(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Kinga Bożęcka employee evaluation is a process that is regularly carried out in each company. Automating such a process can save money by reducing the time required to assess employee s and improve the workflow between superiors and employee s. This article presents a scenario in which an employee and superior assess each other's competencies, set go (...)
(...) th, to motivate and engage participants more actively and involved. Studies show that gamification can have significant positive results. For instance, in the business realm, gamification can enhance employee engagement and improve their performance, leading to increased productivity and customer satisfaction. In short, gamification is an effective technique to foster positive behaviors and achieve specif (...)
(...) Hello everyone! I have two questions. 1. Did anyone use the absence process template as the time schedule for the employee s? My client has many different shifts for employee s and I was thinking of presenting the data with the mentioned process. Any ideas would be appreciated. 2. At this point my main problem are the colors presenting the vacation type (which in my case would be the shift). The Vacatio (...)
(...) Hi All! Does anyone have experience with integrating WEBCON with SAP Success Factors, particularly employee Central?
Hello It's my firs question, so please dont "eat" me at the start :) In our workflow we assing form to specifich worker. Workers are assingned first by AD groups (which decide if they can acces webcon or not) and than by specific BPS groups. Problem arise, whet person to whom job is assingned stops working. He's automaticli removed from AD and any atempt to move proces is an error. We circu
(...) Hello, I have a question more about the Polish side of the forum. There is a regulation available in the Journal of Laws that specifies the requirements for storing employee documentation as well as the method of transferring it between IT systems. Has WebCon BPS been audited in this respect and do we know whether it meets the requirements set out in the regulation? https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/do (...)
Hi, I think it would be great if we could switch from the BPS Portal to the user's account and check what he sees on the form and reports. The system and business (global) administrator would have such privileges. From the BPS Portal level, he could use the icon to switch to any user's account (administrative mode). Sometimes data source values are filtered and there is no way to see what the
WEBCON: Business Process Automation and Management as its best WEBCON develops the Low-Code Business Process Automation Platform, WEBCON BPS (Business Process Suite). This enterprise-grade system allows organizations to embrace digital transformation by digitalizing their workflows and building comprehensive, scalable, process-centric and future-proof applications applying t
(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Agnieszka Burda Introduction E-mail notifications are one of the most frequently used methods of informing employee s about new tasks in WEBCON BPS system. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from which process they were sent because they have the same sender address. In addition, they often contain all form fields from the form &n (...)
(...) ith two steps and used to store the document templates) and the main “Personnel planning” process. This process allows you to define the demand for human resources and assign the specific employee s to the project with an automatic valuation and generation of the relevant documents. The Project manager indicates the project name and the demand for employee s from each of the departments &ndas (...)
(...) been enhanced with dictionary processes that allow you to pay for meals with money previously paid into your personal account. [LT Account] – a dictionary that stores information about an employee ’s account [LT Transactions] – a dictionary that stores information about carried out transactions, it is divided into four types of forms corresponding to four types of transactions whi (...)
(...) ual users with too many tasks. Used processes Create Task – the main process of the application, used to create tasks for groups. It assigns tasks to the “free” employee s in a given group, and allows the employee to mark task completion. The workflow consists of two actions and one control step. Fig. 1. The "Create Task" process (...)
(...) iven e-mail address. This mode is often used in the configuration and test phase of the process to avoid sending the unnecessary notifications to end-users. For example, there is a situation where an employee contract process is created and one of the employee s gets a test e-mail. The second reason is to allow the configuring person to test the system and verify the content of all the e-mail notifications (...)
(...) ut you need the functionalities of a regular process, you can import data into an Item list form field. Examples Example dictionaries created as a standard processes 1. employee ’s card – is used to store information about employee s e.g. period of employment, type of contract etc. The employee ’s card is often created as a standard process because as you (...)
(...) PI – for more information see: https://autenti.com/. Using the above information, you can register the contract and then send it to be signed. After signing, you can check whether a new employee has signed the contract via the button on the top bar of the form. If so – the system will download the signed document and finish the workflow. Let’s go to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio (...)
(...) the “Correspondence” application. Fig. 2. The location of the invoice process b) Purchase of office supplies process – a process in which an employee has the ability to submit a request for the purchase of items for them. The employee , after filling out data sends a request to the person who can accept or reject them. Fig. 3. The (...)
(...) ally, only to discover that it isn’t the one they are looking for, is a waste of time. The situation looks similar when you have the form containing hyperlinks to another workflow e.g. previous employee ’s vacation requests. In newer WEBCON BPS versions, clicking on an instance hyperlink (usually hidden under an instance number) will expand the instance preview window in the right-hand (...)
(...) elected by entering a fragment of a user name. If the entered value is unique – the system will select the user. Fig. 4. The choice field window After selecting an employee , select the start date of reservation: Fig. 5. The Date and time choice field In the next step, select the car which you want to reserve. Additionally, the field should (...)
(...) ng company's processes using workflow class systems. WEBCON BPS Portal gives you many tools for handling digital process automation. One of them is generating certificates for employee s who successfully ended a given training course. This article describes how to create and program such a process and how to generate a certificate and send it by e-mail. Description (...)
(...) REST invoke method and Microsoft Graph (webcon.com) An example process for managing projects contains several form fields: Project name Project description Project manager Team – employee and Role Creating the team To create the new team, start by creating the Office 365 group. To create this group, use the https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/groups&n (...)