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for action

(...) Hi, it is posible to export data from item list to Excel in action but only id from column value? Only way i found is map item list to excel table (Sheet1!Table1). In this way the whole (id and name) of column is exported. But I want only id or name.

(...) Is it possible to generate a QR code other than the database document ID in Webcon BPS? I used the action described below but it is not optimal for me. I have an action (javascript) that generates a QR code and puts it in an HTML attribute. The QR code is created from the value of the text attribute. I want to insert this QR code into the attachment created from the document process. HTML created in (...)

(...) mal2 * WFD_AttDecimal3. Sounds trivial, but it isn't, especially in a SaaS system, where 'Run an SQL procedure' is missing. Another approach for us was to use 'Update related workflow instance' action , but this approach obviously leads to nowhere (maybe this is a bug or document context is missing here). We tried this in a minimal example, just using current instance id as value in action (see (...)

(...) We are aware that some functionalities are not available in a SaaS environment, like some query action s. But is there an official listing of what is not allowed in SaaS? Because Building and Testing a project on-premise, and having no way of knowing if something will break on PROD because of that is not acceptable. Is there a way to test for it? Or at least have something to read through to workar (...)

(...) a great addition to version 2022.1.2.31, thanks to Webcon Team. Unfortunately I do not find any documentation on that, especially how to iterate over 'Any Collection' and access columns in custom action . If I select 'Any collection' and put some SQL statement in there, is there a way to access specific table columns from generated table result? If I take a look at the configured XML I only see (...)

(...) Hi folks, My goal is to send an email when a comment has been entered in a instance. Sadly I have found no way to find out if there has been a new comment to trigger an email action on path traversal. I hope someone can help out. Best regards Fabia

(...) Im trying to construct a Workflow using GDPR settings. For the data to be stored im using personal data dictionary. How to configure external data sources and how to configure the SDK action s to search into the data sources.

(...) ere is list of employees which is maganed by one employee A. That employee A wants to share that list to few directors (B, C) to ask them for fill in some columus. My question is that is there some action to split item list for subprocesses and then, after directors (B, C) fill data, return it to main process (to employee A)? The condition that need to be met is that director B can't see data of dire (...)

(...) Hi, Does any of you know how the API key should be entered in the SDK action in the "Integration key" field? On the autenti platform, I generated the ID and key, but entering the same key in the integration key does not work and I get the error: 401 Unauthorized. Best regards, Jakub

(...) When I use form fields in some action s the field value are not actually filled correctly. It just uses the field code. Updated to the latest version this week. Don't think it was an issue before, so maybe a bug?

(...) Hi All, Is there a webcon function/action to invoke pop-up window to enter some value or person? Idea: - we want to have a "consult" button - but we don't want to have a permanent consultant field on the form as it's a bit confusing to someone - therefore the best solution would be to have some action in a way that when we click on "consult" path, window will pop-up asking who do You want to consul (...)

(...) Hi all! We want to add some rows to an item list with 'Change item lists values' action . The SQL query should take a JSON array (which is perfectly valid) from UI element and return a table for adding new rows to this item list. Unfortunately this does not work. There seems to be some parsing on Webcon side, which eliminates all elements in the JSON array, apart from the separator, which result (...)

(...) . But I need to alert the responsible on the child flow so they are aware that the field was changed. I'm not sure how to play with versions or IsChanged (using SQL command) to created an execution action for this and I don't want to add another field so they can enter the final date. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you!

(...) Hi, I'm trying to use the "change the value of a single field" action to set the image field to empty after an image was added. The action is done, but there are no changes regarding the image (it's still there). WEBCON version 2022.1.1.53

(...) Hi everyone, I have problem with adding multiple attachments. When I use action "Add attachment", I can add only one attachment (picture1). When I use the same action , but the SQL query returns more the one attachment - the action doesn't work (and it doesn't matter if the ID's of attchments are in the one row or many rows). Thank you for your time :)

I need to upload attachments to our company cloud services. Below is the web api endpoint that accept a file: [HttpPost("createfilewithcontent"), DisableRequestSizeLimit] public async Task CreateFileWithContent([FromForm] GFileWithContentWrite fileInfo) { var stream = fileInfo.File.OpenReadStream(); var createdFile = await _driveService.CreateFileAsync( ne

(...) Hi, I'm using MS Graph to send emails. No matter what I define in the notification action on process level, Webcon uses the default email address set in the System settings > Email notifications > Configuration of sending emails. Is this a known bug or is it me that is doing something wrong? The version I'm using is 2022.1.2.59 Thank you in advance for a reply.

(...) Does the details text give any hint that I do not get so far? Appreciate any hint or help. Thank you in advance. (Details BEGIN) url: https://webcon-test./api/nav/applications/mostused | action : GetMostUsed ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome (...)

(...) .ExportManager.ExportMappingList(ExportParameter exportParameter, IExportLogger exportLogger) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.Wizards.ImportExportWizards.ExportApplicationWizard.CreateMappingList(action `1 onGenerationProgress) 9/13/2022 2:14:08 PM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (...)

(...) Hi, this question may be silly, but I found no sufficient solution yet: Task: After generating sub workflows from item list entries get the item list entries removed. Approach: Use the action to change item list values with "Replace" Effect: One item list entry is created, all the others are removed Question: How do I get an item list blanked, all entries removed from the database *without* one (...)