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for GET

(...) Hello toGET her, I try to implement an CustomAction with Syncfusion. Now when I want to start my workflow I always GET an error message that the file is missing. The photo of the fault is in the attachment. Has someone experience with this or knows how this must be implemented? In VS I installed the Syncfusion nugGET , I can compile the project without problems. Thank you very much. Ma (...)

(...) tachments" option. As the hitlist was way too small I got called. I found out that the result only includes instances that have the searched term somewhere in the metadata. If i do a global search I GET hundreds of hits - so the documents are properly indexed, and can be found when searched. The report is SQL based. Portal Version is 2020.1.3.411, but I couldn't find anything in the bug fix lists (...)

(...) Hello Gurus I'm trying to do such action: In my VS solution, I have made CustomAction that GET s data from an external system as a list. I would like to return that list to ItemsList in my workflow. I have code like this: [ConfigEditableFormFieldID(DisplayName = "Pozycje nagłówka ", FormFieldTypes = WorkFlow.SDK.Objects.Enums.FormFieldTypes.ItemsList)] public List Lista_Poz { GET ; set; } pub (...)

(...) M, Description: Renovation of doc, fAllDayEvent: , EventType: renovation, MasterSeriesItemID: , Workspace: Log Version: 3 Duration: 729 ms But somehow my Calendar in Sharepoint does not GET updated with the data I'm sending. This works fine for Sharepoint List and sending documents. My user has owner privileges in Sharepoint to be able to write in the lists. Hope anyone can help m (...)

(...) e line) and took the example of https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/starting-workflow-from-the-sharepoint-document-library/54 I've did all the same configurations as the document to try to GET it working but my Start BPS column is not displayed. The json code that is in the post needs to be formatted and my final version (for my case) is: { "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com (...)

(...) oint using an API? I've following the tutorial video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3hC1fAjvAk) to start a subworkflow using MS Flow (now called Power Automate) but when I need to configure the GET Token Action I only have the options in the picture and they are premium. Anyone with ideas? Using the json in the column of the item list is not working. Thank you!

(...) What would be the best method to GET the attachments of an instance inside an SDK plugin in order to make use of them in C# code?

(...) I've overlooked an already existing user voice created by Markus. Hi, could we please GET an option to define an additional .css file inside the theme. It could be similar to the implementation for defining the logos which can be loaded from an URL or uploaded as a file. Benefits: - We don't need to use the HTML field on the form level, like https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/41/15 - HTM (...)

(...) to remove rows from the item list in the code C# (SDK plugin ) using function : WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.ItemsLists.ItemsList.RemoveAt(int index), but can't delete all the rows because I GET the error from the image

(...) s it needs to a TRUE/FALSE result). Even using SQL Command I think it would only work for a subquery because I need to check the value on each row. I've used the Select Values in combination with GET Names function but I was not successful with my idea! Hope anyone has an idea on this!

(...) Hi, I tried to implement the Docusign SDK according to the KB Article (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/docusign-digital-signatures-in-webcon-bps/36) but cannot GET it to work. When i want to send the Process to the Signature Step i GET an error from the Docusign API which i can't figure out. "Error while requesting server, received a non successful HTTP code Completed with response Body: "er (...)

(...) and an itemlist with the assigned users. This works quite nice this way. However, it would be great, when this option would be built-in. Could be either in the same place as for the admin or a widGET which could be added to a dashboard

(...) I'm struggling with the syntax of the SQL filter for a report. In general it works, but if I want to use the currently loggedin user, I GET an error. I tried with the following syntax: AND (##currentloginname##='servr\Userxxx') The error message is: "Incorrect syntax near '='. Incorrect syntax near ','. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'."

(...) Hi, I am a new guy here and I just started with webcon designer. I need help with mathematical operation on a form. I want to subtract two dates to GET number of days beetwen this two dates. I know that I can use "datediff" function but my point is to GET this 'dynamically'. When user starts to fill form, he type date 1 and date 2 and below that he will see in third field numbers of days. How to ach (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I'm not sure with which release the application group headers are transformed to lower case, but could we GET rid of it again? I can live with all upper case, but transforming all characters to lower case after the first one is simply not acceptable. - Abbreviations look like word - The corporate design may define how some words are written - It looks like a spelling error. This is ev (...)

(...) Hello, I tried use action "Invoke SOAP Web Services", but I GET this error "dll was not found" I tested using another platform for Api development and it works. Thanks regards, Raluca Lupu

(...) ello all, Thank you for taking the time to see my question! The travel team of my company uses a specific application to search and book flights. When they have a flight chosen and booked, they GET a table through a command done inside the application which can be pasted in email/world/excel. When the copy table is pasted in notepad++, the script is not available so I was trying to GET ideas (...)

(...) Everyone, I have an issue with Hotmailbox configuration in my environment. I have an account created by IT department with mailbox and MFA disabled. When I try to setup connection in HotMailbox, I GET "ERROR: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized". I don't have any problems when I try to log in to outlook directly in browser using the same credentials. What else might be wrong wit (...)

(...) Hi All, I am unable to launch Designer Studio. GET ting Cache Load Exception(added screenshot). The error is coming after providing the credentials while launching the application. If anyone can please suggest what is the cause of this error and how it can be fixed. I have already tried deleting browser cache, reinstalling the designer studio, etc. Thanks, Siddharth

(...) Hi, After installing the web Outlook plugin I am GET ting some error on the "Show context item form" button. All the other action buttons work properly, but I am GET ting the following error on the first one: {"type":"Exception","message":"Cannot use cache in config db context","errorGuid":"f8b38a8e-7220-461b-83f6-f2f8d65aae47","stacktrace":"","innerError":null} You can also see the attached pictures (...)