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Raluca-Mirabela Lupu


Hi, Do someone know how can to create an attachment instances with content and filegroup for send in specific instances? I need for version sdk 2023 I attached the cod fromversion 2022. NewAttachmentData newAttachmentData = new NewAttachmentData(args.Context,Configuration.informationNecessa

Hi, Do you have any error in browser console? Thanks, Raluca

Hi, If you use the "generate file and excel" action, you can map the corresponding field for each column in the template. You can choose from the chocefield what to display. Another option is you can set "allow export excel" at the item list level. You can try to create column type "data row

Hi, Thanks for solution. I resolved the error after reactiveted the licenses. Thanks

Hi, I checked the option. I rebooted to RDP Webcon. (restart sql, webcon services, iis). I tried to import another process from other clients and the error persists. I found in event viewer this errors" 1. ServiceImport ImportingManager is not activated. 2. Safe mode Service is in safe mod

Hi, I tried to import an application from the development environment to the production environment and got the error: "Check if the import service role (part of the core roles) is running for the current databases". Has anyone had this error? Thanks, Raluca

Hi, I haven't encountered this issue before, but I can give you some ideas that might be useful. Use the COALESCE function to replace null values with NULL instead of zero, or add a condition in the query to not return rows with null values. Thanks, Raluca

Timeout action
03.06.2024 11:00

Hi, I have a date & time field. I want the timeout to execute one hour from the date and time set in that field. How can I achieve this? From my testing, it seems to only consider the date and not the time. Thanks, Raluca

Hi, I tested in 2023 and it works. I tested it in 2022 and it is okay, but when I used the "foreach" operation, I did not see the local parameters. Thanks, Raluca

Hi, It would be useful if we could configure the SDK with values from local parameters. Sometimes we need to send a specific value, for example: a value from an item list or a calculated value, and it is easier and more efficient to save the value in local parameters from an automation rather

Hi, It would be useful if we could collapse the attachments in the 'All attachments' tab by categories. When we use the 'related attachments' feature, there are many attachments, and it would be helpful if we could collapse all the attachments by categories or just the 'Current' category." Than

Hi, My advice is to monitor an instance that has waited for all approvals and an instance that isn't functioning properly. Check what the users did differently: which paths they pressed or which route on the workflow they followed. Thanks, Raluca

Hi, Are there several paths that go into the same step ? I'm thinking that tasks from different cases should not be received. There might be a route that hasn't set the path to "Completed-All". Thanks Raluca

Hi, It is checked. I restarted iis and it worked. Thank you for help. Raluca

Hi, Do you set in parameters " Operation executed on parallel tasks-> Wait for required task to be completed" ? Thanks, Raluca

Hi, I upgraded to the latest version, but I can't see the preview diagram in the portal. Have you encountered this problem? Thanks, Raluca

Hi, what version of webcon do you have? Thanks, Raluca

Hi, I haven't encountered this situation before. However, I can offer you a few ideas. I hope they help. I think you should make use of the settings in the item list, specifically the 'Initialize' In the main item list when adding/modifying a column, you should put in 'Style and behavior' a for

Discard User Checkout
16.04.2024 16:55

Hi, I hadn't realized that. I think you can set the edit mode option on the main form with default view. You can replace the save button with a path. You can hide the save button and create a path to the same step. If the edit mode at the step is default view, it will no longer remain in edi

Hi, Thank you☺️ It’s important to note for implementation in feature version.