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for json

(...) Hi all! We want to add some rows to an item list with 'Change item lists values' action. The SQL query should take a json array (which is perfectly valid) from UI element and return a table for adding new rows to this item list. Unfortunately this does not work. There seems to be some parsing on Webcon side, which eliminates all elements in the json array, apart from the separator, which resu (...)

(...) Hi all, at the moment we are struggling to generate C## classes automatically based on the SWAGGER json Definition of WebCon. (server-adress/api) It seems, that the inheritance could not be solved completely by the library. Our aim is to be able to read data in json format from the WebCon REST-API by using standardized tools, means no manually work for getting the data in the right format. Use (...)

(...) Hello everybody. I'm trying to display all the json fields, but I can't. Thanks to anyone who can help me. 1 - json structure '{ "status": "SUCCESS", "VentaPajaros": { "codigoClient": 13216598, "composicionParcelas": [ { "id": "07" }, { "id": "08" } ], "pago": { (...)

(...) Hi all! We want to execute a json query on a path (actually it is some business rule containing SQL query) and send these results to an external endpoint (REST service). The problem is that the query does not reflect current changes in form, since this happens on save. This should be related to database transaction and current values which are not persisted at this moment. Is there even a (...)

(...) Hi all! I am really struggling with this action. I am trying to send json data to a REST web service. json string is generated by a business rule, which contains a json Query (FOR json ). Testing this business rule works fine, also umlauts are shown. My configuration in request body is body type: Binary, which is the only way to send dynamic json data. Somehow my encoding (which should b (...)

(...) I'm having some troubles using OPENjson to parse a nested json response from a REST API: Following the solution posted at https://alterpaths.com/json -nested-collection-handling-in-webcon-bps/ but I cannot get the query to work in Webcon. When copying the whole query from the Show window into SQL Studio it works just as expected, but in WebCon Designer studio the following error occurs (see scree (...)

(...) n which they are located – you can use the buttons added to the cell.   Fig. 7. In the View tab go to the configuration and select Coloring mode -> Advanced and then paste the json code with cell stylling   Fig. 8. json with cell styling     ”content”: ”=CurrentField” displays the basic cell value The function ” (...)

(...) tion to the Microsoft Graph.     In the “Request data” tab enter the method address (/beta/groups) and http (POST) method:     Then go to the json tab and fill in the data set that will be passed to the Web service.     The group name (“displayName” attribute) should be consistent with the organization policy. (...)

(...) rt hyperlink to the workflow, select the “Start” column settings and then select the “Format this column” option.     Then paste the previously prepared json code: {    “$schema”: “https://developer.microsoft.com/json -schemas/sp/v2/column-formatting.schema.json ”,    “elmType”: “a&rdquo (...)

(...) uo;Advanced mode”. In the configuration select the field to which the formatting should be applied (in our case this is the Start field).     In the next step, insert the json code of the solution – this code adds the object to the right of the column value containing the icon and the inscription that it also a link. In the case of the icon, one of the available in t (...)

(...) ould be connected to your own SharePoint Online environment. The entire solution catalog will be displayed on the left side of the editor. Go to the config folder and open the serve.json  file. In a „pageURL” variable enter (in two places) the SharePoint list address when the extension should be installed.     Then delete the first three lines o (...)

(...) and from other columns.     The report view after configuration:     D. Advanced In the Advanced mode, the configuration is possible by using the json format. The scheme of creating such a configuration can be found at: http://developer.webcon.com/json -schemas/v1/column-formatting.schema.json . The Advanced mode allows to make more (...)

(...) In the Postman we create the first REQUEST – POST for the LOGIN method. No authentication is required. In the header we set ‘Content-Type’ to application/json  and in the body using json we send the previously generated ClientID and ClientSecret. REQUEST: URL: https://at03.webcon.pl/api/login   This method has return (...)

(...) y the Portal address. The server which receives a request from the local Designer Studio installation will send three pieces of information in return. All of them are stored in an appsettings.user.json file which is located in the folder where Portal is installed. The three pieces of information are: Database server name, Configuration database name, Authentication method. In order t (...)

(...)     In the next tab, configure REST suffix and select a HTTP method, if creating a new user set it to POST:     Next step is transferring the user object in json format, form field list of the user workflow is available in Graph documentation.     If you want to transfer response data to the BPS instance a Response tab configuratio (...)

(...) one of the environments: developer, test or production can be easily copied across all the other thanks to import and export functions.   Choosing “Export” will generate a .json file.   After copying the file to the target environment click on “Import” which will add it to the list with the other themes.   Now the new theme is ready to u (...)

(...) pplications. Authentication is handled via JWT tokens. This component communicates with the business logic of the WEBCON BPS system. BPS REST Mobile App service – a set of REST Web services (json messages) hosted on WEBCON BPS Portal, responsible for handling data intended for the WEBCON BPS Mobile App. This component communicates with the business logic of the application. BPS REST Office (...)

(...) The communication is performed by the native part of the application which invokes REST API services available the WEBCON BPS installation. Data using in this communication is transferred in the json format – this applies to both invokes to WEBCON BPS and responses to the mobile application.   3.4. Webview – WEBCON BPS Portal In the Webview, a user has access to t (...)

(...) zation” tab   The “Request body” tab contains data about the file: Body type – multipart allows you to send both metadata and binary data within one request json part headers – “Content-Type:application/json ” header json part value – metadata that contains the file name in the “name” parameter Binary part header – (...)

(...) - „C:Program Files (x86)WEBCONWEBCON BPS Portal” or through IIS by selecting Server -> Sites -> WEBCONBPS -> Explore.     Open the “appsettings.user.json ” configuration file and add the following parameter: "ForceHttpsOnProxy": true,     After that, restart the IIS “WEBCONBPS” Web application. (...)