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for Workflow Service

Hello, my task is: A new workflow instance is to be started through calling a web service from i.e. the ERP system. I cannot find any howto or documentation that explains how to proceed. Is this possible in general and can anybody help with a hint what to do or where to find a documentation / howto? Thank you in advance.

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Tomasz Słuszniak   Introduction When implementing projects in WEBCON BPS you can facilitate communication between project members via the Team feature in Microsoft Teams. Instead of adding a new Team manually, let WEBCON digital process automation help you!  Adding a new Team can be automated by using the WEBCON BPS when

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction WEBCON BPS can be used as an efficient document management system. This article describes how to use barcodes to scan PDF files and paper documents and have them automatically added to your WEBCON workflows' instances.  Common business scenarios for using barcodes include:

(...) art Intermediate Final (positive) Final (negative) System   a) System – the article below will discuss how this step works   b) Waiting for scan The Workflow Service role – “Folder monitoring” will check files and process the barcode located in it. If the file is correctly recognized, then it is attached to the list of attachments of the workflo (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Urszula Słupik   Introduction Each WEBCON BPS workflow is a sequence of steps. On intermediate steps, there are usually tasks that must be completed by a user (or a group of users) before the instance may progress to the next step.   The tasks can be assigned in different ways: Based on the logic of the busine

(...) Applies to all versions; author: Adrian Motyka   During the installation of the FineReader 11 component, one must consider the user privileges of the account on which WEBCON BPS Workflow Service will be run. If this user is not a local administrator, then add this account to be stored in the DCOM service of the FineReader 11 component. More information here: http://knowledgebase.abbyy.com/ar (...)

(...) sential to the system and store some of the most important data, such as: Registered workflow instances Workflow attachments Process definitions Database definitions Set substitutions Workflow Service configuration System configuration (e.g. HotFolders, HotMailBoxes, OCR AI Projects) All permission settings regarding WEBCON BPS (access to instances, workflows, processes etc.) License informa (...)

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Tomasz Pytlak   Introduction Working with attachments is one of the basic functionalities in WEBCON BPS. Some processes, such as document repository, are only used to catalog and make files available to selected users. In others, the attachments may be of secondary importance. For example, when you want to work on a file together with your cl

(...) After this change, the service will be launched as a DEMO and it will be possible to activate it.     The WEBCON BPS license restart is important because without it the WebCon Workflow Service will not be started.  After starting the service and logging in to Designer Studio, verify Services in the System Settings -> Services configuration. If there are two services (old an (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction One of the functionalities in WEBCON BPS system is the ability of using the REST API interface. API is the basic method of data exchange between two systems and it is often used both to download data and transfer it from WEBCON BPS to other applications (e.g. data transfer to the vacation system). For more informat

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Paweł Fijał   Introduction When creating the instance workflow in WEBCON BPS, they may be a situation where we would like the attachment added on the form to be stored in the cloud e.g. in OneDrive. People who are not taking part in the process will be able to access it. This article describes how to add attachments to OneDrive using the REST a

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik The article is an update of an already existing article; for the original see: HotFolder - adding scanned files to process.   Introduction One of the WEBCON BPS basic features is pairing scanned documents with their electronic version (based on barcodes) and starting new workflows for files added to the configured folde

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and 2021.1.x; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction This article explains how to enable the analysis functionality in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio 2020. When you edit a step in Designer Studio, you can open the "Analysis" tab to see how long the instances were staying at a given step and how much time was spent editing them. Thanks to this,

(...) ecrets. This article describes the rules for configuring Task delegation substitutions, taking into account user privileges in the context of multiple databases, as well as the roles of WEBCON BPS Workflow Service and global system settings.    Basic information Task delegation substitutions can be defined by users: Globally – the Substitute can perform the tasks of the Replaced (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction The Run an SQL procedure action allows you to invoke SQL procedures from the WEBCON BPS form level, and to prepare the universal SQL queries with variables. This functionality is limited only by the capabilities of the SQL query language. It is possible to invoke SQL procedures using data in the WEBCON BPS form

(...) onized domains/OU’s is done also in the WEBCON BPS installer during system update from older versions to 2017.1. However in this case synchronization is not done by the installer, but by WEBCON Workflow Service in time set in the schedule after correct installation. Users can work with the system (i.e. data access) as soon as the first successful synchronization is complete.   Fig. 2. The (...)

(...) sential to the system and store some of the most important data, such as: Registered workflow instances Workflow attachments Process definitions Database definitions Set substitutions Workflow Service configuration System configuration (e.g. HotFolders, HotMailBoxes, OCR AI Projects) All permission settings regarding WEBCON BPS (access to instances, workflows, processes etc.) License informa (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Daniel Półchłopek Introduction In WEBCON BPS it is possible to search the contents of PDF attachments containing text using the ABBYY FineReader program. FineReader converts scanned documents and PDF files into editable form, and it is responsible for generating a text layer on attachments in workflows. This allows users to easily conve

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Martyna Krzyżak  WEBCON BPS applications frequently require integration with external systems. Microsoft Dynamics is one of the popular systems that requires integration with WEBCON BPS workflows. Business scenarios    Below you can find some examples of areas shared by Microsoft Dynamics and WEBCON BPS. Cost invoice

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Adrian Baszak   WEBCON BPS applications frequently require integration with external systems. SAP is one of the popular systems that requires integration with WEBCON BPS workflows. Business scenarios Below you can find some examples of areas shared by Microsoft Dynamics system and WEBCON BPS. Cost invoice  Frequently SAP