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for database

(...) rent workflow (Employee file), but I am afraid that over time the file will have too many versions. On the other hand, I have change history and actual data. 2. Should the data source be a dedicated database table? In this case, I have to use the "Load by default" option in the directory to update the list of items with holiday limits if I want to see real data. Due to the SQL procedures used in holiday (...)

(...) I came across this problem. In the report we used a calculated column to show comments: (SELECT ISNULL (dbo.f_clear_description(wfelems.WFD_SIGNATURE), 'None')) However, from what I can see in database , the comment format has changed and now when using this function I get an error: "Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function." In the attachment, I marked in green old comme (...)

(...) 'webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp' Solution Deployment : Missing one or more of the following attributes from the root node in solution webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp: assembly '', type ''. The configuration database was queried for a non-existent object with the id d0d745af-6efd-429c-8072-59d3d392bba2. Most commonly, this is caused by removing an SPFeatureDefinition without writing upgrade code to remove refer (...)

(...) rnType, JsonSerializerOptions options) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.AAD.AadCloudsConfigurationDeserializer.Deserialize(String json) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.AAD.CacheAadConfigurationProvider.Getdatabase Configuration() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.AAD.AadConfigurationProviderBase.GetConfiguration() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.ADSynchronization.AdSyncConfigDownloader.GetConfiguration(IContentDatab (...)

(...) orm's list of items, I have a checkbox field and a second field of dropdown(choose) type. The second filed - dropdown field retrieves data from a data base and allows for adding values outside of the database . The first filed - checkbox field determines whether the value in the second field is from the source or added externally. How can changing the value of the checkbox field affect the behavior mode (...)

(...) le with a status of 0. I do not want all outstanding e-mail notifications to go out after changing the password. Is adding to the send queue based on the WFMails table, or is there another, dedicated database table for this purpose? UPDATE I have already found some important information: This queue is stored in the database in the WFMails table. Are messages with status 0 then retried?

(...) w with all (planned) attendances and (planned) absences must be created. For better visual differentiation, an extension of the standard colors "ColorID" is desirable. Is this easily possible via the database ? The types that _we_ need to distinguish, but it should be possible to create as many color definitions as you like. Types of attendance: * Office * Home office * Business trip * Further ed (...)

(...) ch a problem in version 2023? I don't know whether to look for the cause in the environment configuration or if it's a general problem. The problem occurs on different processes and different content database s. Thanks for any information.

(...) Is it for FREE? :) Yes, it is if you like SQLing :) Like we said WebCon BPS platform has got full history in the SQL and in history view (detailed one). Custom SQL taking data from WebCon BPS SQL database s can give you such SIMPLE overview on the form. It is also configurable - with subworkflows or not, which columns, etc. BUT basic version is about WHO clicked WHAT (and WHEN) in the process. What (...)

(...) view how it is done :) BPS 2023+ It would be perfect if such an overview could be added out-of-the-box (e.g. such dashboard) of the groups (at least the ones directly used which can be SQLed from database ) - alike in the kb article by Mr. Baszak :) https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/checking-user-and-group-privileges/258/3

(...) Hello. Has anybody an idea if and how it is possible to create a data source from two different data connections? I.e. I have a database (MS SQL) with visitor data and the CacheOrganizationStructure table in the webcon content DB (MS SQL, too). Now I want to create a datasource for a Choice field, where I could query for names in both tables. It is purely for reading data. Kind regards Klaus

(...) rt a subworkflow (SQL)”. My understanding is that “start a subworkflow (SQL)” action (configuration of Data settings – Query returning data) works as follows: SELECT ‘value’ AS object of subworkflow (database field Name) etc. • How to write SQL query / where to get ‘value’ from Dictionary process? • How to set up Step edit/Task creation/Tasks assignment to use this ‘value’ to assignment subworkflows ( (...)

(...) Hello, I' m new in webcon and i try to fix issue connected with attachments. I don't know much about attachments database but as i saw there are two places where i can find data : [BPS_Content].dbo.WFDataAttachmets and [BPS_Content_Att].dbo.WFAttachmentFiles When im trying to add attachment like always going step by step in my workflow everything is ok - attachment is being added in both tables (...)

(...) After installing a new development environment, I have a problem with performing an SQL query to the BPS_Config database . The environment was installed with my administrative account. From the database level, I can also see that the users of the service and the application pool (db owner) have permissions to the database . The application pool is the account indicated in the installer as the user to connec (...)

(...) if condition in the item list to execute only a part of the item list. This would work technically but I would still get a log entry in the history for each item in the item list. This will bloat the database as I would have to repeat this path until instance was handled. 2. Update workflow with item list and sub workflows Instead of updating the data in the item list, I will use the item list to spa (...)

(...) Hi, Sorry for my lack of knowledge but I've just installed WEBCON 2 days ago. Please help! I want to add in a item list rows from a SQL database but: Querying data is ok. I want to select a product name based on that query (from a Choice field) and get the correspondent price from the query... Also my query is based on another field as a filter When I change the value of that filter, the list of pr (...)

(...) I try to render values from a rich text editor (multiple lines of text; Mode: Rich) as a column of a table on a Word-Document. But after the Wordfile generation the formatting is lost. In the database the value is stored as: X2OTestBla  Is it possible to generate the Wordfile with the given formatting? Thanks in advance. 1st Image: Value in the Rich-Text-Editor 2nd Image: Result in t (...)

(...) There are no such problems for the previous case of 20,000 loaded objects. What could be the reason? Is there any optimization of the WEBCON platform after such a large import? Or maybe you need database optimization? Repair (reorganization) of indexes or database file operations? What do you recommend?

(...) Hi, I need extract the name of form type from database s. Does anyone know where the name of the form type is saved? Thanks, Raluca

(...) I am trying to write a SQL statement to start a workflow but the data source needs to be a SQL data source rather than the Webcon database . I have defined the SQL data source (ConnectWise Companies) and it is working OK. I think the problem is what do I use in the "From" part of my SQL statement. If I omit the From part, when I test my query it does not recognise the column names and says "Invalid col (...)