(...) dquo; tab. Check the “Use advanced appearance settings” field. Leave the colour mode field with “For whole row” value. It is now possible to type in the sql code in the text field “sql /CAML query that returns color”, but in the discussed case we will use the expression editor that facilitates edition. Click the ellipsis button next to the tex (...)
(...) navigating with the up/down arrows and confirming the selection with the Enter key. Fig. 2. The dialog box list after inserting a few characters Some information in the sql database is stored as ID#Name. This format is used for some complex items, such as choice fields, person fields, form types. If the field you have selected is stored in that format, you can choose wh (...)
(...) tab. The calculated column in the present case will be the time unit – year. After selecting the Add calculated column button, a window will appear in which you should enter the appropriate sql formula that returns the values of the years. WFD_AttDateTime1 is the name of the field automatically defined when the Date and time form field is added in the application (...)
(...) the drop-down list available in “Instances selection mode”, you can choose only the current instance to undergo archiving (“Archive only current workflow instance”) or use an sql query to indicate the instances to be archived (“Select workflow instances using sql ”). The latter option requires inserting an sql query in the “sql Query” field. The opti (...)
(...) rsonal data” action in the background. Associated module: “Personal data removal”. Updating active task counters – updating active task counters available in the sql reports. Associated module: “Tasks info calculation”. Importing process and application configurations – the import of a process or an application taking place between (...)
(...) Fig. 5. All attachments tab with collapsed branches of the folder tree Additionally, in the Linked documents view configuration window, the user can define additional folders based on an sql query. Fig. 6. below shows a sample sql query based on which a folder with .xlsx files from all related workflows will be created. Fig. 6. Sample sql query defining a custom attachme (...)
(...) Global business rules The “AddAttachment_AtThisStep" rule This rule verifies whether an attachment is added on a particular step. The verification is executed by means of an sql query that checks whether an attachment is added to an instance after defined time (date and time). A business rule with a conditional clause The rule is used to check an attachment is adde (...)
(...) a table Like the item list, the “Data table” form field has a header, row, and footer. Header: The HTML code in the header section should contain column names. Code: {sql GRIDHEADERTEMPLATE:GUID} {/sql GRIDHEADERTEMPLATE} Row The code of the row section must include tags referring to values of individual columns. The tags for particular columns are to be foun (...)
(...) vice. The example uses Docker Desktop. All basic components of WEBCON BPS can be installed there. Only the system's databases must be created on an existing instance of Microsoft sql Server accessible from the computer running WEBCON BPS in containers. Installation steps: Creating the WEBCON BPS Search Server container and initializing Solr search indexes. Creating sql (...)
(...) edicated account for reading data from the database already existed in earlier versions of the system, but now it is created by default. Thus, bps_user is the standard account in the context of which sql COMMAND rules and all queries using the Default connection are executed, e.g. when configuring selected form fields or actions, executing or testing sql queries with the use of <Current BPS databa (...)
(...) ds means that there is no sequence per se in this case. Database processing For databases, a master queue applies. It is a single query relating to all queues simultaneously executed by an sql server. [Currently, the system logs some of the queries sent to the content database provided the “Debug” mode (“System settings” → the “Global parameters” no (...)
(...) the default behavior is not enough. The Solution Fortunately, WEBCON BPS provides a way to solve this quite readily using a technical field, an automation action, an extra path, and a sql query. Part One: The Technical Field Create an extra field to be used by the parent workflow of type Date and enable time selection under Advanced configuration. Part Two: (...)
(...) GDPR class. Tools provided: 4 SDK actions are used for operating on data sets 1 action – anonymization/data removal 3 custom data sources are used for providing data to Data Table (sql Grid) reporting controls Action searching through process-type personal databases (based on BPS process) WebCon.WorkFlow.Extensions.GDPR.Actions.FillPersonalDataItemList Act (...)
(...) s. Tracing Module’s name Remarks ASP .NET Core Instrumentation sql Client For Portal and Service it is possible to view sql queries. HttpClient WCF Client Integration with Se (...)
(...) hich said it could be followed if two tasks had been completed. The Solution It is quite possible to get the desired voting-style behavior from WEBCON BPS using one or two sql queries together with a Workflow Control step. Moreover, the sql queries can be encapsulated onto global business rules that can be reused repeatedly. At a high level, it looks like this: & (...)
(...) e “ID” serves as an identifier and “Name” represents the displayed name. The first part, “ID”, represents a unique value. It is the element most frequently used in sql queries designed to filter results displayed in picker fields populated with values from a specific data source. Such filtering is often employed to exclude irrelevant information, presenting only wh (...)
(...) along with a business case for its use. Basic definitions and functional assumptions LIKE and CONCAT are functions that can be used in WEBCON BPS to create business rules, form rules, sql queries, and to retrieve values from data sources. CONCAT combines text values into a single string and is available among the functions dedicated to text. With CONCAT you can retrieve global cons (...)
(...) Backup and Restore WEBCON databases. Next, we need to recreate all WEBCON databases, such as: Configuration Content Attachments Archive (if necessary) The MSsql Admin should create a copy of production databases, and recreate the database on the development or test environment from this copy – replacing existing databases. If the databases were recreat (...)
(...) p; Requirements WEBCON BPS containers are based on images that use Windows Server Core architecture. Therefore, the admin cluster needs to be able to run loads of this type. If SOLR and/or sql components are to be implemented in the same cluster, the cluster must support loads based on both Linux and Windows containers. The application requires the ingress controller to support ARR with (...)
(...) de to the Item list, the action log displays data on the number of rows updated, added, or removed. Action configuration and execution example The action was configured with the external MSsql database data source named “Spare part price list”, whose columns correspond to the columns of the “List of spare parts” Item list. The action execution assumption in the pres (...)