(...) tance into a ZIP archive and save the resulting archive to disk. Note: For the action to work properly, you may need to prepare the server on which the PowerShell scripts are to be run. For more informat ion, see the documentation: Run a PowerShell script | WEBCON BPS. At the end of this article, you will find some tips and best practices to help you customize or extend this solution. (...)
(...) orization code is sent in the SMS notification, so you should perform the configurations described in the previous sections before changing it. Note: the mobile phone number must be in the correct format . More informat ion is available here: SMS concepts in Azure Communication Services - An Azure Communication Services concept document | Microsoft Learn. SMS vs. operation authorization (...)
(...) ses on the first option – direct installation in IIS. The described scenario assumes the preparation of an external site that will allow potential clients to request contact for more detailed informat ion. The functionality prepared in this way will be able to be embedded into the site as an IFrame. Fig. 1. Diagram showing the communication between Public Forms and WEBCON BPS & (...)
(...) niga Introduction In some cases it may be necessary to look beyond the diagnostic sessions and events stored in the database to diagnose errors occurring in WEBCON BPS Portal. Here, informat ion stored in the browser comes to the rescue: developer console data and HAR files. This article provides instructions on how to create and save the mentioned logs in the most popular browsers: Micro (...)
(...) atin alphabet, e.g. ö, ä. If the administrator is aware of the presence of such characters in the databases, it is recommended that the version upgrade be delayed. If there is no clear informat ion about the presence of special characters in the database names, we recommend backing up the database before the version upgrade. If there are no special characters in the databases, it is safe to (...)
(...) if not even mandatory. 1. Report - SQL Filter, there are a few variables there already 2. Calculated field in Reports and BPS internal view, no option to use existing variables 3. Report - advanced format ting, no options to use existing variables Why do I think that this would be mandatory? The path example of advanced colouring will just break on transporting the report to another environment: http (...)
(...) e now using GUID identifier witch enables using it's in all environments. But the functionality o Word templates are very simple. It's now enough flexible for control conditions for hide, show etc. informat ion's. For example: You can not show header of table, but empty row is always. In HTML you can control this. Adding using GUID in HTML templates give the more flexible possibility to build templates (...)
(...) Can you please add an option to encrypt fields, and user configure who can decrypt ? Why ? Becouse, in some business appliactions, administrators not always should be able to see some confidential informat ion send in BPS forms. Senders should decide.
(...) st Url: https://test.findynamic.com/iris/credit-card/api/buyers Response Code: MethodNotAllowed (405) Exceptions: Rest service call failed. Http code MethodNotAllowed (405). Inspect log to get more informat ion. If I disable this setting, I get this: Request Url: https://test.findynamic.com/iris/credit-card/api/buyers Response Code: Exceptions: Error occurred : The remote server returned an error: (407) (...)
(...) On reports we have the great possibility to execute mass actions by passing in some parameters. It would be a great having a similar kind of dialog menu action, where we can configure some informat ional text (e.g. as header/footer) and of course one or more fields as parameter. The configured parameters we then can use to execute an action. The dialog could contain a cancel and a okay
(...) in the forms where I think it will be helpful to the users. It can be very helpful even in the preview form in reports. Attached 2 screenshots with german and english browser. Please excuse the bad format ting - I hope you enjoy anyways! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT WFH_STPID, WFH_OrgID, WFH_COMID, dbo.clear (...)
(...) action to add items in a Sharepoint Calendar? I'm using this https://howto.webcon.com/sharepoint-calendar-adding-entries-from-bps-workflows/ to help in the configurations and I'm able to send the informat ion to Sharepoint: Message Log for my Action Message Address of a Sharepoint list: https://visionboxdomain.sharepoint.com/sites/customers/Lists/Calendar Inserting values: Title: Renovation Doc, (...)
(...) arepoint-document-library/54 I've did all the same configurations as the document to try to get it working but my Start BPS column is not displayed. The json code that is in the post needs to be format ted and my final version (for my case) is: { "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/v2/column-format ting.schema.json", "elmType": "a", "txtContent": "=if ([$Status] == (...)
(...) nd I'm saving the new entries in a Dictionary. I have the subworkflow set up and it's working but I need to add some rules in order to not create duplicates neither empty rows. For my case, the informat ion to be checked will be Customer Name and Address (because a customer name can have more than one address). I was trying to follow the query below but I'm not sure on how to add the dictionary ther (...)
(...) Hello, I'm working on a form of employee's declaration, which should contain a long text (an informat ion for the employee, mandatory for legal reasons). What is a proper way for placing these types of data on a form? Is there a way other than creating an attribute and assigning default value (assuming that the text will be constant).
(...) and done inside the application which can be pasted in email/world/excel. When the copy table is pasted in notepad++, the script is not available so I was trying to get ideas on how to paste the informat ion inside webcon and make it available as a table. Does anyone faced something like this? Thank you
(...) Is it possible to loop over all rows of an excel file? I have an excel file with employees informat ion(say 50 rows of employees). I want to navigate through each row, read and populate data in my form from excel columns and then trigger a workflow for each employee.
(...) ere possibility to change localization of attachment ? May be some workaround? Some action, rule, ect? I thought about action which will create a folder on shared drive and webcon form will show informat ion to user where to store attachment. But I don't know how to achieve this:/ Any idea?
(...) .434 and for the moment, I cannot upgrade it. I have to stick with this. I have two questions: 1. Is this a known bug or am I missing something? 2. Is there anyway I can send the mail in the desired format ?(1 person direct, 1 person in CC) Thank you, George
(...) satisfied with the application, I will create a blog post for this. Source and exported application: https://github.com/Daniel-Krueger/webcon_reportSubscriptions Attachment: Because of sensitive informat ion I blurred columns in the report screenshot and the table in the mail. Best regards, Daniel