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(...) igration Searching instances by 2D/barcodes (iOS) If the application uses the 2D code scanners or you have generated printouts containing such elements – you can quickly access such a doCU ment. After pressing the button, a device camera will start, after pointing the camera to the code, the system will recognize it and automatically redirect to the instance associated with the code fou (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction There are various reasons why companies implement electronic doCU ment workflow software.One of the most important is the need for business process automation. One example of such automation processes is the use of serial correspondence which generates doCU ments based on the specific template in which the (...)

(...) in two languages: English (two recipients) and Polish (one recipient). If the recipient is not a BPS user – the notification will be sent in the default language configuration. The language CU rrently assigned to each of the BPS users can be checked in the database by performing the following query: select USRLAN_UserLogin ,LAN_Name from TranslateUserLangs join TranslateLanguage (...)

(...) you may receive a 404 error. We can easily account for the required delay in WEBCON BPS by using the “On timeout” trigger for our action.     The timeout will exeCU te the action creating the team three times. Each exeCU tion will be preceded by a 5-minute interval. The recommended time of 15 minutes stated by Microsoft is the maximum possible delay. Oftentimes, t (...)

(...) olonka   Introduction In the workflows designed in WEBCON BPS, you can enable users to add attachments – e.g. .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, tiif, and zip. Their storage location is a partiCU larly important aspect of the system configuration. When organizing your doCU ment management system, you can decide to create a separate database to store the attachments. What is the attachme (...)

(...) ciszek Sakławski   Introduction When designing processes and individual workflows in WEBCON BPS is it good to know how data is stored in the table, what relationships are and how partiCU lar information is displayed on the form. The following article describes the WFHistoryElements and WFHistoryElementDetails tables. Table description The tables store data o the edition of th (...)

(...) g. 1. The instance view in the compact form   Description A simple invoice cost workflow was created. It consists of three steps – Registration, Waiting for scan and Archived. A doCU ment can be registered both with a scan or without a scan.   Fig. 2. Invoice workflow   The global form template is the default template used at every step. Below there is a (...)

(...) presented scenario, the SharePoint list will be used to start the workflow of inviting people to the conference – after entering the name and surname, a marketing workflow will be started. The CU rrent status of the task can be checked in the SharePoint list column.   Configuration of the SharePoint list The list consist of the following fields: Title field – con (...)

(...) to generate the Word files that can include data entered on the form. This functionality is useful in various processes such as contracts, vacations, and orders, where it is necessary to submit the doCU ment for signature. The following article describes the method of WEBCON BPS add-in installation, template preparation and action configuration for generating a .docx doCU ment. An example template was (...)

(...) ng form fields, you can also add tooltips with instructions next to field labels.   Tooltips Thanks to tooltips on the form, a user has the ability to learn more about the form they are CU rrently working on. In WEBCON BPS, such tooltips can be found both on form fields and on transition path buttons. For form fields, the tooltip will be located in the small “I” icon next to (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Marcin Pisarek     Introduction WEBCON BPS allows you to send CU stomized e-mails to users. E-mail messages are CU rrently an important method of communication, and the use of electronic mail accompanies us both at work and in private contacts. Very often it facilitates problem solving and speeds up decision making. There ar (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction WEBCON BPS can be used as an efficient doCU ment management system. This article describes how to use barcodes to scan PDF files and paper doCU ments and have them automatically added to your WEBCON workflows' instances.  Common business scenarios for using barcodes include: Ha (...)

(...) rom the user’s point of view was displayed: CAL_IsDeleted – information whether the row was deleted CAL_WorkingDate – a date CAL_IsWorkingDay – information whether a CU rrent day is a working day The data in the Calendars table:   Fig. 2. The Calendars table   Business case The simple “Leave of absence” workflow used to r (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: J&oaCU te;zef Cyran   One of the built-in WEBCON BPS functionalities is the ability to create a vacation process. This process can be generated by using the absence process wizard – you can also present the vacation requests on the Gantt chart.   More information about creating the process and typed data sources can be fou (...)

(...) rocesses in WEBCON BPS and designing workflows – big or small – you may find that you need to pass information between two workflows. One of the simplest ways to pass information from the CU rrent form to one in another workflow is by using the Hyperlink action. Hyperlinks allow you to go through to the linked form, open it in the new tab, and pass a set of parameters to the other workflo (...)

(...) tored in the WFMails table in the database.   Enabling the method of sending e-mails with queue support To enable the message queueing, go to the configuration of the “Send a CU stom e-mail” action and in the “Settings” tab select the “Add to sending queue” option. This option is set by default.   Fig. 1. The “Send a CU stom e (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: J&oaCU te;zef Cyran   Introduction During normal use of WEBCON BPS, users can select which path (among those available) the instance will go through to reach the next step. However, when going through the system step, not the user but the system moves the instance to the next step after exeCU ting the appropriate action e.g. receiving (...)

(...) uration using the Windows 10 system, but there is also the ability to use the Mac OS X system. The minimum required components needed for installation are: NodeJS LTS version 10 – CU rrently the highest version supported by SharePoint Framework (the solution works only with this version) Visual Studio Code – or any other advanced code editor Yeoman and gulp Y (...)

(...) complicated and is supported by several dependent sub-workflows, they can be separated into two individual but still related processes. Make sure that creating the fields that are used only for calCU lating other form fields or controlling the actions (e.g. technical fields) is justified. In most cases, the value from this field (if it is not used in many places) can be directly downloaded and sav (...)

(...) fter applying the layer. In the next step, read the TAX ID – this is important because the invoice template is checked by tax id. The OCR program treats the invoice as a semi-structured doCU ment. This means that while most invoices have a similar pattern, the location of the fields on the doCU ment may differ. An invoice from one contractor may have a tax identification number or date of (...)