(...) k required" other related field. In such situation I could set placeholder value i.e. 'fill this field with phone number' suggestion. Especially it would be useful in Item list. Today I can set row value (in item list) / field value (regular fields) that needs to be replaced by user with proper values. Such placeholder would be a better option to suggest expected content in field(s). Hope th (...)
(...) Hi, how to set a filter in the data source for a data table so that search-filtering by date works. The usual filtering according to the scheme does not work: 1. "some date (iso or brow ser settings)" = "field in the data table with a date" (like attachment) 2. "some date (iso or brow ser settings)" like "field in the data table with a date"
(...) Hello, Does anyone know if there's a way of adding a tooltip to custom buttons one adds to the form? I have an item list with a datarow column. Inside this column I'm creating a button like so: Basically, I'm replicating the buttons from the action column. I know I can add the title="some text" to the button to have a default tooltip. But I'd like to use the buil (...)
(...) s. You can find more inspirations here: https://docs.aspose.com/words/net/template-syntax/ Feature requests for this new / updated action would be: - Accessing all fields, item lists and data row s/column from the template - Joining multiple documents - Adding watermark - Generation of table of content Best regards, Daniel
(...) ://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-picture-form-field/32 https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/wfelementdetails-table-description/34 and more. Could you please correct it? I tried various brow sers, the results have been the same.
(...) ng the "default view" checkbox twice, (4), the variable definitions had been restored (5). You can execute this SQL statement to verify if there's something for you to do. It should not return any row s. SELECT TOP (1000) [ARP_ID],[ARP_APPID] ,[ARP_Name],[ARP_Configuration] FROM [dbo].[AppReports] where ARP_Configuration not like '%SelectedApplicationId>#%' Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi, I have a problem with adding new data in item list. When I'm try to add second row everything are deleting from row first. What can be the reason? In the item list are some columns with autofilling. Problem does not occur, when I type INDEKS (first column which is the main column through which the others are filled in. ) manualy (not using pop-up suggestions)
(...) Hello, I want to hide/show the buttons in an item list for : add row , delete row and clone but based on rule. To be more specific, I want the 3 buttons to be visible when the instance is using business entity 1, 2 and 3 , but when i use the business entity 4 i want them to be hidden. The only way I made it possible is by using a form rule with a Java Script, but could not see any build in Webco (...)
(...) Hi, It would be helpful if we could update the row s in the parent instance from another instance (child instance). It would be beneficial to be able to update the parent's itemlist row s when we initiate child instances for each line in the parent's itemlist. Thanks, Raluca
(...) ns dashboard. In a particular use case I have revoked access to the dashboard for certain users. Therefore, upon completion the system attempts to redirect but since there's no permission it will throw an error. Is this possible to prevent/circumvent? Thanks.
(...) uator.GetActionExecutionType() at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.d__23.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was throw n --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at WebCon.WorkFlow (...)
(...) Hello, I have item list with few row s and few columns, one is the column field type: Yes/No choice. I would like to save instance on Yes/No choice field change. I put to the field style and behavior – Form rule to be executed on value change – MOVE TO NEXT STEP XYZ. The XYZ path is starting and ending in current step (i.e. it is in fact the SAVE path). When value is changed, it is showing error mes (...)
(...) from 2017 to 2021 - testing phase. I have a problem with the visibility and requirement rules for fields in an item list, when the contents of one cell affect the behavior of another cell in the same row . The existing rules do not work. What is wrong?
(...) is using this template, I have noticed that some of the information are not taken correctly and I don't understand why. Maybe is helpful to say that some of the info here should be taken from a Data row field type, but still, I can't exactly see the problem here as some of the returned row s are working fine, some not.. This never happened to me before. To put this straight forward, the problems I (...)
(...) It would be very useful from the users' point of view to add the ability to change the order/position row s of the item list by dragging. Regards
(...) surely use it. The geolocation is also an interesting addition but if it's used in combination with the path authorization it will created unexpected results. I noticed that the geolocation of the brow ser is used, even if path authorization with method "application" is used. If this method is used, it would be great to use the location of the device instead. I made two tests, one with and one with (...)
(...) Hi, it would be great to have the UTC time in a hover effect of a time. In the attached screenshot you see the same element but with different times. One brow ser is running on a server with a different time zone. Even so it's explain it can cause confusion. Therefore some way of displaying the UTC+0 time would be great. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi Team, Is there a way to disable (eg. on value change if cell 1=1 then disable(cell 2)) particular cell in a row in Item List? I do not want to disable whole row nor column.
(...) e following idea and search for a solution: I have an items list; now in case a certain field is changed, I want to write the "old" value before the change into a different column of this itemlist row . Any ideas? Kind regards, Klaus
(...) I was thinking that it is a good thing you can place attributes horizontaly in a group. However in addition there could be something like "number of attributes in a row ". An example - when I have 9 attributes in a group and would like to place them in a matrix 3 x 3 (let's say in this case this is the best layout for some purpose) now I have to create 3 groups of 3 attributes and turn off the visibil (...)