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(...) ON BPS installer  Changing the authentication provider using the installer is a fallback option in case you accidentally deactivate providers in Designer Studio. The installer does not distingUI sh authentication for Designer Studio and authentication for the Portal and changes introduced will apply to both. After starting the WEBCON BPS installer and accepting the conditions, select " (...)

(...) ał See also:  Task delegation substitutions – basic configuration rules Substitutions in 2019 version   Introduction Substitutions in WEBCON BPS ensure the continUI ty of task execution despite temporary/periodic staff shortages in departments, e.g. during the holiday season. Thus, it is a tool that allows not only a better organization of work in a company, but (...)

(...) s of actions. While the concept of actions types, action triggers, and execution conditions will remain exactly the same, the addition of automations will allow WEBCON BPS to handle scenarios that reqUI red workarounds in the past.     General Overview   Where are they? Automations can be found as an intermediary node between action triggers and actions – an (...)

(...) leges that must be granted to the application used by the authentication provider for the correct operation of the login component. Note - administrator's consent for the privileges (scope) is reqUI red.     After creating the provider and granting the necessary privileges, you can start implementing the Microsoft Graph Toolkit components in the WEBCON BPS Portal. Micros (...)

(...) Let’s imagine that you are the head of the procurement department in a big construction company. The prices of materials keep going up and your team has to face the challenge of submitting enqUI ries to suppliers in order to obtain the best price offer. By sending a mass notification e-mail to their co-workers about a new or active task related to prepare enqUI ries, which due to various reaso (...)

(...) ading from one complete version to another (eg from 2019 to 2022 or from 2017 to 2022) check if you have the appropriate license for the WEBCON BPS version. We recommend that you activate the reqUI red license BEFORE upgrading the WEBCON BPS system.  WEBCON BPS 2022 Additional files   File Description ABBYY Finereader Engine 11 8 (...)

(...)   Fig. 6. A query returning absebce types   The names of the returned columns are as in the query above: VACType_ID --> ID of the absence/activity (must be unique) *reqUI red VACType_ColorID --> specifies the color of the bar on the Gantt chart *reqUI red VACType_Name --> absence name *reqUI red VACType_Description --> absence/activity description after ho (...)

(...) Process privileges In each process you can grant privileges such as start new instances, access to all instances or administrator’s privileges. When configuring business entities, it is reqUI red to create as many groups as business entities existing in the respective process.   Next, go to the Privileges tab. To each WEBCON business entity a given BPS group was assigned. Bu (...)

Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above; author: Dominika Stelmach Introduction The WEBCON BPS 2022 version introduces a new For each operator, which allows you to configure an action, operation, or automation for each element from the selected collection.   Fig. 1. For each operator   The operator iterates over the collection elements, which can be an item list, an

(...) tion.   Fig. 2. User's profile - Administration   Fig. 3. Color themes   A list of defined themes will appear on the screen. WEBCON BPS Portal has three bUI lt-in color themes that cannot be edited -  WEBCON Light, WEBCON Dark, WEBCON White. The user has the option to create a theme based on the existing ones or create new styles.  To add a n (...)

(...) deration Set up sign-up and sign-in with a Google account - Azure AD B2C | Microsoft Docs According to these Microsoft articles, Office 2016 and 2019 are not supported to work on the scenario reqUI red. Google identity provider only works with Office 365 environments. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/identity-provider-google?pivots=b2c-user-flow

(...) SQL, but the new Cardinality Estimator might generate a slower query plan. The solution to this is to add an explicit column conversion (CAST) to the same type in all comparisons, which in turn reqUI res a comprehensive analysis of all views in the database and queries generated by the application (e.g. those configured in Designer Studio).

(...) way can be used, for example, in a Word file generation action. In order to be able to use variables relating to form fields and other contextual variables of WENCON BPS, an add-in for MS Word is reqUI red. This article describes the process of downloading and installing the Word Modern add-in, which is responsible for the interaction of WEBCON BPS with Microsoft 365 Word and Microsoft Word Onlin (...)

(...) nt downloading and checks its status. Business case   The presentation uses a simple workflow:   Figure 2. Signature workflow   The form includes fields reqUI red for triggering signature action. Note the „Technical attributes” group – it includes technical field forming an integral part of the described process. External document ID (...)

(...) the purchase. New purchase form     The article describes variable “Is this a mobile device?” used in the form rule executed on change in „Justification reqUI red” checkbox. Once you check this field in the mobile app a compact single text line field “Brief justification for the purchase” appears. The same action in the browser displays &l (...)

(...) next step is to create a printout with the indicated form fields. The new Word document will be a template on which you can enter any formatted text. In the described example, it is the text of the eqUI pment purchase decision.       Labels of process and system form fields can be applied to the desired place on the document by double-clicking on the form field with th (...)

(...) Author: Paweł Drab Introduction   Migration of databases to a different database environment or their recreation in such environment may reqUI re changing database name. If references to a database are present in several locations, external, logical change of database name is insufficient. The article describes the procedure of changing database name by modifying configuration. &n (...)

(...) example of conditional row colouring which allows the user to colour only the rows fulfilling the user-defined condition.   Overview   Alternate colouring of item list rows is bUI lt in WEBCON BPS from 2022 R3 version. The functionality makes item list more readable by displaying alternately row colour in two shades. The displayed colour depends on the theme set up in WEBCO (...)

(...) e, and paste the following parameters in the Command field: EXECUTE dbo.IndexOptimize @Databases = 'ALL_DATABASES', @FragmentationLow = NULL, @FragmentationMedium = 'INDEX_REORGANIZE,INDEX_REBUI LD_ONLINE,INDEX_REBUI LD_OFFLINE', @FragmentationHigh = 'INDEX_REBUI LD_ONLINE,INDEX_REBUI LD_OFFLINE', @FragmentationLevel1 = 5, @FragmentationLevel2 = 30, @UpdateStatistics = 'ALL', @LogToTable = (...)

(...) d for a configured service account.       Changing the port number from 8002 to a different one in the “Licence service address” in the TCP communication reqUI res its manual registration with the following command entered in the command-line interface: “netsh http add urlacl url=<address> user=<NetBios user name>”, e.g. “netsh (...)