - pick signature from other flow then: a) filing the form b) invoke menu button (automation) to load item list ... but it works only if menu button is (to have it I need save flow - set Signature ) then i

on timeout
21.03.2024 14:21

Did you read: ? https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Workflow/Step/Actions/Action_Timeout/ https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/cyclical-actions/106/18 https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/pending-in-transaction-vs-pending-after-transaction/347/3 https://community.webcon.com/

in outlook if you are using it: https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/office/turn-new-message-alert-pop-up-on-or-off-9940c70e-b306-442e-a856-d94b20318481 set a rule from Webcon email notification.

Thank YOU ...... is so not "user friendly Webcon Solution ... " to find that (yeah ... 3 dots (...) or duble click on step .... (graph is inactive ... so I just missed that ... ) help file or web did not show any link to 3 dots .... I was miss-leaded by Global Actions .... Again, than you

OK, thank you but: in dictionary process I have got only sections: 1. on open in browser ... 2. Menu button 3. Cycle (start) 4.on delete item 5.on save 6.attachment menu 7.on add attachment so ... So you have two options: 1. Use automation, and apply it 'On save workflow element' + a

Hi, I click "Save" element in dictionary process on the bottom. Process 1 (main): 1. Start >> new element in Dictionary Proces.. 2. Filled all form 3. Clicked on bottom "SAVE" "path" 4. Item added to dictionary 5. no action on save noticed :/ Process 2 is starting proces 1 Start

IN webcon 2022.1.4.404 I discovered error on save Action. if send config e-mail action is in "on remove item" - email is sent and revived if if send config e-mail action is in "on save workflow element" then - no email. I was try first with conduction in action , then with no condition but wit

1. child of child focus .... I don't know how you, but for me is extremely annoying fact that I can't move one widow of "configuration" next other one and change focus and then modify what I need ... I need close all windows jump to other attribute open window open window open windo and then ch

I do process where: Part I 1. On start, in first step, in form, in field = dropdown list, I pick te signature of other flow (different proces in particular step ID) 2. Then the fields are filled with data from that chosen flow form is full of data (thats OK) 3. And NOW In that chosen

>>> a) Could you share where do you need to use that list row no? Is it context of designer studio, or are you creating SQL query? (if so, then there is DET_RowIndex, which could be helpful). I have got Purchase order and item list to buy ... if is few than OK, but if you have got 200+ rows .... a

I have got problem (I don't see option / feature) Problems: a) Item list row no ... is not related with row ... :/ - solution >> on path (I don't need earlier) add extra column with index no. to "fix" (create relation) the row no. [semi solution] any other solutions? b) sorting by status: