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(...) estimated, I am interested in the scale and speed of the database growth at the beginning based on the demo application. Has anyone tested it yet? Maybe there is a ready script that will measure it qUI te sensibly? (yes, I know sp_spaceused but I'm looking for a ready)

(...) I have a lot of questions and doubts about the possible scenarios of using the application in both the Express and Enterprise versions. It will be a rather long thread as there will be a lot of inqUI ries in it. At the beginning of: After reaching the maximum database size for the Express installation, can I uninstall the Webcon software, delete the databases and then perform a new clean insta (...)

(...) e action complets we do the same thing like go to bottom of the page scroll to right and do some action.. Instead if we have the actions in begining of the itemlist will be good feature or please gUI de me how to achieve this.

(...) n the content database An archive database was not involved. Update WFElements set WFD_AttText1Glob = WFD_AttText1 where WFD_DTYPEID in ( select DTYPE_ID from WFDocTypes where DTYPE_GUI d in ('31d8115c-a51a-451c-bdfd-ee17de78ab8c') ) Update WFHistoryElements set WFH_AttText1Glob = WFH_AttText1 where WFH_DTYPEID in ( select DTYPE_ID from WFDocTypes where DTYPE_GUI d in (...)

(...) Currently Webcon BPS does not offer an action to convert pdf to pdf/a. As there is a rising request for documents in pdf/a format, it would be great having a bUI lt-in pdf to pdf/a conversion action.

(...) Mayby someone has a solution ? Simple process / screen 1 / On step "Confirmationa" , group of users have to accept. I used functionality: Operation executed on parallel tasks: Wait for reqUI red tasks to be completed. Above functionality works fine. Problem is to now , who not accepted. How do it ? Thank you in advance Jerzy

(...) hen registering a new partner into our system with the action. In 2022 we just receive the following error »Object reference not set to an instance of an object.« I can not find anything in the log (gUI d of the error is not shown anymore). Best regards Aleš

(...) that needs about 1milion of documents to be generated once a month. That is a lot and using the actions it would take more than a month to finnish all the work. We have investigated how the reports qUI ckpath functionality works (because it seemed to work multithreading) and we have notticed that it uses JS to send async all the instances via the API. So we are now using the API via sdk in order to (...)

(...) I have a reqUI rement to create dictionary to enter form name, Step name, no.of business days. Form name and step name combination need to be unique and a validation error message should show if the user tries to post a entry with the same form and step combination that already exists in the dictionary. I have 3 different forms with different steps in a flow. I entered 1st entry as form1, Step1 an (...)

(...) Hi, I have such a problem. At some step in the process, there is reqUI red approval for costs. The task is signed to first person, but he is on sick leave, thus the task is assigned to a substituter, but a substituter is also on sick leave, so the task should be assigned to substituter of substituter, but isn't. BPS version 2021.1.4.118

(...) We have to now comply with SOX and part of the reqUI rements is to list all WebCon apps and permissions/priveleges for each level and the groups/people in them. Is there an easy way to dump all permissions/priveleges for all apps to a text file, pdf or other? If not I'll have to go through and take screenshots of each in designer!

(...) Dear Community, I have a question regarding attachments database. Size of the database is qUI te large and I'm trying to find optimizations here. Table / index compression is not a solution - compression ratio is barely reaches 0,5% level. I have found a lot of records in this database where attachments are deleted (column ATF_IsDeleted = 1). Is it safe to remove such records from database or it (...)

(...) version on SQL server Web Edition? Tried to find you if this version of SQL server is eligible to use with WEBCON BPS but didn't find anything accurate. From technical perspective it should work (reqUI red full-text search feature is available). With this SQL server Web edition license costs can be significantly reduced (i.e. in Azure workloads). Thanks in advance for aby comments here :)

(...) We are coming across scenarios, where it is reqUI red to audit the views and not only changes on an element. Ideally we would be able to configure the audit level: - View element - View attachment - Download attachment - View in report (elements retrieved and displayed on reports) - Edit element - Delete element As additional auditing is likely to have performance impacts and also increa (...)

(...) Hello, I have a qUI ck question - are privileges added to item through "Add privileges" action visible in the administrative "privileges to item" panel? I'm asking, because I have an action that is being run on an item, there is no error, but the rights given rhis way are not visible. Is it normal (I have the latest of 2021 versions still running)?

(...) a BPS Group and assign the AAD Group which holds all user i want to be shown in the picker in the advanced configuration of my people fields but i feel there has to be an easier way which does not reqUI re me to fiddle with every people field. If anyone has any suggestions it would be much appreciated. Cheers Pasquale

(...) Hi, we have a reqUI rement to calculate no.of days took to complete an assigned task. Created a business rule with below code: select count(*) as BusinessDays from Calendars where cal_isworkingday = 1 and cal_workingdate >'{BRP:26}' /*starting date*/ and cal_workingdate < '{BRP:27}' /*exit date*/ BRP:26 and BRP:27 are business rule paremeters. BRP:26 will be capturing on entry of the ste (...)

(...) r playing around with the answers in the former thread I think it may be helpful for others to present my approach here. If anybody wants to reply to improve it, I will be grateful to learn. 1) ReqUI rement Within a process a group of users is requested to deliver an approval by two different members from within the group. Also it shall be possible to change the process to two persons approving e (...)

(...) I found the ability to set default values within the HotMailBox configuration but this does not fit the needs if i.e. different tickets arrive at a HelpDesk application via e-mail. Can anybody gUI de me to an approach please? Thank you in advance. Best, Ingo

(...) red by the -UseWebLogin parameter off the Connect-PnPOnline cmdlet i extended our powershell cmdlets with a use weblogin feature. Fiddler and a bit of research in the web provided the right approach qUI te fast. Authentication works fine, but when using the rest api i receive an "invalid scope" exception. Seems that the rest api is only working with registered apps. Would be super cool havi (...)