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(...) is no '}' in the SQL query of the subworkflow action... So now I am facing the mystery where exactly this error occurs at all and what exactly is the cause. Does anyone know where I can find more informat ion about the error? (Without ACTID or GUID I can't search for errors in the administration tool. Where else could I search?) Thanks in advance! ** The subworkflow directly follows a path that (...)

(...) Is it possible to create custom email that sends the informat ion to the autor with the link to the element when user clicks on the path? If yes how so

(...) y 1 - it is increased by number of attachments i tried to add using this button. As i said im new in webcon so if my issue description is too haotic please tell me if I could provide you with more informat ions.

(...) ort. I've checked how to do this and I came up with this query using the GET /services/data/v52.0/analytics/reportTypes/Opportunity But when I use the field as a Data table in order to check the informat ion, the list comes empty. Anyone tried this? Do you know how to bring reports instead of using SQOL queries? Thank you!

(...) Hello, I try to render values from a rich text editor (multiple lines of text; Mode: Rich) as a column of a table on a Word-Document. But after the Wordfile generation the format ting is lost. In the database the value is stored as: X2OTestBla  Is it possible to generate the Wordfile with the given format ting? Thanks in advance. 1st Image: Value in the Rich-Text-Editor 2nd Image: Res (...)

(...) d generate "chapters" - Chapters could contain other chapters - Displaying multi line fields with rich text - Displaying pictures from attachments inside the document - Conditional displaying informat ion inside the document - Using the same template from different sources using data tables. You can find more inspirations here: https://docs.aspose.com/words/net/template-syntax/ Feature requ (...)

(...) hi there, how i can modify the format of the form (default) to custom form by placing the text field first and then the name of the field., see the attachment for mor explanation please assist.

(...) Has anyone encountered this error? I installed the Word package, and when I try to edit a Word template, I receive the error "Cannot download the informat ion you requested." Do you have any idea where I can find more informat ion about this error? Thanks, Raluca

(...) Hello Everyone I'm writing to you because maybe someone has already had a task as wonderful as me :) I need informat ion about which users and at what level they have access to each application and process. I searched the forum but didn't find anything similar. I'm going to write SQL because I don't think there is any other option. I will be grateful for the sql pieces :) Regards

(...) de the picker field. The user will be selecting options on the picker data source window and I would like that the system would allow choosing various options and populating the item list with the informat ion. I know I can accomplish this with a choice field and then showing the details on a data table view. Thanks

(...) quest Url: https://domain/api/data/v4.0/db/1/elements/2450/admin/privileges Response Code: BadRequest (400) Exceptions: Rest service call failed. Http code BadRequest (400). Inspect log to get more informat ion. Can someone help? Thank you.

(...) Hello, our informat ion security office has detected a log4j vulnerability. We currently have the log4j-1.2.17.jar version for WebCon BPS 2023 R2 Is it possible to upload version 2.21.1 according to the article https://kb.webcon.pl/security-podatnosc-cve-2021-44228-w-apache-log4j2/? https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/download.html Will the new version of BPS include this type of fix?

(...) Hi all, do you have any informat ion where are kept the covers in the database on the 2023 version?

(...) I have built a Word template and placed all fields I need in there. But when a process is using this template, I have noticed that some of the informat ion are not taken correctly and I don't understand why. Maybe is helpful to say that some of the info here should be taken from a Data Row field type, but still, I can't exactly see the problem here as some of the returned rows are working fine, some not. (...)

(...) BPS users and I found out that they are saved in BPS_Config instead of BPS_Content. From the Administration tab I activated license for some users, but I have no idea in what table I can see this informat ion. I want to make a calculated column in a dictionary report where I can see witch user has license. So in what table I can find if a BPS user has license or not? Thank you, Best regards!

(...) ore Initialization Failures BPS_Activities_shard1_replica_n1: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error opening new searcher Please check your logs for more informat ion

(...) application (employee adds an absence or HR adds the sick leave) an action creates entries in this presence confirmation technical workflow. So this technical workflow stores the entries providing informat ion when employees were absent and when they were working. So this is really something similar to attendance list (see the attached picture for the example). My goal is to be able to view all this (...)

(...) He all, I was searching, but can't find informat ion anywhere. Is there a possibility to run some javascript or form rules on load of the main website page of local webcon instance? I'm preparing a process where users manually confirm their being at work. It would be very appeciated, that when tey load any page of local webcon instance, there would be some code testing if they already confirmed their (...)

(...) s as there is no way you could perform anything there now). This way you could force a user to "punch the clock" after logging to webcon (load and start a dedicated workflow) or show some important informat ion after the user logs in.

(...) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.Extensions.DebugInfo.DebugInfoMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IDebugInfoGetter debugInfoGetter, IPerformanceCounterFactory counterFactory, IFrontendTraceProvider format ter, IDefaultableDbInfoProvider defaultableDbInfoProvider, IUserCredentialsManager userCredentialsManager, IDebugInfoManager debugInfoManager, IHttpContext synchronizedHttpCtx) at WebCon.BPSCloud. (...)