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Stanisław Projs


Perfect - thank you for your advice, it works.

Hello! In the form, I have a list of items X that is sorted by column A in descending order by default. How can I set up an action to generate data into a .docx file or specify an attribute for the list of items in the .docx file so that the exported table with the list of items X is sorted by co

Hello community, I would like to build a form that will be used in a multi-company environment. I have configured the companies and assigned specific employee groups in the "default for" tab. For employees from different companies, I have created several forms where I fill in the default 'company

Thank you Paweł for so fast reply. It works perfectly what I want.

Hi community, is there any way to change the [|ElementAddress|] and [|WebAddress|] on global notification for different address? Our server on which we have installed webcon is called abc-webcon, but we have bindings in ISS and users use page webcon.ourdomain.pl. When we send notifications from B

Hello, after restarting server on which we have installed webcon 2021.1.3.188 (freemium) there is some problem with SOLR. Similar problem is in thread https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/776 but solution which community suggest there doesn't help me. I've tried to restart Webcon WorkFlow

Of course I missed the field type when I creat that form and choose wrong one. Decimal type fixed my problem. Thank you Daniel for your help!

Thank you Daniel for your advices. The problem is that these workflows are seperated instances. I will try to do some simmiliar with cyclical actions. Thank you once again!

Hello Community! I need to find solution form the problem with some case in my organization – maybe you will help me to find the most effective way to do that? Case: Users: A, B, C, X Forms type: type1, type2 Form fields: value1, value2 There are few forms (type1) which are filling by user

SOLR Error
17.10.2022 13:59

same problem after restarting server with Webcon. Do you have any idea how to fix it?

screen 3 another question - is there any possibility to add more picture in one message?

Hello webcon community! Could someone help me with problem with ordering list on report. To beggining: I create a technical form field which collect the date part of some date field at that form (see screen below). I do itthat by using 'change field value' action and rule 'date part (month)'.

Hi Martin! Thank you for your answer - it helped me to find solution with presenting picture on report and of course finally at the dashboard too. Do you have any idea how to hide from form that built in history button?

Hello, Question 1: Is there any possibility to give user access to form but restrict/limit form history (only user have access to current form not for previous versions)? Question 2: I have form field 'Picture' in dictionary form which (that form) is connected with user by field 'User' - do

Hello! I have another case to solve. There is list of employees which is maganed by one employee A. That employee A wants to share that list to few directors (B, C) to ask them for fill in some columus. My question is that is there some action to split item list for subprocesses and then, after

Hi, is there any possibility to change description from "dashboardy" to for example "pulpity" in polish version at webcon portal? Please see screen below.

Daniel - again you answer perfect form my question :) I don't know how can i miss that function... Thank you a lot!

Hello, I have some date set on forms. Need to find any solution to have that date - 1 month for example: Date on form is (YYYY-MM-DD): 1. 2022-05-05 2. 2022-01-10 3. 2021-12-25 Date that I expect need(YYYY-MM-DD): 1. 2022-04-05 2. 2021-12-10 3. 2021-11-25 Do you have any idea to sol

Thank you Daniel - that checkbox "Access to data in the context of system account" solved my problem. Best regards!