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for subworkflows

(...) I have a structure where a meeting (parent workflow) has many Agenda Points (subworkflows ). On each Agenda point, I have (inter alia) two fields that I would like to include in Meeting Minutes (an item list on Meeting), where each line item corresponds to one Agenda Point. When I finish an agenda point I would like to create a line item in the items list (meeting minutes). SELECT '{1805}' AS {DCNCOL:253} (...)

(...) Hello all, First of all I would like to thank you for taking time reading my post! I'm working on a current process where I need to trigger many subworkflows to request information for the main one. Because the main one will keep being edited after the subworkflows are launched, I've decided to set them as parallel. They will be started through a item list and after one person for the task is selected (...)

(...) Hi All, I have a workflow where I use “Start a subworkflow (SQL)” action. I also have a “Wait for sub-workflows(system step)” step where I wait until all the subworkflows will end. I configured the “Wait for sub-workflows” to go back to “register step” when one of the subworkflows finished negative. See picture And here are my problems: Let say I started 3 sub-workflows and one of them went negative pa (...)

(...) Hi, Is it possible to copy an entire item list to a subworkflow? In the official guide, there is just an example of copying form fields to subworkflows : https://howto.webcon.com/action-start-a-sub-workflow/ Has anybody accomplished anything like this? Thanks

(...) At this pointthe only way to generate multiple word documents is to create multiple actions, or if you have a dynamic number of documents, you should use subworkflows . The second solution works alright when we are talking about 2-20 documents, but (I'm not sure if all of you are aware) creating an new instance, ore moving it one step is a verry slow action and if you need to move or create 1000 instances (...)

(...) Hi, Do you know how to make rows in a 'Data table' field colorful? I get some data from subworkflows by the table field and I want to color some rows depending on their status: open - blue, closed-green ... Is there such posibility?

(...) Hello all, I'm having some issues with the multiple lines filed which is now giving issues with a limit number of characters not allowing subworkflows to run. Does anyone have the same issue? I've added more lines in the field but it doesn't work as well. Thank you

(...) as got full history in the SQL and in history view (detailed one). Custom SQL taking data from WebCon BPS SQL databases can give you such SIMPLE overview on the form. It is also configurable - with subworkflows or not, which columns, etc. BUT basic version is about WHO clicked WHAT (and WHEN) in the process. What is also CRUCIAL...such solution MERGES ACTIONS and COMMENTs on one list in chronological or (...)

(...) flow (Database field Name) etc. • How to write SQL query / where to get ‘value’ from Dictionary process? • How to set up Step edit/Task creation/Tasks assignment to use this ‘value’ to assignment subworkflows (each subworkflow to other user/users group)? Any ideas?

(...) Hello, I've spend today over an hour copy/pasting data between notepad and webcon into run subworkflo action configs. In my use case - i have to start 1-10 subworkflows (each having different start condition), with different workflows, and forms, but with partially shared attributes (marked blue). I'm configuring actions in new process, so i've copied them from existing process, to avoid refilling data a (...)

(...) Is it generally impossible to use the above action type to create a new workflow item with a "filled" item list or do I have a mistake in my doing? I have a table (item list) where I want to start subworkflows from (depending on field value) where this line of the item list is "copied" to the new workflow. Creating the WF item is easy, but the table stays empty. Is this a bug in my query or doesn't it (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have a pretty workflow intense process (at least for me) - from main document i can start up to 5 subworkflows per subworkflow type (right now around 5). It sums up around possible 25 subworkflows , and none of those are technical. To avoid missing information, and digging through all of those elements we've decided, that commenting should be only possible on parent workflow, and this (...)

(...) Hello, The question I have sounds very easy, how do I cancel all the remaining subworkflows that are not already "answered" to? Parent - 12345 - will wait for all 3 subworkflows to be done Child 1 - 12346 - finished Child 2 - 12347 - in progress Child 3 - 12348 - in progress All I need is, if I cancel 12345, then 12347 and 12348 will automatically be classed as finished. Can you help at all? (...)