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(...) new instance with dates that were already added for the same person in webcon. I've created a control field but now all the processes are moved to cancel even if the values are different. Can you help ? Thank you

(...) (eg. Completion date). I would also like to know if it's possible to make it so on certain steps, users are able to only edit already added rows, but be unable to add new ones. Thank you for your help !

(...) form, the following message appears: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException. The server request timed out. I also attached a screenshot of the console, showing strange behavior, Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

(...) my employies and my team“ show the employies of the other teamleader/teammember. Not only my employies. that is not right and must/should be changed in the report-view - is it possible? Thanks for help ! EDIT: Version 2022.1.4.248 best regards Daniel

(...) equence contains more than one match) Source=System.Core StackTrace= at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.help ers.UsageSearch.NodeCriterion.NodeOwnerCriterionFactory.GetAutomationCriterion(Automation automation) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.help ers.UsageSearch.NodeCriterion.NodeOwnerCriterionFactory.Ge (...)

(...) ant to deactivate existing user license for designer studio and switch it to a different user. Sounds like an easy task, but I don't find a solution for this. We are running 2022.1.4.155 Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) it everytime I try. I understand that all my dictionaries are stored in Views folder.. which makes me think that BPS internal views are stored somewhere separately as well. Is anyone kind and able to help me with this? Thank you

(...) different settings for this action. How can I specify, if I have multiple calendars in Outlook, in which calendar I want to write my entry? Or did I misunderstand something? Thank you for your help in advance! Best regards Mario!

(...) Hello, Does anyone know if it is possible to achieve the following functionality: - I would like to insert a button in an item list column. I can achieve that so I don't need help with this (WebconBTN_01.png). This code produces the kind of button from WebconBTN_02.png image. - When this button is clicked, I want to set the DET_Att1 (it's a Yes/No field) to 1 (not run the action from the screensh (...)

(...) T]_Azure_APi_User (13) So the user did not receive the token. So the question is whether such a scenario is possible or whether something else should be configured. I will be grateful for your help .

(...) Hi Guys I need your help . I start tasks based on a workflow but attachments do not transfer. If I do it manually as a action on path then the attachments move to subworkflow and its ok. But if I use a cyclical action to call the same action -> "create SQL subworkflow", tasks are created but without attachments :/ Example in the attachment, I trigger the same action: Uruchom zadanie TEST (en: R (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have a question for you, maybe you can help me. I know you can set user privileges for each application or process separately, but I wonder if I can also restrict user visibility depending on some criteria.. For this scenario I've created: BPS user group: Software Engineer person X, person Y, person Z are part of software group Let's say there are also multiple projects and (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I need your help with a task that should actually be relatively simple. I'm trying to establish a connection to my Site Collection in SharePoint and have entered the relevant data (Server and Site Collection, User, ...). When I click on "test", it loads for several seconds, and I get the error: Unable to connect to the remote server. Regarding my rights in SharePoint: I am the own (...)

(...) Hi, I think it would be help ful if the data row field, when set to the percentage type, also displayed negative percentages when selected. This would be highly beneficial for various processes, especially when we want to track project progress or profitability. Currently, if we have negative percentages, it shows as 0. I believe negative percentages could be highlighted with a different color. (...)

(...) Hello, I'm facing a new challenge, maybe someone already had to deal with it and will be able to help :) I've created some time ago process for handling Recruitments, which connects two departments - HR and IT. On starting form, there are yes/no fields for required permissions/equipment for a new person. * Access to system X * Access to system Y * Laptop * Wireless mouse After the proces (...)

(...) it gives me an error on form load that says value cannot be converted to Boolean. "Error: Incorrect operation. Value cannot be converted to boolean.\n at g.convertToBool Thank you for your help !

(...) The total of the costs needs to be in the claim, so that it can be used in reports. Challenges: 1. I can only use REST for retrieving the costs 2. The ERP system supports webhooks, which doesn't help us. 3. The total changes only rarely, I don't want to create a new version for an instance on a daily basis if nothing changes. What are your ideas for solving this? My ideas up to this po (...)

(...) ent form field - this was empty file with picture inside. Now when I am trying to open it in preview panel picture is cut like below. Does anybody have an idea what can be a reason? Thanks a lot for help

(...) Hello, Introducting roles for managing BPS Groups: Global Permission Admin and per Group Admins it would be help ful to have feature to view the group members for every/configured users. It would be indicated per group - alike in SharePoint if group members can be shown to everyone or only group members - SharePoint.png (missing and desired feature marked blue) This feature with the links to the B (...)

(...) Python way, create a server-side endpoint that would serve the PDF to, e.g. PDF.js. But I was wondering if there is any other solution, maybe something based on the scripts included in Webcon? Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers, Martin