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Daniel, Is it possible to insert an item list data (as shown the below attached pic) into a the custom email action template?

Thanks Daniel. The following 2 form fields are showing data on the form(see sc1 screenshot) :Name_inactive user (Field type: Data row, Db column: DET_Select1), Inactive user( field type: Multiline, Db column: DET_LongText4) But when I tried to pull data using the below query from the content db t

Hello Daniel, I do Translations on https://bpstranslator.webcon.com/ portal. I am looking for a documentation that explains about each System name where that Current translation or Suggest translation gets displayed . All that type of info I need.

Daniel, Thank you soo much for the helpful info. I have created a 2 step flow(attached the pic) and using the existing item list with 2 additional new columns Name_inactiveuser, Count_inactive user. This item list has channel name, Channel cache( all the team members part of the channel), Name_in

We have a flow with all different steps. This flow has an item list and it has the required information from the Data dictionary. I think I can use them but due to all different steps exists in this flow, I thought of creating a simple 2 step flow in the same process and use that item list.

Upgrade to big release 2022
21.01.2022 16:53

Do you have any insight when that next version is coming out?

Does these steps need a separate workflow? In the Item list, What type of columns are needed? Can I have below columns: For Channel Owners can I have Autocomplete Choice field or Choice field picker To get Active and inactive, may I have single line text

Is there a documentation for Translator tool? When I am setting up new language in the Suggested translation, i need to understand how it impacts the system.

Thank you Daniel. It worked.

We have a visibility restriction (hidden for few security groups lev1-lev4) on a form field and visible for few other groups. I have created a new report and added the form field which has visibility restriction to the report but it is not displaying any data due to the visibility restriction. As a

Upgrade to big release 2022
20.01.2022 18:22

Thanks for the clarification.

Hi, we have created a data dictionary with people picker field. This people picker field has few team member names. I need to setup a process to check the dictionary everyday if there inactive users. If inactive users found, send email notification to Admins. Please suggest the best way. Tha

Upgrade to big release 2022
19.01.2022 15:02

Hi, Currently we are on 2021.1.4.55 version . Last Year 2021 big release has few bugs and the later version released after sometime to fix them. So this year we are planning to wait till the next version is being released and then upgrade to that next release. Can we directly upgrade to that next

Is there a way to query the database or check in the designer studio about the number of form fields created in our application?

Active users on the portal
13.01.2022 18:02

That report shows the the users last login date but I am looking for report that shows active workflow users.

Active users on the portal
12.01.2022 16:55

Is there a way to check the active Marketing portal users?

Add new process license
06.01.2022 15:05

I do these steps in dev, test and prod environments? I thought these steps are only for user license updates .

Add new process license
05.01.2022 23:45

We have license for only 2 webcon processes and purchased now another license. How can I add that new license?

Add new process license
05.01.2022 23:44

We have license for only 2 webcon processes and purchased now another license. How can I add that new license?

Instance numbering question
05.01.2022 23:35

We have the similar issue in the beginning of last year and we added the custom formula to resolve it. Attached the screenshot of the formula below: Processname/currentyear/instance number per year. Hope it is helpful to you!