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(...) voices”, etc. Any character string Doc* Asterix character (*) replaces any character string in the searched phrase. Search results can be as following: DoCU ments, DocReceived, Docertainthings. Required phrase +Invoice “+” symbol force the phrase behind it to be included in the searched data. The results will now (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2016.1.x and above; author: Mateusz Syrek   Sometimes it’s needed to check at which stage of the process our subordinates are in CU rrently. In this case, it is convenient to use the existing business entity structure. It allows us to extend the supervisor’s control over the tasks of their subordinates. For this functionality to be available you m (...)

(...) your disk array (e.g. by using a larger number of more efficient disks). WARNING! Every upgrade should be preceded by comprehensive monitoring and analysis of system parameters, in order to acCU rately identify and eliminate bottlenecks. This will ensure that your system is scaled-up as efficiently as possible. Sample configuration of an environment intended for roughly 18 000 users: (...)

(...) SQL row No limit SQL grid No limit Google map 3 Gant chart 2 Absence chart 1 Vacation summary 1 CU stom control (SDK) No limit Items list No limit     Maximum number of various types of item list columns (limit per item list)   (...)

(...) the built-in application import/export mechanism. Starting from version 2021.1.1, the mechanism was extended with transferring the contents of the dictionary processes and workflows for storing doCU ment templates. Transferring the contents of the dictionaries A workflow for the dictionary process has been created that stores the personal data of employees. The report below presents the cr (...)

(...) server_name at14.webcon.pl www.at14.webcon.pl; ssl_certificate C:/nginx/cert/webcon.crt; ssl_certificate_key C:/nginx/cert/webcon.rsa; add_header Strict-Transport-SeCU rity max-age=2592000; location / { proxy_pass http://at14.webcon.pl:80; proxy_set_header Host $ host ; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $ remote_addr ; (...)

(...) o trusted sites to avoid possible problems with downloading the add-on. The user has placed the Contract.pdf file in the "Attachments" section of the form. However, to be able to edit the doCU ment, you need to save the element (before or after adding the attachment) so that it becomes visible in the process. A newly added attachment will always have version number 1.   Fig. (...)

(...) the next step. You can also define the instance on which the privileges will be added. There are two options: Dynamic – by indicating if the privileges are to be granted on the child/CU rrent/parent instance   Fig. 6. The dynamic element selection   SQL query – by creating an SQL query that returns the instance IDs on which the privileges should b (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction The WEBCON BPS system enables the synchronization of exchange rates. The available sources of CU rrency data are exchange rate tables provided by the National Bank of Poland, the European Central Bank, and the Central Bank of Russia. This article describes how to download and convert the rates provided by the Euro (...)

(...) o the appropriate approach to designing processes, it will be possible to use the Import-Export mechanism to automatically and quickly transfer changes between environments. Before moving on to disCU ssing the principles to be followed when creating exportable workflows, a few words of explanation about the operation of the  Import-Export mechanism have been included. Understanding it will ma (...)

(...) oups   A SQL query that returns all the applications for which the user or group has privileges: select CSC_APPID   , APP_Name   , lvl. Name from WFConfigurationSeCU rities        join WFApplications on APP_ID = CSC_APPID   join DicConfigurationSeCU rityLevels as lvl on lvl . TypeID = CSC_LevelID where CSC_USERGUID = ' (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: J&oaCU te;zef Cyran Introduction In the 2021 WEBCON BPS version, business rules were added that make it easier to work with item lists and allow you to color and dynamic style modification of the selected cells. The coloring of the item lists is shown on the example of a process for handling orders in a restaurant. Operation of the applicatio (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: J&oaCU te;zef Cyran Introduction The article presents two workflows, the first is used to plan absence by an employee, and the second to register absence requests (using wizard). A special workflow for creating absence plans allows the employee to plan the absence (e.g. at the beginning of the year), which will then appear on the Gantt chart. (...)

(...) w of the item list. According to the item list definition, it is the DET_ID column, it is also recommended to indicate such a column in this field. Data source – indicate a connection to the CU rrent database. SQL query – the query should contain the values that will be placed on the item list with indicating a column to which these values will be passed, in the form: Select &ls (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Jacek Język Introduction WEBCON BPS platform allows you to manage business applications in multilingual environments. PartiCU lar parts of the form were designed in such a way, that you can provide translations to any language that is used by the users while creating the workflow. From version 2019.1.2 on multilingual choice fields are compl (...)

(...) onments according to the rule stipulated in the following article: Implementation handbook - Application configuration compatible with DEV/TEST/PROD. It allows to effectively use frequently ocCU rring data on many environments.

(...) <Realm from Table>" $wsfedurl="<SAML single sign-on service URL from Table>" $filepath="<Full path to SAML signing certificate file from Table>" $cert = New-Object System.SeCU rity.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($filepath) New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "AzureAD" -Certificate $cert $map = New-SPClaimTypeMapping -IncomingClaimType "http://schemas.xmls (...)

(...) eous data verification in the form. It doesn’t require writing validation actions and that’s how the user is sure that entered data is correct. Validation is not required results in the doCU ment not returning for additional corrections. To sum up – this function of WEBCON BPS ensures high data quality and efficient system operation.

(...) c installation package since they need a SharePoint platform to work correctly. Modern mode may lack some functionalities that require SharePoint features to work correctly (eg. doCU ment preview in OCR verification mode, Postback mechanism). Additional changes The status panel has been moved to the right side of the form:   In WEBCON BPS 2019, the status pane (...)

(...) s done in the same manner as before – by right-clicking on an application or a process (which is a part of an application) and then choosing „Export”. You can also use the shortCU t: Ctrl+E after selecting the desired application/process to be exported.   Fig.1. Application export   The Export wizard will appear to guide you through the export process. (...)