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(...) Hi everyone, i installed WEBCON WITHOUT integrated authentication. Unfortunately, i skipped the step, where you have the option to setup a Windows User (see pic 1) - the manual said, it is not reqUI red (even though recommended). Now i cannot log into the Webcon BPS Designer Studio. Do you have an idea, how to setup the Windows authentication Connection to the Database afterwards - without integr (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I had the reqUI rement to calculate a reminder date based on a due date. This should be x days before while respecting the working day calendar. SQL Command for calculating a date _after_ the base date, attachment (1): select Top 1 [CAL_WorkingDate] from ( -- Top: number of working days before the base date SELECT TOP {BRP:13} [CAL_WorkingDate],[CAL_IsWorkingDay] FRO (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I've recently upgraded WebCon from 2020 to 2021 and everything went ok except qUI ck search. The "search everything" in our main application results in no elements founded. However when switched to "All aplication" view I can see all results and everything works fine. I suspect that the WEBCON Search service and its index is not up to date. Is there a way to rebUI ld that index?

(...) from 2021.1.3.205 to ver. 2021.1.4.84, I can see a very big performance drop for reports that have more than 250k items. Very often they don't even load at all. All indexes and sql statistics are rebUI lt. After verification, I found the reason, it is the column 'assigned to'. After removing this column from the report, all large reports are loaded almost immediately (even those with many calculated (...)

(...) Hi, Is it possible to copy an entire item list to a subworkflow? In the official gUI de, there is just an example of copying form fields to subworkflows: https://howto.webcon.com/action-start-a-sub-workflow/ Has anybody accomplished anything like this? Thanks

(...) " .validation-error-panel").removeClass("has-error") $("#" + columnName + " .attributeErrorsPanel li").remove() } My javascript doesn’t work with item list. It would be nice if we could have a bUI lt-in form rule function / JS function like SET ERROR(Field, errorText) - for every form diyplay mode . It would also be desirable to have something like this for item lists: SET ERROR ITEM LIST (Ite (...)

(...) Hi, we have a column visibility/edit/reqUI rement restriction for every field in an item list. But there is no column visibility restriction for the delete button, so you cannot prevent deletion of some rows. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern forms. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rules “Main form (...)

(...) I have a workflow that increments based on FY (ours is not the same as calendar year). ie FF22-#### With the new year, I see that the instance numbering wasn't setup qUI te right. The userbase needs the instance numbering to reflect FFFY-####, the #### increments throughout the year. Since the app was using "Instance numbering per year", as soon as we rolled into 2022 it reset from 42 to 0. I need (...)

(...) Hi everyone, WEBCON BPS 2022 has a new IIS reqUI rement "Dynamic Compression Module". You can enable this by executing the following line in PowerShell: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic Now I'm back to testing the new version. :) Best regards, Daniel

(...) it would be great if we would have an additional option to the "wizard mode". The implementation of the wizard mode always displays the current workflow upon path transition. At least I have qUI te often the situation, that I need a "conditional wizard mode". This means, that the wizard mode depends on the new assigned person. If it's the same person as the current one, the workflow needs to (...)

(...) there a technical solution from you guys (webcon), to "update" the Full-Trust installation to a standalone? Or is it necessary to set up a complete new installation with WEBCON 2022 standalone, rebUI ld all processes and do a migration of all existing data? That would not be possible without a certain amount of effort. If I remember correctly, it is not possible to export/import an application f (...)

(...) Dear All, is there a gUI de on setting multi tenant authentication for webcon? Until now we were using one tenant but would like to extend this to another one or two. I found multi tenant option in designer studio but with no additional options to configure it. How should we set the other tenant? is there a further configuration reqUI red on webcon end?

(...) Hello, I'm continUI ng my development of a form containing item list. The case is as follows: I add an item to the item list and after it is added (upon ending the edition in one item edit mode) I want to automatically add an item that is dependant (dependancy is held in one of the items list fields of the idem being added). However if edition is canceled nothing should happen. So, what approach (...)

(...) Is it possible to bUI ld an application that would grant permissions to other applications? When you have several applications, how do you grant permissions for a new employee to each application?

(...) I would like to bUI ld a solution for incoming correspondence registration. Registering an envelope (which has its own barcode) and some fields, I would like to add some other barcodes in the Item Lists field and I would like a subworkflow (documents in an envelope) to be created for each of the lines. I can create a subworkflow, but I don't know how to loop through the Item Lists. Do you have idea (...)

(...) ing new row is not allowed in this step.< The error appears on all steps when I click on dropdowns, check-boxes, item lists, path buttons and delete/save/delegate menu buttons. The designer LOG by GUI D is attachet as an image + trace of the error. Best regards!

(...) Hello everyone! I have a qUI ck question - is it possible to convert a dictionary process to document template process or a standard process? If so, how can this be done?

(...) But there are limitations that make the solution inelegant. First of all the form rule can not return a value (in opposition to business rules, but those however can not contain Javascript), which reqUI res to use an outside technical variable to hold the output of the rule. Again... it works, but could be more elegant.

(...) Hello! I've been qUI te active recently with questions while developing a CRM module. Today is not different. There is a process with elements serving as dictionary of "sales objects" (not a dictionary type process but a standard one at the time). There is another process called "Sales transactions". In this process there is an item list holding the items to be sold at the current transaction. Th (...)

(...) basket changes we need to send (delta) reservations to an external system with a SOAP request. So far so good, this is a common scenario ;-) What we have so far: A custom action (SDK) which bUI lds (delta) reservation XML to be sent to external system (SOAP). If there is no change in shopping basket, we are storing an empty string to an internal field (XML content), so that upcoming SOAP req (...)