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for row

(...) Hi, I have problem with adding new row in item list after passed value to existing field in existing value. on text field I have selected "Invoke callback rules after value change" and in Item list callback rule I add condition , if text value is not empty just add new row . Wvery time I press button "add new row " I get exception "After callback form rule of items list: .. row NumberCan (...)

(...) Hi, Do you know how to make row s in a 'Data table' field colorful? I get some data from subworkflows by the table field and I want to color some row s depending on their status: open - blue, closed-green ... Is there such posibility?

(...) query in the attached image is not working in the designer, but working flawlessly on the same DB in the MSSQL Management Studio. Is there the possibility that the designer somehow does not like "row _NUMBER" function? Or is it a Webcon bug? I hope someone has experience with this already. Thanks in advance :)

(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: you cannot use datarow fields on portal reports. Proposal: make it possible as it was a calculated field on report, running as subquery What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter

(...) Hi, As for now you have 3 options in Item List: add row s, update row s, and replace row s. But there is no option to delete row . It would be really handy especially if there are some flaws in process and some row s on item list that shouldn't be there. Now if you want to delete them by action you have to use Replace Values option with SQL Query that returns only row s, that you want to leave in the form (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I just had the need to get multiple row s of data without having access the the SQL database. I didn't want to create a field for this one time use case. Unfortunately the 'Test' result window of the expression editor, didn't have the option to copy the result. Luckily I thought of the Administration Tools\Search Logs. As you can see in the attached picture, I was able to execute an a (...)

(...) WHERE ... So we need to cancel save operation if this condition is met. Since it is a fresh workflow element it should not be persisted in database. Unfortunately I do not find any option to throw an error in an automation or at least I don't see it ;-) Any hints/suggestions on that? Thanks a lot & best regards, Nik

Hello community! I'm not new at all programming in C#, but what I would like to know and I've never found a working solution until today: How to show line numbers in stack traces of C# SKD plugins? For example, when printing the stack trace to the SDK log? Thank you! Marco

(...) Hi community! We want to add new row (s) to an item list due to customer requirement. This should be triggered on button click, that means on the client-side. Unfortunately I didn't find a way, to insert new row (s) to an item list in available JS functions. Does anyone know how to do that or could you provide some code samples? Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) I need that to be reflected on my side. I've tried two approaches: - Copying the value into another field, timeout after 7 days, copying again the field to have the status refreshed - Use of Datarow field with SQL command in the control field I have some issues here: - Timeout with the change value is giving me errors because there can be times where the field is only filled in on the system (...)

I've got a contract database workflow. One of the fields on the form is Project/Department field which is the same as user department in AD users list. Two users: Adam and his boss John. Is it possible to: 1. show in the report only these records, where current user login (account) department is equal to Project/Department felds. 2. on the app home show instances not only created by the current

(...) Hello, I have item list with anormous amout of row s from time to time. Few columns with action on it (for example set another column,select data etc.). When item list comes to 100 row s system will send many requireness (once requireness = one log on IIS). This causes slow loading of the form. No once form is unavalible ,error from web brow ser (Not enough ram memory). I have few ideas, but im i (...)

Hello Community, it's time to ask my first question...so please, be understanding and polite ;) Business case: 1. I have a dictionary process, let's say 'Products', with 'Tags' text field, which contains tags (eg. black, bike, red). Every tag is separated by ','. 2. I have another process, for example 'Order'. On this form, user can enter what he is looking for, on 'Description' field. I w

(...) I'm following this article https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/approval-process-on-the-item-list-with-row -blocking/138 in order to block row s. I've managed to give access to items list only users mentioned in one of the columns of item list using SQL against BPS Users list (see picture attached) , but all row s are available to everyone from this column, not only one row per one user. What am I (...)

(...) Hi, i have a question for this post. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/grouping-row s-of-item-lists/235 How can I change the sorting of groups, it is set to ascending by default, can it be changed to descending?

(...) Hello again, feeling a little bit like a newbie, i have another problem with ItemLists. I am playing around building a KANBAN Board with WEBCON. Therefore i would like to move ItemList-row s between my six ItemLists (Backlog, To-Do-List, In Progress, Test, Done, Blocked). After copying the row information to the new ItemList, i would like to _delete_ the old row (s) e.g. on the "UPDATE"-Path. (...)

(...) The last "under review" entry is from Mai 2022, so i post this request just another time. It would be such a great advantage, if you would at a "delete row (s)" function to WEBCON Action templates. Thanks, Bjoern

(...) Hello, is it possible to color every other (even) row in the reports so that the row s are more visible. In addition, is it possible to add edges in the row s to make the reports more readable. Example attached.

Hello all, Does anyone configured a validation rule and/or control field where you need to check if the lines added in a item list were already added in another instance? I have a process for overtime registration and I want to block the user to add a new instance with dates that were already added for the same person in webcon. I've created a control field but now all the processes are mov

(...) Hello, I would like to make a process where users can add row s to an item list on multiple steps, but be unable to edit previously added row s, except maybe certain columns on certain steps (eg. Completion date). I would also like to know if it's possible to make it so on certain steps, users are able to only edit already added row s, but be unable to add new ones. Thank you for your help!