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for ui

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction The form is a critical component of WEBCON BPS, serving as a condui t for the collection of business data. A user is more likely to complete a form accurately and attentively when it is attractive, convenient, and intui tive. Version 2024 R1 introduced the ability to change the proportions of the left and ri (...)

(...) e of the key aspects of a well-designed form. With crucial information readily available, users can not only perform tasks faster, but also make better decisions in the process. But how do you distingui sh this crucial information from other data and present it clearly to make it easy to interpret? Perhaps the answer lies in the Widget form field discussed in this article…    (...)

(...) make viewing easier, the report view can be expanded to cover the entire internet browser window by clicking on the report heading.   Summary Dashboards allow application designers to qui ckly and easily adapt the appearance of a given application to the needs of specific end users. The presented options for creating, embedding, and cloning reports on dashboards will certainly be appre (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction Designing a business application is a process that requi res both good memory and coordination from the people involved in it. Unfortunately, when faced with a large number of tasks, lengthy execution times, many people involved, or often all of the above, even the most capable mind must yield. To addre (...)

(...) you shuold use an SSL certificate. I'm using 'Let`s encrypt' service for my private environment. Using it with Windows IIS is pretty easy too as you will see in my latest blog post. It requi res: An internet connection on the server where the SSL certificate should be downloaded Installation of two tools. A password. A script with 7 lines of code. READ MORE: here (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; December 05, 2021 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de   Even though this is qui te old, it still works and it can help others: If you are providing multilingual user interfaces this post can provide you with little helpers to generate SQL statements: For multilingual choose fields. Multilingual icons &nbs (...)

External content by Daniel Krüger; February 04, 2024 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de   During my first Ask me Anything I was asked how I could add a custom help page.I found this question so intersting, that I went a little overboard. The result was a solution to automatically display a help icon, if there's a help page for this step. 

(...) sp; Introduction In WEBCON BPS 2024 R1, the Search Server component uses a new version of the Apache Solr index to search for data – 9.6.0. Because of this, updating WEBCON BPS will requi re additional steps. Most of these steps will be carried out automatically by the installer, nonetheless, some will need to be handled manually by the admin performing the update.   This ar (...)

(...) this is through "CUSTOM EMAILS" - emails where you can selectively highlight the information you want to convey. In this Knowledge Base article, I want to provide beginners with a brief gui de on how to customize the standard "Go to Element" and "Go to Application" links. The view of the Global Standard Template is functional but not very spectacular:   (...)

(...) like REST then you will have noticed that you can't view the outgoing request. This is also true, if you have a problem, when the instances hasn't been saved yet. All in all this can be qui te annoying, if there's some kind of problem.  There are two ways I'm aware of you can use: If you have access to the server: Install a proxy like HTTP toolkit. Debug a web s (...)

(...) cations via an application instead of the Designer Studio? In my opinion yes. But this is mainly influenced from a partner perspective who has to deploy the same process to multiple customers who requi re that these kind of things are documented. What would be the benefit of having an application: When something is automated, it can be tested, and therefore there's lest to document. D (...)

(...) Welcome to the WEBCON community forum. To ensure the best possible experience for everyone, we kindly ask that you adhere to the gui delines listed below. By participating in the forum, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to follow the established rules. You also agree to keep forum discussion limited to topics best sui ted for this type of medium. We wish for this forum to be a place where (...)

(...) During a presentation there was a comment that the indicator (traffic light) icons are not easily distingui shable for colour blind people. It would be an improvement if the icons would have a different shape in addition to the colour. One idea would be a red square, orange triangle and green circle. In addition there was the question if it would be possible to provide a tooltip what each icon indic (...)

(...) no chance for 3. I, for my part, would like to have the yellow highlighted variables in the attachment. For example I currently don't have a chance to get the current user language which would be requi red for my workaround here. https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/45/15 Best regards, Daniel

(...) ent Gantt charts in next Webcon BPS versions? Or maybe there is posibility to prepare Gant Chart in HTML attribute? I mean off course Gantt charts in Modern Webcon BPS, because we wouldlike avoid to bui lt new app on classic SharePoint, where gantt charts are available.

(...) ative or positive. I thought about using the advanced settings, but I have no idea how. Documentation: You can also define the path dynamically. To do this, select Use advanced settings and create a sui table SQL query in the Advanced path choice field. When is this executed? a) When the first sub-workflow is started b) When one sub-workflow finishes c) When all sub-workflows are in state finished (...)

(...) It happens that special privileges have to be applied on workflow elements, dashboards or views. Unless we work on a system with different test users, it is qui te difficult to check whether a certain user really has access to right artifacts or not. Sometimes i also get support tickets from customers telling they would see or not see artifacts. As an administrator oder system administrator it wou (...)

(...) single row editing experience: 1. Adding a next/previous button to the modal dialog so that you can easily go through the rows. 2. No fixed height for modal dialog. The max height of 400px makes it qui te hard use the modal dialog. It would be better if the available space is used. I already added a style overwrite for this. 3. If single row editing is used it would be better to display the icon on (...)

(...) etting, I get this: Request Url: https://test.findynamic.com/iris/credit-card/api/buyers Response Code: Exceptions: Error occurred : The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Requi red. Any ideas?

(...) Hello Everyone, I am looking for solution to exchange files between WebCon and SharePoint Online. I was thinking about bui lt-in actions in WebCon ("add an attachment to a list") as described in this article: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/creating-a-sharepoint-site-with-a-webcon-bps-action/203/3 Unfortunately probably because of MFA I am not able to establish connection with SPO (I get er (...)