(...) I do process where: Part I 1. On start, in first step, in form, in field = dropdown list, I pick te signature of other flow (different proces in particular step ID) 2. Then the fields are filled with data from that chosen flow form is full of data (thats OK) 3. And NOW In that chosen flow I have got Item list how to by picking from dropdown list filled new itemlist with data ? I crea (...)
(...) _0() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Entities.Relations.CacheEntityFKRelationStore`1.GetRelation(Int32 id, Func`1 getEntity) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.CacheStore.GetWFStepOrderedStepFormfields (WFStepFormCacheEntity entity) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.TypedCacheStore.GetWFStepOrderedStepFormfields (WFStepFormCacheEntity entity) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Entities.WFStepFormC (...)
(...) Hello everyone, I'm trying to create an article-based analysis. The evaluation should list how often an item is affected in a complaint. Unfortunately, although I can add the corresponding fields as columns for a list view, I cannot display them in the form of a chart. Why do these fields have the blue text [Positions] in front? What is it about these elements that I cannot select them in the view (...)
(...) Hello, I have 2 form fields - Person (Assignee, Manager) I would like to create a report and filter that report based on these 2 columns. It is working fine, until Assignee/Manager is multiple value. If there are 2 persons assigned, it doesn't bring that instance in the report. This is my formula (SQL filter): and (WFD_AttChoose1 like trim('##currentloginname## ' )+'#% (...)
(...) don't actually want that the users have editing rights on all instances and do not want to create complicated rules, that then unlock the overall rights, but immediately revoke the rights for certain fields . In the field matrix I can only set the attachements checkbox to visible or invisible. Other formular fields can bet set to 'Read-only'. In my example, a sales employee should still be able to a (...)
(...) onDispatchInfo.Throw() bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) bei WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.Formfields .Subelements.SubelementFormField.d__116.MoveNext() --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDis (...)
(...) d this in 2021 version, but it generates error: Method not found: 'WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.Base.ReadOnlyEntitiesCollection`1 WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.NewDocumentData.get_Textfields ()'. System.MissingMethodException at WebCon.SRC.CustomActions.ADEmployeeSID.Run(RunCustomActionParams args) at WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.ActionPlugins.CustomAction`1.WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Interfaces.Ac (...)
(...) Hello Experts, We're currently on BPS version 2021.1.2.143 (getting ready for upgrade) I try to invoke a REST API to update form fields , and I get a proper response from the service, however, it doesn't update the fields . I'm using OData Query to filter and expand the data, and load the response definition from the service. The action configuration and action log with response are on my pictures. (...)
(...) inion it would be great, if the Archive view /explore/all could be configured on a global level in Designer Studio. Maybe as a BPS internal view. This would allow us to define the system and global fields which are available for every process. For example I really would like to have the option to see/sort/filter the modified date and business entity which is currently not possible. I'm writing t (...)
(...) Hello! I'm currently implementing a workflow where I first create a Word document with form fields , initiating with the 'Start editing a file using OneDrive' action. This allows me to access and edit the Word file directly from my OneDrive folder, and everything works perfectly at this stage. However, I encounter a problem in the subsequent step of my workflow. After making modifications to the Wo (...)
(...) nted enough work arounds where it didn't work. I would like to have this option everywhere where a field can be set. A list of actions which come to mind: - Change single field - Change multiple fields - All Item list actions - Start workflow - Start workflow (SQL), maybe we could use the name of the calculated column WFD_AttChooseX_ID to tell the system to set the id - Move workflow (SQL), may (...)
(...) Hi, have you ever seen "Invalid form field order (name of field...)" error on main form, global form template? Once it happens, it happens any time I try to reorder fields on the form, and the field names are random. Also, with this error, the order of the fields becomes random, and impossible to manage. 2022.1.4.297 Any help? Best, Rafał
(...) Choice field, regardless of whether 'Attribute validation' is selected on the path or not. I need advice on how to get around this problem in the case of paths such as: Reject, Reverse, where these fields contain random data, e.g. set via OCR - without any intervention in the fields by the user. Regards
(...) ------------------- w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Extensions.DicWFFieldTypesExtensions.IsEditable(DicWFFieldTypes this) w WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ExpressionTree.LeafTagRepository.ObjectIDFormfields PrefixRepository.ShouldGenerateSiblings(DicWFFieldTypes type) w WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ExpressionTree.LeafTagRepository.ObjectIDFormfields PrefixRepository.GetDefaultPrefix(IWFConfiguratio (...)
(...) ut i have a new project in August, where such a feature would be nice. I have some ideas for a plugin (as far as I remeber, a problem is the DPI from the Signature field being higher than of picture fields ) -> Wouldn't that be a nice new feature? 26.09.2022: ======== Hello WEBCON, we are working on a prototype to document defects. Therefore, we would like to use a new kind of form field: It (...)
(...) el tree childrens are leafs, they can't be parents. On those children forms, there are validation rules, which depends on data from the parent form, and a path [Validate] which checks for required fields . To make sure that children forms are filled properly - when I'm moving the parent form to further steps I'm invoking that [Validate] path on all childrens to make sure, that data is filled correclt (...)
(...) Hi, so there is a new version of Autenti plugin, also working with Webcon 2023. There are new configuration fields /options: Signature Type (Required) SMS authentication Unlock document by SMS Is there ANY documentation regarding options for those fields ? Experimenting, I discover that Signature Type must be numeric, and: 0 means Autenti signature 1 means qualified electronic signatu (...)
(...) Hello all, I have a data table field where I'm selecting the fields using a SQL query. One of the field is a picker and I want to show just the Text and not the ID. I've tried many options but as soon as I try using the Database-Name, it's giving errors. I believe it's because the option has space on it : 'Non Ok'. But the system should overcome this right? Even using the DBO function, it doesn't w (...)
(...) Application". Additionally, emails for users who rarely interact with WEBCON often find the "Go to Element" button confusing. It would be desirable for us if the names were customizable and the fields could respond to HTML design instructions. Ideally, it would also be great if images could be used as buttons for that fields . If I have missed any existing options for this, I would appreciate (...)
(...) CON and I have a problem. I have an items list with REST API as data source where user can pick and book tools for some time period. Time period property is not included in REST API so I'm using form fields for booking dates. Then I need to filter the items list using tools from REST API and dates from WEBCON database to exclude unavailable tools. Unfortunately i didn't find the way to do it using the R (...)