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for form

(...) Hi, have you ever seen "Invalid form field order (name of field...)" error on main form , global form template? Once it happens, it happens any time I try to reorder fields on the form , and the field names are random. Also, with this error, the order of the fields becomes random, and impossible to manage. 2022.1.4.297 Any help? Best, Rafał

(...) of picture fields) -> Wouldn't that be a nice new feature? 26.09.2022: ======== Hello WEBCON, we are working on a prototype to document defects. Therefore, we would like to use a new kind of form field: It should act as an image field to upload an image, but then act as a handwritten signature form field to mark something on the image. We tried that with the existing elements and it worke (...)

I searched the site and found the latest post on AAD from 2021, and only one request for help with EntraID... Nobody seems to have a problem with this? Or maybe no one uses WebCon without local domains? Impossible! So... How to build WebCon BPS with EntraID as the only source of identity? I have some ideas for preparing some business processes in a cloud environment (Azure) that will neve

(...) Hi, does someone of you use a form FieldExtensionJS for a multiline text field? We used this one to store a JSON as a string and in 2023.1.3 the plugin no longer works. I haven't checked the WEBCON BPS JS code in 2023.1.2 but in the new version: 1. the change function in the plugin triggers controller.change 2. this calls validateCCValueModel 3. Since the hasCustomModel is undefined 4. The (...)

(...) atest standalone version 2023.1.3.202 (from 2023.1.3.169) I noticed that there are errors in mail sending report. E-mails are delivered but log is filling up with error. Error: "Failed to save inform ation in the workflow instance history about the successful email sending execution" Error details: "Unrecognized Guid form at." Attached screenshot with it. In history there is only inform ation (...)

(...) Hello, I'm looking for help in changing the form at of values ​​stored in COS_BpsID, on my test server the user IDs are stored as UPN (user@domain) but on the production server the form at corresponds to samAcoutName (domain\name). How can i change my production configuration to match UPN form at? Thanks in advance

(...) Hi, if the browser window is small enough, the actions of the item list are collapsed to a context menu. It would be great if this popup would contain inform ation in the DOM about the about the source. For example by adding a data-key attribute to the top element with the value item list and row.

(...) on in version 2023.1.2.44. In this context I noticed that saving the instance executes "recalculate rows". In our case this causes another execution of data rows which are only used for displaying inform ation. They are not used in any other combination, even the usage tab is empty. It would be great, if we could have a checkbox or similar for a data row whether the recalculation can be skipped. W (...)

(...) Hi Community, for the reason of proper premissions managment I need to change the form type for 500+ instances. Obviously I would like to avoid manual work. Do you have ANY idea if the 'change form type' can be somehow automated? I need to change form type X to Y, no diferentiation whatsoever. Maybe some SQL? Changing WFD_DTYPEID in WFElements and WFHistoryElements will be enough? What do you (...)

(...) ram. Its aim is to honor the most prolific WEBCON BPS users who regularly contribute to the development of the WEBCON community, spread product knowledge, support other users of the WEBCON BPS platform , create insightful product-related materials, and represent WEBCON at international events. WEBCON MVPs will be nominated by WEBCON for a period of one year, based (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Agnieszka Burda   Introduction  E-mail notifications are one of the most frequently used methods of inform ing employees about new tasks in WEBCON BPS system. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from which process they were sent because they have the same sender address. In addition, they often contain all form fields from the for (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction The item list is frequently used to store any number of data rows as opposed to other form fields. This functionality makes the actions executed on the item list differ from the standard form field configuration.   Business case: Personnel planning for a project This article describes the ope (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Paweł Fijał   Introduction Since the introduction of WEBCON BPS Portal, sometimes on the form or on Portal itself , it was possible to observe pop-ups that inform about the error and their identifier. But they very often did not give enough inform ation, even after clicking the button to show details from the event preview. From versio (...)

(...) o; application has been enhanced with dictionary processes that allow you to pay for meals with money previously paid into your personal account. [LT Account] – a dictionary that stores inform ation about an employee’s account [LT Transactions] – a dictionary that stores inform ation about carried out transactions, it is divided into four types of form s corresponding to four ty (...)

(...) pe choice field configuration in the TASK workflow.   Fig. 4. The "Task type" field with example values from the data source   As ID in the “Task type” form field, you should use the instance ID that contains a group of tasks (Instance number).   Fig. 5. Process contant - Maximum number of tasks per person   A good practice is t (...)

(...) this workflow automation with WEBCON BPS.   Workflow diagram   Fig. 1. The magazine is available for editing only at the registration and opened step     form fields   Fig. 2. The total amount of products is set by form rules executed on value change   Fig. 3. The quantity of products is set by form rules executed on valu (...)

(...) n: 2020.1.x and above; author: Jarosława Markopolska   Introduction WEBCON BPS is used to send e-mail notifications to system users. This allows for communication and the efficient perform ance of tasks. This functionality is often used in different processes. During configuration, you can block e-mail notifications to the end recipients by using the deployment mode function. (...)

(...) ON BPS process can be used as a source of data for another process, however, one of the newer WEBCON BPS features is the ability to create a dictionary process – whose sole purpose is storing inform ation. This article’s purpose is to help you decide what type of process to use for storing data and using it in other processes – a dedicated Dictionary process created from the wizard (...)

(...) ks is a very useful function used at every stage of the system’s life. It is hard to imagine testing the implemented solutions if each time after the change was made, all users who had to perform the task had to participate in checking the correctness of the workflow operation. The situation is similar when working on a system already implemented in the business entity. In everyday work, i (...)

(...) does not have to register anywhere. This signature is covered by the Autenti certificate that provides: Document authenticity – the document has been created and signed on the Autenti platform Document integrity – all interested people have signed the same document The Autenti certificate also contains inform ation about the entire process – who signed the document, when, (...)