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for AD

(...) Hello everyone, Where can I AD just in the Designer Studio so that a complaint is initially only opened in reAD ing mode? Currently, the complaints called up are always opened immediately in processing mode. I would like to set it so that editing has to be started manually. The problem is, that users open the entry and just want to reAD it and then forget to cancel the editing. This means the comp (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have a question. We are migrating Webcon to version 2023. I checked the table [dbo].[AD minAPILogs], and since the last version in 2022, there hasn't been a single log in this table. Has anything changed in the new versions, and do I need to turn on logging into this table somewhere? I have been looking for an answer on the Webcon website and Google, but I haven't found anythi (...)

(...) sections by global CSS (setup in System settings in BPS Studio). Result is visible in the attached screenshots. Such coloring works fine for light templates, but not for dark one. And I thought that AD ditional CSS per template would be a nice feature in the product. And as workaround for now - could you please give me a hint how I can dedicate AD ditional CSS per template, e.g. per CSS selectors? (...)

(...) I try to AD d attachments from other flow using standard Action AD d attachment ... in theory is working: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-AD d-attachment-action/156/18 or https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Attachments/Action_AD dAttachment but not in my case :/ and I don't know why ... "Wystąpił błąd wykonania akcji Dodaj załącznik na przycisk w menu. Błąd wykona (...)

(...) Czy istnieje możliwość osAD zania aplikacji webowej w ramach rozwiązań klasy USD (Unified Service Desk)?

(...) Hi, is there any way to change the default behaviour when a xlsx/word attachment name is being clicked on the form? The default is to downloAD the attachment. I would like people to edit it as a default, in order to avoid potential uploAD ing another version of the file.

(...) I was following: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/copy-attachment-to-other-workflow and https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /3240 [quote="Daniel"] you using the function would be one option. Other are: - Set the local parameter using an SQL command - Use the for each function to iterate through the attachments - Use the for each function in combination with a data source - Use t (...)

(...) Could be nice to AD d BB Code or other tags used in Forum or information what type of Tags can be used for me I would like to use: [code][/code] or [code="SQL"][/code] using code wil help reAD code - see attachment [quote][/quote] or [quote="name"] [/quote] [B][/B] - bold [i][/i] - italic ect. then is nice to use FF plugin or type tags ...

(...) I don't know how is in Webcon 2023 or next 2024 but in 2022 I miss groups in Automation and then AD d groups in picking ...

(...) uld like to select 1.2.3 Actions (right click save as automation) .. not like now i can do 1 to 1 .... or ... I could do Automation with 1 operation then pick it in "path" and then edit it and AD d more actions ... Maybe I'm wrong, but I do first actions, then merge them into one [automation] not revers [do Automation then maybe or not AD d more actions to that automation ... or maybe I sh (...)

(...) Hi, From an AD ministrator's point of view, it would be very helpful to AD d the ability to AD d global automation error handling. By this I mean the ability to enable such an option in the global configuration and, for example, AD d an email notification action about automation errors in the context of the whole system. In the email it would be possible to use process/step variables and specify (...)

(...) Hi everyone, maybe you have reAD the change log of the latest version and come across the new action and it's description: This action AD ds all rows from the specified Data source to the indicated Item list, without checking for duplicates, but taking into account the values specified in the Columns mapping section. Executing this action may result in duplicate rows of the Item list. (...)

Hi, could we please get an option to define whether we want to set a choose field or only the id of the choose field? See the attachment as one example. I have an item list with a drop down and a fixed sql statement with multilingual values. Assigning the id to the column in a for each loop does not resolve the display name and the "id" value is treated as the display name. The "solutio

(...) Hi, in my latest post I wanted to link to a heAD er of an knowledge base post. Unfortunately, there's no option to create a link pointing to a heAD er like this one: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2024/translations#bps-portal Therefore I hAD to write: Search for the term "Using the application and Edit mode" in the linked post, to see how it is done. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/fr (...)

(...) Hey, we are looking to introduce possibility of Digital signature in WEBCON. I have found information that Certificate X.509 and DocuSign are support. However our business wants to use PandAD oc, do you know if it is supported? I cannot find any information about it. Kind regards, Jan

For a customer we need ISO week numbers integrated into the date picker feature. Sales managers schedule promotions with forecasts, which they need to transfer to demand planners. This process relies heavily on identifying the correct week number. Currently, they have to open Outlook to cross-reference week numbers with corresponding dates, which is time-consuming and disrupts their workflow. F

(...) I searched the site and found the latest post on AAD from 2021, and only one request for help with EntraID... Nobody seems to have a problem with this? Or maybe no one uses WebCon without local domains? Impossible! So... How to build WebCon BPS with EntraID as the only source of identity? I have some ideas for preparing some business processes in a cloud environment (Azure) that will never (...)

(...) Hi, I have one major problem with the AD d privileges action. It works when I AD d privileges to single users but doesn't apply when I choose a group as a USER / SQL query. On the Instance level there is information that the Group has privileges but members of the group do not have access to the instance. AD ditionally when I AD d privileges to the group manually users of the group can see th (...)

Probably in 2023 is not present "used" in path "properties" ... I'm using 2022.1.4.404 and if i want to see where the path is used ... I need to "delete path" because: - in path - I don't have attribute property "used" - on automation is not showing where on path is used ... - if is deleted it show connection but there is no "link by click" to jump to Automation / form automation to path

(...) Hi, Having AD min privileges on a given element, it would be very convenient to have access to at least 2 options such as: permission check and task completion. Now you need to perform 3 operations 1. enter AD min mode 2. expand AD min actions 3. select the action in question Regards