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for CU

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction WEBCON BPS provides tools for visual modification of the end-user interface that goes with your system, like CU stomizing the Portal interface theme to match your company’s colors, or inserting your own logo. In version 2020.1.3.277, the application color can now be selected from a color picker, instead o (...)

(...)   Introduction In WEBCON BPS version 2020, the support for digital signatures has been enhanced by preparing plugins (SDK – Software development kit) that enable digital signing of doCU ments. Four plugins have been prepared that allow for integration with external digital signature providers: AdobeSign Autenti DoCU Sign Skribble   The following article des (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Dawid Golonka   Keyboard shortCU ts are a tool that can greatly enhance your working experience. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio gives you the ability to access some functions by using the keys. This article describes what combinations are available, where they can be used and what they are responsible for.   Keyboard shortCU ts available in e (...)

(...) arePoint library and insert it in a BPS workflow.    Read this article if you are interested in SharePoint workflows made easy by using WEBCON BPS.   Preparing the doCU ment library view Additional columns have been added to the standard view of the doCU ment library: BPS URL – hyperlink column which stores the workflow instance address Status – (...)

(...) more information about privileges, see Tasks vs privileges. The WEBCON BPS system operates based on a SQL database, one of the places where the information the privileges is stored is the WFSeCU rities table.   Description The WFSeCU rities table contains information about CU rrent privileges granted at the process level, instance and type form in the context of a given workflow. (...)

(...) ON BPS to design the processes and individual workflows. They are performed without any user interaction and defined on the transition paths or steps. An example actions perform such activities as calCU lating the field value, making an entry to AD, sending an e-mail. While working with WEBCON BPS they will appear situations (at the stage of creating the processes, testing or using already imple (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Michał Kastelik   In WEBCON BPS a frequently used function is to generate automatic doCU ments based on DOCX or HTML templates. This article explains how to change the CU rrent doCU ment template that has been created in the process of doCU ment templates. Detailed information about the ability to define doCU ment templates can be found a (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.x; Author: Paweł Drab   Introduction Contracts, employment applications, invoice templates, or technical doCU mentation – a repository of doCU ments in our company can grow to incredible proportions. In this article, we will show you how to use WEBCON  BPS as a doCU ment management system.   In WEBCON BPS, we usually store doCU ments in th (...)

(...) he export/import mechanism and those implemented directly in the production environment. In this situation we cannot block the environment from editing. To ensure consistency and make it more diffiCU lt to unintentionally modify the process imported into production environment, a new functionality has been added in the WEBCON BPS 2020 version called “Process modified by export-import mechani (...)

(...) Applies to 2019.1 version; author: Agnieszka Mazur   Introduction WEBCON BPS Portal allows to CU stomize the look of the platform by changing the logo and website theme. These options are available to the global system administrator. Privileges are provided in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio: System settings – Global parameters – Global privileges – System administrator (...)

(...) oft Word Add-In already. The most general one covering the installation process and basic functions can be found here: Microsoft Word Add-In The following article describes comparing Word doCU ments.   Basic information Webcon BPS Word Add-In allows to follow the history of changes in the doCU ments placed in BPS repository (attachment list on SharePoint), compare doCU ments whi (...)

(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: Agnieszka Mazur   Introduction WEBCON BPS Designer Studio allows you to create doCU mentation for each created process. It consists of two files - DOCX that contains the text description of the process, and XLSX that contains the form field matrix. Generating doCU mentation There are three options to generate doCU mentation: right-c (...)

(...)  Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction By creating dependencies between form fields on the form, fields are repeatedly calCU lated based on the basis of other fields. To correct calCU lations, remember to properly set their order. This article describes several examples of dynamic field calCU lation, and then in a tabular form the order od exeCU t (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   CalCU lated columns enable you to display additional information in WEBCON BPS reports. They are created by adding a new column in the report and then inserting a SQL  formula. They allow the report to be supplemented with additional fields that are not present in an application. A calCU lated column only works within a given re (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Mateusz Syrek ADFS is one of the authentication providers that can be used with WEBCON BPS Portal. This article explains how you can CU stomize your login page when you use ADFS.  Before you can CU stomize your login page, you need to have your WEBCON PORTAL registered in ADFS. For instructions on how to do it, please refer to this article Integration of W (...)

(...) Applies to version 2021.1.1; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction WEBCON BPS 2021, introduces the Set FoCU s form function has which can be used to automatically place the CU rsor in the edited field, after loading the form or changing the field value. Thanks to this, you do not have to manually place the CU rsor in the field. This article presents the operation of this function (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza     DoCU ment generation actions The application designer can use several actions to generate doCU ments from templates in WEBCON BPS. They are grouped in the group "Excel, Word and PDF".   Fig.1 . DoCU ment generation actions.   Generate/Update Word file The configuration o (...)

(...) tal signatures through dedicated actions (SDK – Software Development Kit). There are 4 plugins available to integrate with external digital signature providers: AdobeSign Autenti DoCU Sign Skribble This article describes the process of signing doCU ment with Autenti service. Additionally, it presents sample workflow with configured send doCU ment for signature and download sig (...)

(...) tions, operations, integrations, and operators allows a user to create more or less complex rules, depending on the user’s needs. When working with form rules, there may be a situation where exeCU tion of one function or subrule interrupts exeCU tion of the entire rule. Consequently, the rest of the rule is not exeCU ted. This article provides a detailed description of the reasons for this beh (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2022 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz Introduction Efficient doCU mentation management is key to the proper functioning of a company. In addition to their proper registration in the system, the incoming doCU ments must be quickly accessible in their original, hardcopy version. To streamline their flow and storage WEBCON BPS offers printout a barcode label functi (...)